View Full Version : Hippie or Jarhead? Ponytail, dreds or high and tight?

The Counselor
04-26-2011, 00:00
My way of thinking is less hair is easier to deal with out in the woods. As such, I'll be requesting the #3 blade a day before I hit the trail. My girls at home won't be happy but, hey, it grows out.

What's your druthers?

04-26-2011, 00:11
I have been doing the #2 cut since I shaved my head in honor of Sasquatch 2014 a year and a half ago. Previously I was an aging hippie with longer-than-it-should-have-been hair and a full beard. I went with a go-tee when I shaved my head and since have gone back to a full beard, but I keep it tight (#2, same as head). My hair is much cooler in hot weather and doesn't mat down when sweaty, which accentuates my ever growing bald spot.

04-26-2011, 00:15
My inner aging hippy wants to let his freak flag fly, but my practical side is leaning towards short enough to not have to comb it - Cooler and easier to see the ticks :eek:

map man
04-26-2011, 00:40
I got my first buzz cut a couple days before my first backpacking trip in 2006. Ever since then I get out my clippers and give myself a trim back to a quarter inch every couple of months. Haven't had to comb my hair in five years now and saved a lot of money on haircuts.

Kaptain Kangaroo
04-26-2011, 01:53
The #2 cut was definitely easy to keep clean on the trail...just watch out for the sunburn !

One of my lasting memories from the trail is washing my clothes in the laundromat in Damascus & striking up a conversation with a couple of local ladies. I asked them where I could get a hair cut the next day & one of them said "just stay right there" & left. She came back in 10 minutes later with a pair of clippers and cape, & gave me a cut in the laundromat !
What great people.........

04-26-2011, 07:02
I have a #2 at home, so I use a #1 on the trail, just for something different. Very short hair is a lot easier to take care of, and easier to find ticks.

04-26-2011, 08:29
#1 here - got my first buzz cut in 2006 and it has been my hairstyle since.

I just put a new blade in my Wahl clippers in fact.

04-26-2011, 08:37
^^ Wahl is the best, got the Wahl Peanut about a year ago and never bought a razor since, I shave with that thing too! Small and light enough to throw in a bounce box or something as well.

04-26-2011, 09:19
Between genetics and personal preference, I've had a buzz cut most of my adult life.

Now that I am bald on top, I just go with #0. One step above BICing it...

For hiking, it is so much easier....

04-26-2011, 09:41
easier, cleaner, safer and you smell less!

Fog Horn
04-26-2011, 10:04
As a female I can tell you that long hair is easier for us than short hair, unless of course, a female wants a high and tight too. I plan on braiding my hair for the better part of the trail. Keeps it relatively clean and when it gets greasy it doesn't really touch me. If I was a guy and hitting the trail though, I'd buzz my hair.

04-26-2011, 10:25
My way of thinking is less hair is easier to deal with out in the woods. As such, I'll be requesting the #3 blade a day before I hit the trail. My girls at home won't be happy but, hey, it grows out.What's your druthers?


see ya'll out there May 28-June 12
DWG...NoBo...to Kent,CT

Doc Mike
04-26-2011, 10:36
No guard just the wahl clipper. Ultra-light weight so even the gram weenies can appreciate it. Anyone who cuts off their tooth brush shouldn't carry a comb.

04-26-2011, 14:24
I had short hair since 1990, then last year my wife said she'd like to see me with longer hair. Now its shoulder length and it seems like every month I have a female stranger walk up and tell me how much they like it. Its not that bad on the trail, just need to wash and brush it every 2-3 days just like short hair.

04-26-2011, 14:29
Ive had my head shaved since my Air Force days, but lately i decided to see what would happen if i just let it grow all out. Currently starting to resemble Grizzly Adams now. Weird feeling too. No more breezeiness across the ole' pate. And the chin mullet(beard) is becoming a wonderful way to catch foodstuffs and spilled beer.

04-26-2011, 14:55
As a female, I concur that long hair is easier than short. The longer the better. One or two braids. You can leave it that way for a couple days before you have to rebraid it, depending on your hair type, of course.

Come to think of it, it'd be the same for men. So basically, it's the extremes that are easier. Very long or very short.

04-27-2011, 19:22
When I hiked the trail back in the 70s, it was halfway down my back. It was very easy, just keep it tied up tight.


singing wind
04-28-2011, 01:28
Maybe check out tastytrek.com - one of the dudes just successfully thru-hiked NZ's Te Araroa 3,100 km trail with dreds... Just sayin'. HYOH.

04-28-2011, 06:10
#2 for me, head and face..... DIY out in the garage over a garbage can.

So So So easy

04-28-2011, 06:20
this is a thred matty can word best.

hair is very loud.
and its a big blabbermouth.
and we have a love hate relationship with it.
we fight till the death.

we build machines and cages and containment chemicals.
we order and command and inspect and punish.
its like the marines up there.

hair wins , hair looses, we win , we loose.
we sin, we shmooze, we booze.
hair dont care, like honey badger, hair dont give a shi*.

you cant make hair care.
the very idea is lame.
hair dont care.
not up there.
not in your underware.
if hair had its druthers, it would split.

04-28-2011, 06:27
my hair is thick and lushus and nary a gray on my bod. im 50, clean and sober and have no std. my blood is a-. will someone quick invent total hair transplant surgery so i can sell my hair to a hairless person who would like mine in exchange for a simple thruhike and rent while im gone. all offers concidered. and i will require my own dog as part of the deal. with his own pack and food allowance.and i may require more than one dog once i get comfy.

04-28-2011, 08:59
I used to buzz cut my head until I did a 10 day section hike in 2005 and decided to shave it and have been shaving it ever since. My hair landscape is a complete nightmare so the less I have the better.

04-29-2011, 22:28
I used to have shoulder length locks. I could go two weeks without washing or brushing it. Just fingers through the hair. A little grease never hurt.

#3 is my usual nowadays. Trimmed up for corporate and now working a machine. Who knows where it will be next... maybe a bic?

Had a full beard, but my wife likes the goatee better.