View Full Version : Yet another record attempt! Nature Boy

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Del Q
05-27-2011, 07:58
This really super-sucks!

A different spin, it is not yet June 1st, heal, he can start again, if not NOBO, SOBO, tons of time between now and December 31st He will be back, one way or another.

Pedaling Fool
05-27-2011, 08:26
Hey all....let's not turn this into another "The guy who lived in a snow cave for a year and went hiking for a record (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?t=67471)" thread. :)

No good came of that.

Nature Boy was obviously hurt based on what other people said and reported from first hand experience.

Are there were other circumstances beyond what we know? Well..who knows? (in my case,cares? ;) )

But, after the first round of initial speculation, these threads invariably turn into pissing contests.

So, let's try to keep it civil.. :)

I think we all hope he has a speedy recovery and comes back to do the trail under better circumstances!

Party pooper

jersey joe
05-27-2011, 08:29
No one here has any reason to doubt what Nature Boy has said. I probably wouldn't have gone to the hospital or police either. Doing either would probably have just made my headache worse. It is a shame because he was really starting to crank out mileage, he did a 50 mile day before the incident. I don't think he has a chance for the record now though, but hope that he comes back when he is healthy and tries again.

05-27-2011, 08:43
I'll bet this hike started on April 1st.

05-27-2011, 09:17
I'll bet this hike started on April 1st.

Bahahahahahaha :D...

05-27-2011, 09:46
I met Nature Boy in the Smokies, and he hardly seemed like the type who would cut and run. I'll bet he's truly glad that everyone here on WB has found yet another topic to bicker about. I wish him luck, whatever he decides.


05-27-2011, 09:46
Interesting. Was this crime reported? If so, to whom? If not, why not?

the whole story.
if someone beat my ass to confusion and unconciousness i'd be goin' to hospital. not texting friggin' docs

My BS detector is in the red zone, too. When you’re going for a record and loudly proclaiming it (FB, Twitter, TrJour, WB), and getting corporate support, and asking for public donations, it’s only fair that skepticism arises.

No matter the circumstances of his injuries, wishing him recovery.

05-27-2011, 10:39
So you are saying that someone has actually seen him(NB) on the trail first hand and can verify all that he has said has really happened to him? I for one do care - to me, it's fascinating. If it's true, he has to have some really onery, dedicated people harassing him, or he has to be the unluckiest person on the AT.
Yes. Elder went and saw him the next morning and checked on him. He said he's pretty beat up.

05-27-2011, 10:44
I just spoke to Nature Boy on the phone. If he is bs'ing then it will come out eventually. And some folk cannot stand to go to doctors for anything. He might not have the money to do it, who knows?

05-27-2011, 11:15
I just spoke to Nature Boy on the phone. If he is bs'ing then it will come out eventually. And some folk cannot stand to go to doctors for anything. He might not have the money to do it, who knows?

larry wanderer hit the nail on the head. was gonna say my friend the only wanderer but,...um,...i did something thats uncool once again while in his town witch is damascus , when i was at traildays. i once again did what me and tow agreed many times is the one thing that makes him worry about me. i said i would do something and then didnt. tows an angel who gives all and asks but one thing. honesty. i was all posting about how i was excited to visit , and didnt stop by for so much as a wave. all traildays i felt like crap larry, for not pickin up my hug. i put my dramma before friends. and as usual, you took the brunt. i had hours and hours i could have walked over and do the love thing with my bro. but i selfeshly made dramma, stressed my friends and diddnt take care of myself. all while compulsively obsessivly trashing to keep my mind busy. i got a million excuses tow. as usuall.i know your still my bro. it just sucks that im such a jack. sorry, ment crap. jerk, whatever. me, the idiot you tollorate and give love to year after year. ill never say i owe you cause you taught me better.
but tow? you hit the nail on the head about nattybo with your big fat fist once again. hes one of us, truth and bull that happens, will come out eventualy. were like submareners in that. everybody knows everything eventualy.

05-27-2011, 11:30
My BS detector is in the red zone, too. When you’re going for a record and loudly proclaiming it (FB, Twitter, TrJour, WB), and getting corporate support, and asking for public donations, it’s only fair that skepticism arises.

No matter the circumstances of his injuries, wishing him recovery.

Hmmmm..glad I didn't say that about Crazyhair, some one might have called me a D I C K...oh wait, someone did.

the goat
05-27-2011, 12:30
My BS detector is in the red zone, too. When you’re going for a record and loudly proclaiming it (FB, Twitter, TrJour, WB), and getting corporate support, and asking for public donations, it’s only fair that skepticism arises.

No matter the circumstances of his injuries, wishing him recovery.

Hmmmm..glad I didn't say that about Crazyhair, some one might have called me a D I C K...oh wait, someone did.

lol! yeah, my hypocisy detector is in the red zone.

05-27-2011, 12:56
For Those That Hunt The Wounded Down.
David Adams Richards

05-27-2011, 13:03
Low Lifes do exist, and they can hunt you down.

Likelihood before the fact - not to bloody likely.
Likelihood after the fact ? Different story.

People do need to be careful not to draw too much attention to themselves, and publish real time data about where you might be found sleeping alone. People also need to be aware that if you do become a victim, other people will hunt you down and question your character. Just sayin'.

jersey joe
05-27-2011, 14:21
Nature Boy via a tweet six minutes ago:
"Turns out, after going to the hospital, that I suffered a head trama (concussion). They did a CT and it came back good, no bleeds."

05-27-2011, 15:12
I hope he filed a police report.

05-27-2011, 16:17
its a dam shame, but the clock doesn't stop on a record attempt.

He can mark it down as a footnote. It may be a disputed record, but aren't they all?

long island bob
05-27-2011, 17:44
it is even possible for someone with cracked ribs and a concussion to do 50 mile days? I'd love to see him break the record, but not at the expense of his health...

I didn't think it was possible for an UNinjured person to repeatedly do 40 and 50 mile days.

I've had both a concussion and broken ribs so I can tell ya a little about them.

the after effects of a concussion vary from case-to-case. For the first 24 hours he will be woken up every 2 hours. If his brain is not bleeding he'll be released from the hospital rather quickly.

BUT they will want several follow-up appointments over the next 2-3 weeks.

In my case it would not have affected my ability to do walk long distances on level ground even with a pack. Things that require exertion (like. lifting barbells or speed-hiking the Smokies) can sometimes bring on other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness etc.

Broken Ribs:
Broken ribs hurt. The after-effects of broken ribs are about as painful as the after effecs of smacking your thumb with a hammer, but they last for about 12 weeks instead of 12 days.

Sleeping on your wrong side can be a problem. Sleeping at all can e a problem. Getting your pack on can be a problem (but carrying one typically is not.) Doing anything that requires heavy breathing can be painful (expand your lungs too far and you cause re-injury).

It depends a person at a normal physical level typically finds those injuries will
- cause him to willfully avoid extreme physical acts (but then again I heard of a college rugby player who played rugby with broken ribs)
- cause him to somewhat scale back his normal activity level.

But we are talking about Nature Boy. What is normal to him?

Red Hat
05-27-2011, 20:20
apparently I was wrong about broken ribs... I thought I heard it from a very reliable source, but when Natureboy posted that he didn't have cracked ribs, I asked again I found they never said it, I may have dreamed it... I was very angry and worried about him. Anyway, I am glad that there is no bleed and hope he is feeling well soon

05-27-2011, 20:32
I didn't think it was possible for an UNinjured person to repeatedly do 40 and 50 mile days.

I've had both a concussion and broken ribs so I can tell ya a little about them.

the after effects of a concussion vary from case-to-case. For the first 24 hours he will be woken up every 2 hours. If his brain is not bleeding he'll be released from the hospital rather quickly.

BUT they will want several follow-up appointments over the next 2-3 weeks.

In my case it would not have affected my ability to do walk long distances on level ground even with a pack. Things that require exertion (like. lifting barbells or speed-hiking the Smokies) can sometimes bring on other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, dizziness etc.

Broken Ribs:
Broken ribs hurt. The after-effects of broken ribs are about as painful as the after effecs of smacking your thumb with a hammer, but they last for about 12 weeks instead of 12 days.

Sleeping on your wrong side can be a problem. Sleeping at all can e a problem. Getting your pack on can be a problem (but carrying one typically is not.) Doing anything that requires heavy breathing can be painful (expand your lungs too far and you cause re-injury).

It depends a person at a normal physical level typically finds those injuries will
- cause him to willfully avoid extreme physical acts (but then again I heard of a college rugby player who played rugby with broken ribs)
- cause him to somewhat scale back his normal activity level.

But we are talking about Nature Boy. What is normal to him?Well said.

We might as well be telling Mario Andretti how do drive with an automatic transmission.

05-27-2011, 21:06
Everyone quit the jealous bickering and a say a prayer for our wounded brother,if it was one of our own that did it let's let them spend the winter on top of Big K.

05-27-2011, 21:12
Broken Ribs:
Broken ribs hurt. The after-effects of broken ribs are about as painful as the after effecs of smacking your thumb with a hammer, but they last for about 12 weeks instead of 12 days.

Sleeping on your wrong side can be a problem. Sleeping at all can e a problem. Getting your pack on can be a problem (but carrying one typically is not.) Doing anything that requires heavy breathing can be painful (expand your lungs too far and you cause re-injury).

Even if ribs are not broken, you can have soft tissue (connective tissue) damage that is extremely painful and very limiting to the amount of physical activity/exertion that can engage in. Recovery prognosis is good, but it does take time, and can be very frustrating waiting days/weeks/months until you are back at 100%.

05-27-2011, 22:07
Everyone quit the jealous bickering and a say a prayer for our wounded brother,
if it was one of our own that did it let's let them spend the winter on top of Big K.

Under a rock....

05-28-2011, 10:12
Nature Boy via a tweet six minutes ago:
"Turns out, after going to the hospital, that I suffered a head trama (concussion). They did a CT and it came back good, no bleeds."

Good news. So glad and I'm sure he is relieved also.

jersey joe
05-29-2011, 08:02
These are the last two posts by Nature boy on facebook.
It seems the attempt is over. Very sad. Very sad indeed.
Thank you nature boy for giving us your journey to follow for the past few weeks!

"Back in Waynesboro after trying to get back on trail today. Made it about 2 miles today, looks like this is going to take awhile."

"Heading to Ohio to spend some time with family while I try and recover. I'm not a big fan of concussions, much rather deal with blisters & sore knees!!!"

05-29-2011, 08:19
Well now that the attempt is over. It leaves me wondering if I could get some sponsors for my section hike.....Basically that is what this has become.

05-29-2011, 08:32
Well now that the attempt is over. It leaves me wondering if I could get some sponsors for my section hike.....Basically that is what this has become.

Well...hindsight is 20/20.

Also consider that 75-80% of all thru hikes become section hikes...

Any time someone sets out to break a record there is a potential it won't happen. I can't imagine his sponsors are upset either...

Rocket Jones
05-29-2011, 08:37
Well now that the attempt is over. It leaves me wondering if I could get some sponsors for my section hike.....Basically that is what this has become.

Boy, did I take that wrong the first time I read it. Just sayin'.

05-29-2011, 18:02
Boy, did I take that wrong the first time I read it. Just sayin'.
pretty sure you didn't take it wrong. just sayin'.

05-29-2011, 19:08
Well now that the attempt is over. It leaves me wondering if I could get some sponsors for my section hike.....Basically that is what this has become.

Sure... you can get some sponsors. Just thu hike the AT 3 times, run a couple of 100 mile foot races, wear the gear (products) from the company you want to get sponsored by and set up a couple of web pages.

If it was that simple we would all be doing it.

Personally, to announce you are going to set a record or do something that no one else has ever done before is risky. I think it is better to do it first, and then tell the world. Of course, no one will believe you because there will not be enough proof. Darned if you do and darned if you don't.

Now lets move on to Jennifer Pharr for her supported womens record. :sun
I highly doubt we are going to get day by day location updates based on this recent incident.

Red Hat
05-29-2011, 19:24
Now lets move on to Jennifer Pharr for her supported womens record.

Jen already holds the womens record, she is going for the overall supported record. Go Odyssa!

Red Hat
05-29-2011, 19:26
Well now that the attempt is over. It leaves me wondering if I could get some sponsors for my section hike.....Basically that is what this has become.

If you can do over 800 miles in less than 20 days, I guess so...

05-29-2011, 19:41
He'll be back to try again sometime. I know it. Hope he heals soon. He is doing the right thing.

jersey joe
05-30-2011, 09:25
Jennifer Pharr for her supported womens record. :sun
I highly doubt we are going to get day by day location updates based on this recent incident.
I really think this is a great lesson to come out of Nature Boy's terrible experience. Jennifer Pharr should be mindful of what happened here and be careful not to post her exact locations.

05-30-2011, 12:30
I really think this is a great lesson to come out of Nature Boy's terrible experience. Jennifer Pharr should be mindful of what happened here and be careful not to post her exact locations.

She's also supported with her hubby following and staying with her nights. Though I do agree with you

05-30-2011, 12:37
one time me and jenn farr were cleaning her 50 cal desert eagle and i noticed her grenade launcher was sticking out of her ammo bag. she said she can reach it better that way. then me and her hubby loaded her up with all manner of weapontry cause we felt she was under armmed.

05-30-2011, 12:38
since she was a black opps special forces double killer of bad guys, we felt better.

05-31-2011, 07:29
There was no assualt, there was no injury, the whole thing was a big fat hoax and you all know it, you're just to sheepish to admit it.

05-31-2011, 07:35
there was no assualt, there was no injury, the whole thing was a big fat hoax and you all know it, you're just to sheepish to admit it.

??? ........

05-31-2011, 09:16
There was no assualt, there was no injury, the whole thing was a big fat hoax and you all know it, you're just to sheepish to admit it.
Why do you say this?
Do you know him?
Have you seen him since the assault?

I do know him.
I have seen him,

You do not.


Alligator VOTE #2 to BAN THIS FOOL

jersey joe
05-31-2011, 09:40
There was no assualt, there was no injury, the whole thing was a big fat hoax and you all know it, you're just to sheepish to admit it.
I see 8 posts from you saying this hike is a hoax but no proof whatsoever. Not sure what your agenda is here...

05-31-2011, 11:56

05-31-2011, 12:16
There was no assualt, there was no injury, the whole thing was a big fat hoax and you all know it, you're just to sheepish to admit it.

I can see how you would think that but I don't agree with you.

max patch
05-31-2011, 12:36
Well, at least he can get his termite inspection done now.

05-31-2011, 13:27
Why do you say this?
Do you know him?
Have you seen him since the assault?

I do know him.
I have seen him,

You do not.


Alligator VOTE #2 to BAN THIS FOOL

Ban me because I have an opinion or belief different than yours??

05-31-2011, 13:29
I see 8 posts from you saying this hike is a hoax but no proof whatsoever. Not sure what your agenda is here...

No agenda, just logic. Hysteria seems to run rampant here.

05-31-2011, 13:34
There was no assualt, there was no injury, the whole thing was a big fat hoax and you all know it, you're just to sheepish to admit it.

Really no call for slander.

You've said your opinion, I'd appreciate it if you (and others) no longer bring that line of questioning up. :)


05-31-2011, 13:50
Really no call for slander.

You've said your opinion, I'd appreciate it if you (and others) no longer bring that line of questioning up. :)


Skepticism not allowed on WB?

Sierra Echo
05-31-2011, 14:17
Skepticism not allowed on WB?

Well see here is the thing. You can be as skeptical as you want. Its a free country after all. But when you keep posting post after post after post being skeptical and condescending you become more of a troll.
You would have done better to make your argument in one post and then moved on with your life.

05-31-2011, 14:20
ender, you sent me a pm with moderater on your tag. is this thred not yours to mod? you are a mod right? i mean you moderated me. right?

05-31-2011, 14:22
and since your a moderater here on whiteblaze, isnt shut up a no no? or may mods do as they wish? cause i thaught you moderated me for just such words. not much more than a shut up i said. or are you posing as a mod or a bad mod or just ....what?

05-31-2011, 14:25
is not putting your moderater tag on your name when posting because at those times you are participating and not moderating? curious. and are who is and who is not a moderater something your rules say to keep to yourself? sort of in an atempt to blend in? and finaly, is talking about moderaters and asking the rules they use a problem?

05-31-2011, 14:29
and since your a moderater here on whiteblaze, isnt shut up a no no? or may mods do as they wish? cause i thaught you moderated me for just such words. not much more than a shut up i said. or are you posing as a mod or a bad mod or just ....what?

Ender is a mod, Elder isn't. Mods user names are in red.

As a mod, many times I do as I wish. ;)

05-31-2011, 14:29
ender, you called him a fool. that was exactly what you moderated me for. you said i wasnt to get personal. then i sent you back a note telling you thanks and i was wrong. but if your a mod, whats with the double standard?

05-31-2011, 14:34
ender, you called him a fool. that was exactly what you moderated me for. you said i wasnt to get personal. then i sent you back a note telling you thanks and i was wrong. but if your a mod, whats with the double standard?

I think that was answered

As a mod, many times I do as I wish. ;)

05-31-2011, 14:36
I think that was answered

I see you have a reading comprehension problem too. It was "Elder" that called LBJ a fool and told him to shut up, not Ender (the Mod)


05-31-2011, 14:38
Ender is a mod, Elder isn't. Mods user names are in red.

As a mod, many times I do as I wish. ;)

I'd rather be a moderator than be in the Hall of Fame!

05-31-2011, 14:40
I'd rather be a moderator than be in the Hall of Fame!

LOL... maybe there should be a moderator Hall of Fame!

05-31-2011, 14:41
LOL... maybe there should be a moderator Hall of Fame!

Only if all the banned posters could come back and vote.


05-31-2011, 14:44
thanks sly. thaught something was weird. sly, may i kiss you on the lips? how bout a big manhug with rubbing? i love you sly. and your weird ass face. and i love your trash filled to the brim car. you are so trashy. just love that. slys redeeming quality must e his ability to lend ciggs. he does it with sort of a nurse attitude. like you need your meds and he has them. he wants you to bum a cigg. isnt that right cutie. your so frikkin hot sly. if i was gay, i would hump you. oxoxoxomatthewski.lol.

05-31-2011, 14:46
this has been a test of the emergency moderater system. in the event of an actual off topic post the moderater in your area would have been notified. this concludes this test of the emegency moderater system.

max patch
05-31-2011, 14:49
thanks sly. thaught something was weird. sly, may i kiss you on the lips? how bout a big manhug with rubbing? i love you sly. and your weird ass face. and i love your trash filled to the brim car. you are so trashy. just love that. slys redeeming quality must e his ability to lend ciggs. he does it with sort of a nurse attitude. like you need your meds and he has them. he wants you to bum a cigg. isnt that right cutie. your so frikkin hot sly. if i was gay, i would hump you. oxoxoxomatthewski.lol.

What the hell purpose does this post serve?

If I was a mod you would have been banished to hikinghq.net with the other misfits long ago.

05-31-2011, 14:57
nature boy and me are becoming friends on the pm. he asked me to befriend him on fb so i did. i think we will be goo friends somehow. never talked or messaged yet, we just opened a line up. i gotta tell ya, when i first saw the news he was beaten, i instantly said fake. instantly. it was a gut jerk reaction i held back and dissolved. cause i knew it was my own evil spirit that instantly suggested he needed a way out of his hike and made up the story after a real fall left him with the bruses needed. then, a split second later, i never thaught of that again. cause he was haveing fun and success. and cause hes not the kind to be bashfull about his needs. if he needed out, he would have said so. he got beat up cause foks are nuts. and maby related to other beatings. like maby its a new sport. follow dummys here and beat them there. and the not robbing seems to point to that. and the shoe moveing seems to point to imature acts.it all adds up fine even if we dont have info or know him. the trails becoming lame. soon, we will all hike southbound to avoid alot of this, and finnaly we will all hike elsewhere. the AT is sick. only the wellbeing of a scociaty may change that.

05-31-2011, 20:36
I see you have a reading comprehension problem too. It was "Elder" that called LBJ a fool and told him to shut up, not Ender (the Mod)

so should we respect our Enders or our Elders??

I'm so confused.

05-31-2011, 20:39
What the hell purpose does this post serve?

If I was a mod you would have been banished to hikinghq.net with the other misfits long ago.

05-31-2011, 20:40
What the hell purpose does this post serve?

If I was a mod you would have been banished to hikinghq.net with the other misfits long ago.
When the teacher left the class room. Where you put in charge?:rolleyes:

05-31-2011, 20:57
There was no assualt, there was no injury, the whole thing was a big fat hoax and you all know it, you're just to sheepish to admit it.
They should put an ignore button right on the posts. I had to go to the User Control Panel to find out how to put someone on an ignore list.

05-31-2011, 21:04
if this was my site, i would make it okay to curse, talk trash, go off topic and troll.
if i was a mod on this site i would depose other mods and bring back minnesota smith as the grand mod.

05-31-2011, 21:04
No agenda, just logic. Hysteria seems to run rampant here.

I don't think you should be banned just for expressing a POV that's unpopular on this thread - I don't see where you've broken any rules.

I also don't see any "hysteria" on the part of those who disagree with you.

05-31-2011, 21:04
What the hell purpose does this post serve?

If I was a mod you would have been banished to hikinghq.net (http://hikinghq.net/) with the other misfits long ago.

That would be Hiking H.Q (http://hikinghq.net/). for those that are interested.

05-31-2011, 21:09
They should put an ignore button right on the posts. I had to go to the User Control Panel to find out how to put someone on an ignore list.

I know what yer saying. Till today I had only ploinked one other and I had forgotten how ...

05-31-2011, 21:11
the constraints placed on posters here are for the reasons of the owners and thats fine by me. i like the site alot. but truthfully, its about like being in a country where you cant talk free. no ofence. each of us has his own ideas of what the site should be. its an up tight site yes, but its moderated by my friends so i support it and them. just not all their ideas. like makeing trail angel mary a mod. sup wit dat? ever been screemed at by mary for useing dishsoap wrong or not putting a fork with the forks? thaught not. shes an argumentitive woman. and i love her. but being moderated by her? weird. thats all i have to say about that.

05-31-2011, 21:18
anyone who listens to matthewski is a dumbass idiot who deserves to die. questions? i belive self debasting is allowed. furthermore i suck and am a peice of dung and smell like fartgas from jacks ass.

Lone Wolf
05-31-2011, 21:30
anyone who listens to matthewski is a dumbass idiot who deserves to die. questions? i belive self debasting is allowed. furthermore i suck and am a peice of dung and smell like fartgas from jacks ass.

self realization is zen

05-31-2011, 23:53
anyone who listens to matthewski is a dumbass idiot who deserves to die. questions? i belive self debasting is allowed. furthermore i suck and am a peice of dung and smell like fartgas from jacks ass.
You're a better man than I am, matty...

05-31-2011, 23:56
lwolf doubles nicely as a caddy for zz top. trustory. nature boys done. we have nothing. begin springer feaver booster shots,...now.

05-31-2011, 23:57
anyone who listens to matthewski is a dumbass idiot who deserves to die. questions? i belive self debasting is allowed. furthermore i suck and am a peice of dung and smell like fartgas from jacks ass.

Sometimes I forget why I love you, thanks for reminding me.

06-01-2011, 00:07
ive been ragging on yall all day. its like ive been betting at a casino and loosing all day. my appologies. today sucks bad. so i took it out on you all. every single word ive ever posted on this site is pure crap. as is every word ive ever spoken. must learn to damage my vocal cords more thoroly. in fact, ive allways disagreed strongly with myself. just never learned to control my front ass. mouth. sorry.

06-01-2011, 00:49
Skepticism not allowed on WB?

What Sierra said below:

You would have done better to make your argument in one post and then moved on with your life.


...and since this is no longer a speed hike or record attempt, time to end the thread.

And before everyone snivels, you all can discuss this in a similar thread over in general. (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?t=73181)

Thanks for playing!

Hope you all had a good weekend doing something outside. ;)