View Full Version : Trail Name?!

05-19-2011, 19:25
I plan on hiking the AT next year. I want suggestions on trail names. Or should i just wait and earn one?

05-19-2011, 19:28
What's wrong with your actual name?

05-19-2011, 19:30
nothing at all. i would just like a trail name. nevermind, i think i will just earn mine.

05-19-2011, 19:42
I was just thinking about this today, and irrationally worrying about ending up with a stupid one. Obviously there are better things to think about - like what I'm going to carry - but isn't it funny how our minds work?

05-19-2011, 19:56
David B eh?

How about Young Lone Wolf

Jersey Tim
05-19-2011, 20:19
I was just thinking about this today, and irrationally worrying about ending up with a stupid one. Obviously there are better things to think about - like what I'm going to carry - but isn't it funny how our minds work?
Well, maybe not irrationally. No one wants to catch Giardia in Georgia and spend the next two thousand miles as Skid Mark. :o

05-19-2011, 20:22
Good point, Tim. :o

05-19-2011, 22:33
I'd either pick something that means a lot to you, or wait to earn one on the trail.

05-20-2011, 00:50
If someone gives you one you don't like, just don't use it. Someone else will eventually give you another one. :)

05-20-2011, 00:50
I have a friend who thrued in 2000 and took preventive action to adopt a name because he was about to end up with one he didn't want...

05-20-2011, 02:36
I've thought about this, too, but all the ones I want to use are already taken here on WB. Not sure what I'll do, but it'll prolly work itself out. Good luck...

05-20-2011, 06:54
Yeah sorry but skinnyD is taken...;)

05-20-2011, 09:10
nothing at all. i would just like a trail name. nevermind, i think i will just earn mine.

"Ernie" seems to fit.

Second Half
05-20-2011, 09:22
How about Young Lone Wolf

There is a kid camped out at the Allentown shelter for the past week who calls himself Lone Wolf.

05-20-2011, 09:27
nothing at all. i would just like a trail name. nevermind, i think i will just earn mine.

you bitch easyer than matthewski on bitch enducing drugs. therefore i name you

"never mind"
because your a snappy, rude sob we will prolly love alot . now shove that trailname in your furnace and walk private!


05-20-2011, 14:58
Solitary Wolf?

05-20-2011, 15:10
dont make me name you," never frikkin mind".

cause that can be arranged quite easily

05-20-2011, 15:11
town name," nfm".

gota be polite in town.

05-20-2011, 15:12
If the Rapture happens on schedule, "Mr. Camping" will be available.

05-20-2011, 15:13
your friends can call you ,"frik".

05-20-2011, 21:08
I plan on hiking the AT next year. I want suggestions on trail names. Or should i just wait and earn one?

How about Socrates, Plato, or Aristotle depending on your cast of mind?

05-21-2011, 06:40
plato......... too funny. the guy who likes to hang around the AYCE's.

05-21-2011, 07:46
I plan on hiking the AT next year. I want suggestions on trail names. Or should i just wait and earn one?

If you don't come up with a trail name yourself, others will give you one!

It's best to come up with one yourself. When I hiked I didn't have a name. Some one was going to name me snuggles and at that point I new I had to come up with something. So I became Snickers, due to my love for this wonderful candy bar!


05-21-2011, 08:35
Who says you have to accept a name someone else chooses?

Guess I'm scratching my head over the whole "trail name" thing... seems that something that was once sort of spontaneous and natural, like earning a nickname from close friends, has turned into something contrived and overly cultivated.

Just an observation from the cheap seats worth what you paid for it...

05-21-2011, 08:43
Who says you have to accept a name someone else chooses?

Guess I'm scratching my head over the whole "trail name" thing... seems that something that was once sort of spontaneous and natural, like earning a nickname from close friends, has turned into something contrived and overly cultivated.

Just an observation from the cheap seats worth what you paid for it...

You know, there are books for baby names... Maybe we need one or trail names.

05-21-2011, 08:43
Who says you have to accept a name someone else chooses?

Guess I'm scratching my head over the whole "trail name" thing... seems that something that was once sort of spontaneous and natural, like earning a nickname from close friends, has turned into something contrived and overly cultivated.

Just an observation from the cheap seats worth what you paid for it...

You don't have to accept a name someone else gives you but you could well end up getting saddled with it!

05-21-2011, 08:59
You know, there are books for baby names... Maybe we need one or trail names.

Ha, there you go!


05-21-2011, 09:00
You don't have to accept a name someone else gives you but you could well end up getting saddled with it!

Hmmm... I kind of doubt that.

05-21-2011, 10:49
How about going with a symbol instead of a name, like the "artist formerly know as Prince"?

05-21-2011, 11:22
You know, there are books for baby names... Maybe we need one or trail names.

The ATC could then issue thru-hiker "birth certificates" and charge $5.00 per copy as a fund raising effort!!!!!

Lauriep are you listening????

05-21-2011, 11:47
Is "Joe Btfsplk" taken? http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/ 8kKDQsJCYxJx8fLT0tMTU3Ojo6Iys/RD84QzQ5Ojf/2wBDAQoKCg0MDRoPDxo3JR8lNzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nz c3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzc3Nzf/wAARCABOAGgDASIAAhEBAxEB/8QAGwABAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGAwQHAgj/xAA1EAABAwMCAwcDAwIHAAAAAAABAgMRAAQFEiEGMUEHExQiUW FxMpGhQlKBFSMzNFNikqLw/8QAGAEBAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEDAgT/xAAfEQEBAAIDAAIDAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIxIkETIYH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO40pSgVG5bJmyCW2Gg9cL3CSrSlI9VH09gCT9yJKqneDu8reN uCHVr7weq0QACPYRHsR7iQyC/yJUFOXY90ttJSn8gn817fyl0q0eY8xccQpKH0QC2TsCfv0325d RqBaTEHc8gdif8A0j70JIIhMzz35UHllpppEMNBtP7QmPvXldu 2Xe+QlDb3+qlML/5CD+aygyJgj5oCDy3igyt3V2nSTevLUAASdMH+AI/FTWKyHi9bSxDrQSVEDZQMwR9jVeU4lKVqhSgj6tImD0H5H3qdw li7bB1+4AS89A0AzoSJgE+slRPzG8SQlKUpQKUpQKUpQa792hl 5DAQtbrgJSlKTyHUnkB81iybNg7b6skhktIMguR5T7Hofjet2s L1qw+40480la2iSgqE6SRG1BEtY21etVLsbcsbyhxwHUv5nzAf PzHrEOPJZ/wAwFMiYCnBCD8K+k/erHl7xNrbaUuhDzhCW0hsuKUZEgJHPn8CZO1e7K3KUh19J1/pClaiOkk8pPty5Dagqjt8yltamlB9SUyUtGY9yeSR7kgVut2d8 6rQzbtpUUhRLjkAA+oAJn2IH8VzftH7Ybm2zDVlwhcILNqs+Jf W2laXlAxpTP6djuImdjtJtPAPaPacTpcbaZRaZAArXbPXKT3hA 27uQJ1cj+2Pigu9jh2bdlAePfuhzvVLUIBXtuE8hEADnEDeZJk hyqMs8tbLv/wCnO3lu5ki2XlWzKtRaQCBv6DcbmJPL2lKBSlKBSlKBSlKBSlY XLlpDyGSsd6vcIG5j1j096DSvncTi1u5K/uLe2OgBTz7oSAkdBJjqeVcp7U+0a5fwa2OHClm0fIbcunHAh5x ChP8AbbPmCSP1kCQdhG9XziLgXh/LZ60z2StmAqzStbwKQlLx20lw9QmCd+c77CK452m2uGTjl5Jou 3WQyt87cWjveEkW8gJJkElEJGkSPq9oqXLWlmNrY4P4Dxdxwu3 cZNtFxfXsPtkLVDLKRJBIMAkwCegO26TW2rs2sLW4y5dZDmKU0 PDkLUu6Zd1aU93AAWDPIzMgTPOw9nDuVyt3kMdnbRabqzWynxl slsNoKW5CFpO+rfmAfSQAJvWP4XZtbtm47/vEIWp3u9AAKzyI5kASTEmVQdo3wx4+Td3f1XduOtfbmPZPwPxV wzxVeXD7Nsi2Ft3S1OLUA7qAUnRCZ2IEzEbiu02TbzVulNy73r 25WoCBJMwB6DkPis4EUr0MylKUClKUClKUA1oP+Bw7F5kX1hpE F195xUwAPU9B0HvTMX68ew2tpnvXHXA2kFWlIJBMqMGBAPQ7wO tc94z7QuGrjC5/D5RKRessFtFs62HAt1SPKUkCPKojfmOe1Tc3pdXW3OOKeMstxx xQ1gmckG8RcXaWm20DSlSSofWRBXH22/mrE1hfGdrF0paj4PHM2yWmY8iUlCSlv4AC1e5HzVC4V4F4gzGJ c4gxardpq0eAbU66ULW4mCNAj1IG5G9dkx+Qt0cUZPBv2qU5K6 Va3/iEGQtKEoChP+0pUBHPWeW9Zcnvv1WnH5/YuGGsEu2bbyClpS3nTcltACn4WsAFXOJ3+NqngIAA5Co/h5CkYWz7wAOKaStcfuVur8k1I1rj5Gd9KUpVQpSlApSlApSlBD Z95Pe2lqof4pWv2Okcv+0/wa5NedmVnnOM8q7lL/wFq8lDlr4dpCA4tU6gZ2kRv1Vqn1rtOQsLbIW5Zu2kuJ5pnmk9 FJPQjoRvUezw7apcSu4eubkpMgOuQnnO6UgA7+s1lccvydpWna dOtQNziF8P2WPxOJt7hzGsNp0oS2Vy4lRVKikTJJBk7Tv0g8qv rrN5vtOOQ4atyvwYRbFxZ/tJASdWog/TIV+BzMH6IeaQ8ytp1CVoWClSVCQQeYNUzhoXWTt3W7ZNuz4Z1 bVwtZKgXQfNpSAPLPLcbQIFTkll3Jurx2a1bqNi2yV5bZDG2Xl S0pYb7ttYVKdJkkmFEzpMAAAdTVvFROPwqGHxdXTviLlJ8igCl DYgjypk+pkkk/wABLV3xzKT5euM7Lfj4UpSu3JSlKBSlKD/2Q== (http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://modernvespa.com/pix/uploads/joe_btfsplk_163.jpg&imgrefurl=http://modernvespa.com/forum/topic81098&h=324&w=432&sz=38&tbnid=MKTZnLHq8VeohM:&tbnh=95&tbnw=126&prev=/search%3Fq%3Djoe%2Bbtfsplk%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=joe+btfsplk&hl=en&usg=__ICuXMCCS7xJpwvrakP1DC_1lQHI=&sa=X&ei=W97XTcTeOYT4swPoiYGxBw&ved=0CD8Q9QEwBA)

05-21-2011, 16:10
If your going to give yourself a name,shouldnt it mean something?For exsample,if i were to thru i would give me a name{if thats proper} of Blowout.Because i have a herniated disc,or, maybei'm very gassy :-?

05-21-2011, 17:19
I've only had one name thrown at me and ever since then I've made it a point to not let any names linger besides my own name. I know it's some big tradition to have a trail name but I just don't feel like playing along I guess.

05-21-2011, 18:56
Right there with you Reid...

05-21-2011, 19:00
If you'd like to be different, you could use a series of glottal clicks

06-04-2011, 08:18
how bout "Wannabe"?

06-04-2011, 13:13
How about Evil Bert?