View Full Version : Need Suggestions on Lighting

08-19-2011, 16:52
Wifae and I are doing Wallace Gap to Fontana Sept 2-10. Need lighting suggestion. Type, how many each, how about at camp at night??

08-19-2011, 19:39
My current headlamp of choice (I'm a headlamp junkie) is the Black Diamond Spot. Dims in spot and flood mode, has red LED's as well. http://www.blackdiamondequipment.com/en-us/shop/mountain/lighting/spot-headlamp/

If I'm out for more than a weekend I carry a spare set of three AAA's.

08-19-2011, 20:50
For a personal light I like the Photon Micro Freedon light.
I keep a white LED Photon and a Red LED photon on a string around my neck.
The white one lasts 10 hours on a pair of CR2016 coin batteries.
The red one lasts 100+ hours on a single CR2032 coin battery.
I was able to find these coin batteries all along the A.T. this year, some places for a few bucks a pair.
I used the white one for the few times i hiked at night and also for camp "chores" (pooping.. etc)
The red one was for reading the AT guide pages before bed.
These lights weigh about 1/2 ounce each.
For camp you can aim the white LED into your water bottle and it lights up like a lantern.
If you aim the red or white LED into a Honey Bear you have a Lava Lamp to entertain your friends or in my case.. myself. (I never get tired of the Honey bear Lava lamp thing!)

08-19-2011, 22:15
You can also throw a bandana of any color over your light to give your tent that sexy glow

Rocket Jones
08-19-2011, 22:26
The photon is a great backup light for me, and there are dirt cheap (~$1.00) simplified versions available too. For a headlamp, go to Wally World and get one of their $10 Energizer models. You don't need to spend a lot of money for a decent light.

That said, I'm looking to upgrade to a Petzl Tikka 2+ in the near future. :D

08-19-2011, 22:41
A simple headlamp is all I usually carry. A model with an LED using 3 AAA batteries provides a lot of light for hiking, and the batteries easily last several weeks or more of intermittent use. Most models can be turned way down for reading in bed, and some have a red light for night use.

+1 on the Spot. I've owned several other brands and models, including (most recently) two Zipkas, and the Spot is just fantastic. Very bright main beam, plus two smaller LEDs for camp, both fully adjustable, and a red LED for night time. And it locks, so it won't come on in my pack.

Sarcasm the elf
08-19-2011, 23:29
The photon is a great backup light for me, and there are dirt cheap (~$1.00) simplified versions available too. For a headlamp, go to Wally World and get one of their $10 Energizer models. You don't need to spend a lot of money for a decent light.

That said, I'm looking to upgrade to a Petzl Tikka 2+ in the near future. :D

I have a Tikka 2 and it's decent, but the high intensity LED seems to burn through batteries much faster than the other Petzl models that rely on multiple less powerful LED's, not sure if the "+" model is much different.

My current headlamp of choice (I'm a headlamp junkie) is the Black Diamond Spot. Dims in spot and flood mode, has red LED's as well. http://www.blackdiamondequipment.com/en-us/shop/mountain/lighting/spot-headlamp/

If I'm out for more than a weekend I carry a spare set of three AAA's.

4eye, How is the battery life on the Black Diamond Spot?

08-19-2011, 23:58
4eye, How is the battery life on the Black Diamond Spot?

Pretty good - but that is more a guess. I usually put a fresh set in before I go out and I haven't done more than 3 days in a row since getting it. That said, I used it around the house for several weeks and took it on a weekend a few weeks ago with the same batteries using it on and off for several hours each evening and haven't put the spares in yet. There's probably a review out there with some burn time data. The second review at http://www.candlepowerforums.com/vb/showthread.php?310827-Black-Diamond-Spot-Review has a lot of info and identifies some faults and does some comparison to Tikka 2 XP.

30 Large
08-20-2011, 00:35
My current headlamp of choice (I'm a headlamp junkie) is the Black Diamond Spot. Dims in spot and flood mode, has red LED's as well. http://www.blackdiamondequipment.com/en-us/shop/mountain/lighting/spot-headlamp/

If I'm out for more than a weekend I carry a spare set of three AAA's.

I have the same headlamp and love it.

Don Newcomb
10-11-2011, 19:51
Thinking back on all the candle lanterns, flashlights, etc. I used to own. Now all thrown out or stashed away in deep storage. Unless I'm canoe camping all I carry for lighting now is a small LED AAAx3 headlamp. Mine is a Petzl of some sort but I'm sure that many manufacturers make good ones. Suggestions:
1. Standardize batteries. If your other stuff uses AA batteries, try to get an AA light.
2. You want a light that is reasonably water resistant.
3. Bright, dim, strobe and red modes are good to have.
4. A good feature would be to be able to attach a translucent plastic cone over the light to turn it into a lantern. That's something I'll look for on my next light. It does not have to come with the light, I can make the cone from a milk bottle. There just has to be a way to attach it.

10-11-2011, 19:57
4. A good feature would be to be able to attach a translucent plastic cone over the light to turn it into a lantern. That's something I'll look for on my next light. It does not have to come with the light, I can make the cone from a milk bottle. There just has to be a way to attach it.Good idea. I like having some ambient light, but hate carrying extra stuff. I have a black diamond mini lantern but tend to use it more for car camping as I'm becoming a bit of a gram weenie at times :eek: :o

Wise Old Owl
10-11-2011, 20:00
Don Newcomb (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/member.php?36416-Don-Newcomb) No kidding - Damn good post

Papa D
10-11-2011, 20:35
I obviously carry a headlamp, but maybe I can suggest some more romantic "lighting" for you.

1) A fat candle in coffee can is a wonderful - albeit a bit heavy - but for a week, what the heck, it'll only weigh 8 ounces or something if you have room - really nice
2) Or just a candle in your windscreen - I thru-hiked with a candle and read by candlelight quite a bit - I really like it
3) An old candle lantern - simple, not too heavy
4) I have a lantern mande by Brunto - I think it's called a "Lucy" it works with regular canisters (like you might have for your canister stove) - really bright - good for groups
5) Know how to make a nalgene lantern - point your headlamp into the water in your water bottle and rig the head strap around the bottle - voila - a lantern
6) An oil candle lantern - heavier than #3 but a little better and brighter
7) A old time campfire - not too LNT and not recommended too frequently, but if you're safe and keep it small - enjoy one
8) The moon - now that's nice

Odd Man Out
10-11-2011, 23:13
I see there are several posts about the desire to have a light to illuminate a tent or camp (i.e. lantern). I have a Krill light that does a nice job of that.


I know it's not particularly UL and isn't a versatile as a head lamp, but some of you gear heads might get a kick out of it. It is basically a rigid clear plastic tube with a black plastic cap on either end. The tube is just the right size to hold two AA batteries (they also make a AAA size). You twist the cap to turn on the light. The light comes from a very thin sheet of phosphorescent material lining the inside of the tube (surrounding the battery). You can get them in a variety of colors, but the green color is the one the brightest. They are waterproof. Their web page says it weight 2.75 oz with batteries, but my scale says it is just shy of 2 oz (I use Li batteries). The technology is the same thing used in Timex Indiglo watches, if you are familiar with those. They sell a 180 degree version and a 360 degree version. It looks a lot like one of those chemiluminescent light sticks they sell at carnivals. But unlike a light stick, you can turn this on and off. The cap is drilled with a hole so you can hang it from the peak of your tent with a small biner/cord/hook. If you turn it on during the day, the amount of light coming out seems like nothing. When I first turned it on, my kids just laughed. But it actually puts out an impressive amount of light. It just seems dim because the light is diffused over a large surface area. The "bulb" is essentially 3 square inches in area. Plus it is not focused, like an LED light. To prove to my kids I hadn't wasted 25 bucks (they are not cheap), I took it into my 14'x14' bedroom when it was completely dark and turned it on. It easily illuminated the whole room. In a small tent, the effect is even more dramatic. The diffuse green light is nice for preserving your night vision and won't bother shelter mates so much. I have the 180 deg model and have used it at night to find the privy in the woods. Or, if I also had a spot light, I would set my Krill light up in the tent to make it easier to find the tent on the way back from the privy. There is nothing worse than getting disoriented at night and getting lost on your way back to your tent when it's pitch black. In some ways, I think it is easier to navigate at night with a lantern/flood light, rather than a bright spot light. Not sure if I would bring it on a thru hike, but for weekends, car camping, or travel, its a fun gadget to have.

10-12-2011, 00:11


10-12-2011, 09:35
I use the Black Diamond headlamp with the battery pack on the back. It's really bright and it has multiple settings. I think you can get like 100 hrs on one setting. I have used it a few weekends and haven't replaced the batteries. I recommend headlamps, It's really the way to go. Your hands are free all the time and you have light everywhere you look. If you are hiking with somone, just don't look at him/her right on the eyes.

High Mileage
02-15-2016, 01:10
The Fenix HL50 can't be topped out, it's the best option out there for durability and actual clean lumens and extremely lightweight, plus submersible. CR123s are cheap in bulk and no As are going to compete with them.

02-15-2016, 01:28
Wifae and I are doing Wallace Gap to Fontana Sept 2-10. Need lighting suggestion. Type, how many each, how about at camp at night??

These are pretty good. A couple should suit you.

But maybe wirh more info on what you want, intended use, you can get more applicable results

https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSmbUJt2qQdbCTa_DGSexzlgAGZyUiyF TdDg91frGqp3Yk9Lew1qQ

In all seriousness, anything works for occassional use.

http://whiteblaze.net/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxESEhUTEBIWFhMXGRkXGBcXGBgXFRgWFhcYFhUWGB UYICghGholHRcYITEhJSkrLi4uGB8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GhAQGisdICUtLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLy0tKy0tLS0tLS 0tLS0tMC0tLS0tLS0tKy0tLS0tLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABQYDBAcBAgj/xABJEAACAQIEAQkEBAoIBgMAAAABAgADEQQFEiExBhMiQVFhcY GxBzKRoTNCUsEjNFNicoKSorLRFENUg5TC4fAVJHOj0tQXRLP/xAAYAQEBAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAgEDBP/EACwRAQEAAgIBAgQDCQAAAAAAAAABAhEDMSEEQRITMlFxkaEUI iNCUmGBsfD/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AO4xEQEREBERAREQEREBEx1qyopZ2CqOJYgAeJMrmY 0DK6KlnxlMgX9y9S5H1QUBBPdAs8jc xxo01cGw1qDtfYm1h2Emy334zifKj25YioxXLqQpJ UqAPVPeF91fDpTfyahyhxHN1cVjQqe KbBQ/A6SVWkVUi4IBuQR1EbNNdN5KZ7UxbVSyFFTQApB1BiCWuSBcW0 kbA/GWKcTw3JfOKF/6HmNOnqVAVtZSyLpDWWnYbADhewAJNhISl7Vs4wFc0ceqVtBsy soRiOopUQAWPEHSY0P0PEpXJ72o5ZikDc9zL/Wp1RpZe03F1K94PjaWzA5hRrrqoVUqL2owYfFTDGzERAREQERE BERAREQEREBERAREQEREBERASs8vOWdDK6Aq1QXdyVp012LEC5 JJ4KNrnvEs0557X 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absYGwjj3lt42E16gA sPLf0kxS5IY1jdgi97uSf3QZJYXkJ Wr SLb95r kbFPL/wC/9JfuReUvSU1Kg0lhYKeNuNz2dW0lMsyDDUN6dMavtN0m8ieHla Scy0kIiJjSIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiIC IiAiIgIiICIiAiIgIiICIiB//9k=

02-15-2016, 02:34

I am a revolt guy. I like the capability of the USB charge or the 3 tripple A's. One con I have found so far is the band is starting to stretch out. I may have to find a replacement material on my thru this year but I am not too worried about it.

I do like the idea of a small photon light around my neck though. I may adapt that on the trail if I find the necessity.

02-15-2016, 10:51
I use a Petzel rechargeable Tikka, weighs a bit more than some, but recharges from the same battery backup that charges my iPhone using usb ports. I also have a couple of those tiny led lights that act as zipper pulls, one in my tent and one on my puffy jacket. They don't even register on my postal scale which weighs down to a tenth of an ounce. A small candle is always good for ambiance.

05-12-2016, 09:04
My wife and I use the cap with built in led's

http://www.llbean.com/llb/shop/88332?productId=1473756&attrValue_0=Navy&pla1=0&mr:trackingCode=F48FA7E3-221B-E511-80F7-005056942F93&mr:referralID=NA&mr:device=c&mr:adType=plaonline&mr:ad=57704150120&mr:keyword=&mr:match=&mr:tid=pla-174631809440&mr:ploc=9021891&mr:iloc=&mr:store=&mr:filter=174631809440&mkwid=v8f9bxvD_dc&pcrid=57704150120&qs=3091384_google&product=0QKD421000&cvosrc=cse.google.0QKD421000&cvo_crid=57704150120&lsft=mkwid:v8f9bxvD_dc,pcrid:57704150120,qs:309138 4_google,product:0QKD421000,cvosrc:cse.google.0QKD 421000,cvo_crid:57704150120