View Full Version : Family Hiking Day

09-09-2011, 23:25
Family Hiking Day

On Saturday, September 24, join us for the first annual Family Hiking Day!

Held on National Public Lands Day (http://appalachiantrail.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=64f18e8ab0289e37511640181&id=e38c38ca5a&e=eed879fe89), A.T. Family Hiking Day will be getting kids, youth, parents and grandparents out on the Appalachian Trail - many for the first time. To help you prepare, we’ve provided:

A list of family-friendly hikes (http://appalachiantrail.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=64f18e8ab0289e37511640181&id=350391f919&e=eed879fe89)
Guided hikes led by local volunteers (http://appalachiantrail.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=64f18e8ab0289e37511640181&id=b0f8824c48&e=eed879fe89)
Ideas for Trail games and activities (http://appalachiantrail.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=64f18e8ab0289e37511640181&id=998cdd1823&e=eed879fe89)
A place for you to submit your pictures and stories (http://appalachiantrail.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=64f18e8ab0289e37511640181&id=f749ede8f8&e=eed879fe89)
We’d love to hear about your family’s experience on Family Hiking Day. We’ll provide free A.T. bandanas to the first fifty families who send in their stories, and the top pictures and stories will be featured on our website. ALL families who register will also be eligible to win a day pack courtesy of REI in Asheville, NC.

Thank you for participating in Family Hiking Day on the Appalachian Trail. You can learn more at www.appalachiantrail.org/familyhike (http://appalachiantrail.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=64f18e8ab0289e37511640181&id=8864824600&e=eed879fe89).


The Appalachian Trail Conservancy Team

09-29-2011, 10:31
going to watchung mountain nj with wife and kids

08-24-2012, 15:16
Will you be providing this opportunity next year? Our family was planning a day hike in 2013. This sounds like it might be what we want to do.

Can't manage this year. Baby is too young, daughter is going to Canada on a school trip, grandson is in cast, granddaughter-in-law just started Master's program, etc., etc..