View Full Version : Performance Art

10-01-2011, 14:24
Looks like we're all artists! Who'da thunk.


10-01-2011, 14:26
How exciting. A webcam to watch somebody walk.

Odd Man Out
10-01-2011, 22:30
Art Prize is great. It's fun to walk around downtown GR with tens of thousands of people all looking at and talking about art (and drinking beer, and eating pizza, etc...). Some of it is good. Some is odd ( such as the one with a plastic cup of water on an overhead projector, entitled "-----"). They announced the 10 finalists on Thursday. Vote for your favorite (if you are a registered voter). I kind of like "Rain". Didn't see the hiking web cam, but then again there were 1500 pieces on display all over town. Can't see them all.

10-02-2011, 16:03