View Full Version : Silencing an internal frame pack

Phoenix Rising
11-18-2011, 23:51
Does anyone have any ideas of how to get rid of the squeak in an internal frame pack?

I love (most of) the qualities of my Granite Gear Nimbus Meridian pack, and I don't want to give it up, but I'm not sure how to address the squeak it makes with each step. I believe it's the movement of the plastic frame inside the pocket, but I'm not completely sure.

Has anyone else had this trouble with this or any other internal framed packs? And is there anything I can do to make it stop?

Phoenix Rising

Wise Old Owl
11-19-2011, 02:46

11-19-2011, 09:01
I had an issue with my Osprey pack doing the same thing. The Osprey representative at Trail Days sprayed some silicone spray under the fabric on the offending wire frame and I had no further problem.

11-19-2011, 09:07
I had an issue with my Osprey pack doing the same thing. The Osprey representative at Trail Days sprayed some silicone spray under the fabric on the offending wire frame and I had no further problem.

Good idea. I might try this. Once it gets squaeking my pack prives me crazy. Usually I shift the pack weight a bit and it goes away. But, it is always from the same place as best as I can tell. If I cannot locate that spot and spray it, I might be OK.


11-19-2011, 10:33
Try threatening it's family. Works every time.


Papa D
11-19-2011, 10:35
The best way to get rid of that squeak is to stuff it full of old out of date gear and put it in the closet in your attic or a similar storage area -- it'll be fun to look at every 20 years or so

Phoenix Rising
11-19-2011, 22:23
Thanks for the idea to use silicone... also might try to old stand by... duct tape. but I like the spray silicone idea.

05-10-2012, 21:45
Any luck silencing your pack because my girlfriends got the Granite Gear Nimbus Meridian Ki and it does the same thing.

05-11-2012, 00:10
Any luck silencing your pack because my girlfriends got the Granite Gear Nimbus Meridian Ki and it does the same thing.Well,no need for a bear bell.;)

05-11-2012, 00:24
I have this same pack and indeed the culprit was the frame sheet rubbing on the top of the pocket. What I did to solve it was to tape a small piece of that perforated rubbery shelf liner stuff that you can find at a grocery store or wally world over the top of the frame sheet. I think I only had to do the top corners. Haven't had a squeak since.

Sent from a toaster.

05-11-2012, 09:32
My old GG Nimbus Ozone does the same thing. Before a hike I'll spray WD-40 around the bolts that hold the straps to the frame. If it occurs during a hike then I've found that I can get it to abate by re-positioning the "flaps" that cover the bolts. I'd also suggest calling GG if this doesn't work, as they have been very helpful to me in the past.

05-11-2012, 10:58
Love both the NO/NM. Put a small sheet of tyvek in the sleeve where the backpanel unbuckles. I did this on a hike, cutting a small square off my groundcloth and shoved it on the outsides between where the shoulder strap bolts in and the top of the frame. Never had an issue since. This mod should not even weigh half an ounce.

05-11-2012, 20:20
My Ospray, Aether 60, also had a squeak (see post 30 )
Took me a while to work out that is was the stay rubbing against the 'plastc" pocket so I sprayed that with CRC. Fixed the problem..
Oddly the guy I sold that pack to is coming around today. Haven't seen him for monhts.
BTW, I like "fixing " problems, so that is kind of natural for me.