View Full Version : Hike the AT at home!

01-08-2012, 11:41
Hike the AT at home? Well, sort of. Nordic Track has a new machine which uses Google maps to adjust the incline of the treadmill and show the street level view of routes you can select to miminc walking/running that route. Except for the fact the treadmill can't mimic the near vertical climbs nor the down hills, it can probably mimic the terrain of a large part of the trail. Of course, this machine probably costs almost as much as a thru hike, but you don't have to leave home to do it :rolleyes:

01-08-2012, 11:52
Can it simulate the feel of walking through mud, over slippery wet tree roots (the slickest material in the known universe) or the pleasant sensation of boulder hopping in Pa.? If so,I'm down with that. I'll put it an enclosed room that ranges in temp from the low teens to just over 100 degrees, release some gnats and mosquitoes, and stock it with dead fish (to recreate the olfactory experience). This will be green...I will not burn gas getting to a trailhead but get the entire feel and experience of the trail in the privacy of my own home. is it ok to slackpack on this thing?

01-08-2012, 11:52
could never come close..

01-08-2012, 11:54
Can it simulate the feel of walking through mud, over slippery wet tree roots (the slickest material in the known universe) or the pleasant sensation of boulder hopping in Pa.? If so,I'm down with that. I'll put it an enclosed room that ranges in temp from the low teens to just over 100 degrees, release some gnats and mosquitoes, and stock it with dead fish (to recreate the olfactory experience). This will be green...I will not burn gas getting to a trailhead but get the entire feel and experience of the trail in the privacy of my own home. is it ok to slackpack on this thing? lol this.........

Wizard 2009
01-08-2012, 12:37
We're only a few years from holodecks (for all you Treckies out there)...

01-08-2012, 20:10
Sorta defeats the whole purpose of hiking don't it? Besides you would have to set it up in the shower to get the effect of hiking in the rain.

01-08-2012, 23:21
Can't stand those machine things. They drive me batty