View Full Version : Online journal help please??

02-17-2012, 14:42
Ok, so I decided I want to do some type of online trail journal during my thru this year. Love the way Postholer and TrailJournals are both set up, but the only problem I have with them is that both seem to be 100% public access, aka anyone anywhere in the world can read the entries.

I have one slight problem, namely a stalker ex-boyfriend. I've already moved to another state, but at this point he has been able to track me down to the city I work in. I really don't want to show up at a shelter on the AT and find him there waiting for me... So I can't have an online journal that is able to be viewed by everyone. I would like to find something that certain people, like close friends and family, can view though. At the moment, all I can think of is setting up another facebook profile and granting "friend" status to the few people who I want to be able to follow along.

Does anyone know of any other online journal site that would work?

02-17-2012, 14:51
Why not a free WordPress.com blog? You have full moderation control with it and can limit access to only invited users.


Get the WP app and post from your smartphone. You can also post audio updates free by enabling voice post (http://en.support.wordpress.com/post-by-voice/) in the dashboard.


02-17-2012, 22:44
Dude...you always give good advice....but more importantly....in the name of all that's good...thank you for changing back to your old avatars. :) I really missed the ladies while they were away. :)

02-18-2012, 01:10
When you setup a postholer journal, you have the option to make it "private", meaning it doesn't show up in searches. I don't know for certain that means it's entirely un-findable, but you could certainly ask about that in the forum there about journal support. http://postholer.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=12

02-18-2012, 10:29
Laws have been made available for stalkers. I'd use them before going on trail. Also, I'd not make it known to others than your protective family and friends few that you are going onto the AT. As you obviously are aware, stalkers do not observe boundaries and can develop into dangerous beings.--Kinnickinic

02-18-2012, 23:06
Thanks Spokes. I checked WP out and it looks very promising. Bit of a learning curve, but I'll figure it out.

kayak karl
02-18-2012, 23:45
use a new trail name on trail , don't let your picture be taken, never tell your real name and let no one see your ID or maildrop Name and Address.
remember you can be as careful as you can and another hiker posts your pic and first name on their public journal.

02-20-2012, 04:27
Gina, this post is disturbing on a number of levels. I sort of wish you didn’t state why you wanted the journal to be securable. Real stalkers are very broken people and I am sorry you have that problem. I know you didn’t ask for my advice, so I’ll limit my thoughts here. If you want more, email me.

1. Pursue legal avenues to stop this individual from even seeing you, ever. This is fairly easy to do in all of the 50 US states.

If you don’t think this would stop the individual from visiting you on the A.T. then –

2. Certainly don’t encourage that person to the A.T.! (In other words, you have to consider your hike regarding others). If you were to experience any serious issues with another male on the trail, with knowledge of that, I and most other hikers would get involved rather quickly.

3. I recommend you stop using the same ID here that you’ve used everywhere. In other words, change your ID’s (and I mean all of them) if you don’t wish to be found easily. At this point, the new journal is not a large concern for someone finding you.

Best wishes,
~ Mark

02-20-2012, 08:41
use a new trail name on trail , don't let your picture be taken, never tell your real name and let no one see your ID or maildrop Name and Address.
remember you can be as careful as you can and another hiker posts your pic and first name on their public journal.

So his trail name would be..... Dr. Richard Kimble?


02-20-2012, 10:20
also, even with a private journal, posts behind where you are. By that I mean when you get to a town, posts your journal for the section you did about 5 days back. Your family will know you are ahead of that posts. You could send periodic email, or just call them, to tell them where you really are.

02-21-2012, 11:51
Thanks all. Things are not as bad as some think them to be, so I'm not really too worried about it. I just want to avoid (as much as I can) the possibility of him accidentally stumbling across the online journal. I do plan on using a different trail name, and the delayed journal posts are a great idea. Thanks for the input everyone!