View Full Version : Help with sore Achilles tendon!

Many Moons
02-22-2012, 13:47
Achilles Tendon has issues on my right foot. Looks like I might have Haglunds bone on back of heel. Been to two foot doctors and 1 chiropractor. No relief every time Try to due some running or long walks. Hitting trail in April and time is running short. They won't give me Cortizone or anything else. One foot doctor made me shoe inserts, but they don't help with back of heel getting tender. Any other hikes hade this problem?

02-22-2012, 14:55
Well, I'm sure that I'm wasting typewriter ink, but here goes. Your problem is caused by a tight gastroc and/or soleus. You have much to do and little time. The problem needs an active approach. If I were you, I would find a massage therapist who is good in deep tissue, not fluff and puff. A tight calf can be lengthened by transverse fiction massage and stretching on your part. Ice on the heel several times a day and stretch, stretch, stretch. It may take several sessions of massage, but it will work. You can google calf stretches and find the one right for you. Hurry! April will be here in a flash. I wish you well.

02-22-2012, 15:05
yea what tenderheart said...i had the same problem...got pt with lots of massage and stretches and i'm good as new...be aware that stiff soled shoes don't help...at least that is my way of thinking...restricts normal foot and ankle motion...

02-22-2012, 21:48
I too had plantar fascities and achilles tendonitis with bone spurs and the Haglund's deformity. Cortizon shots and shoe inserts didn't help. I found a doctor who would do
ECSW therapy and I am so glad that I did. Check out everything you can find about this treatment. But you would need at least 6 weeks after the procedure before you could begin to do short hikes. You have to give the heel/ankle time to heal.

Here is a link describing a treatment that I have had on both heels, about 2 years apart. It worked for me. It was described as making a chronic injury into an acute injury which would heal. It did. For me. Even the large lump on the back on one heel has gone away. It is an expensive treatment and few insurance companies will cover it.

Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT): Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles ... (http://search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0oG7kk4mEVPDGIAQ81XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTE1ZTR0OWR xBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDNQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA01TWTAwNl8xN zQ-/SIG=146glunks/EXP=1329989816/**http%3a//www.footankleinstitute.com/blog/bid/52187/shock-wave-therapy-eswt-plantar-fasciitis-and-achilles-tendonitis)
Learn about Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy for Plantar Fasciitis and Achilles Tendonitis.


02-22-2012, 21:53
Good luck with the foot problems.

02-22-2012, 22:06
Haglund's deformity and Achilles tendonitis are different problems and require different treatment plans. Spend some time questioning your provider about which one you have and what you can do. Both are persistent problems with a somewhat guarded prognosis for an upcoming hike. Good luck

02-22-2012, 23:32
I have had some Achilles tendon issues myself--and have known other people who have Achilles tendon problems. Sadly, many Achilles tendon problems take TIME (or even surgery and time) in order to to FULLY heal. (By "time", I am talking 3-9 months--and sometimes more). I am hoping that your issues are minor and/or that you heal rapidly.

Many Moons
02-22-2012, 23:38
Thanks for the advice from all. Sorry about the spelling in first post, it posted before I spell checked. I started with a tear of the Achilles that led to a burus/tendinitis type problem. The underlining reason now the injury is there and not healing is the Haglund's deformity. Getting ready for this hike I was doing squats, lunges, rope jumping then ending workouts with 40yard wind sprints. Guess 50 year olds should not be doing wind sprints! This all happened in July of 2011 and been working to correct it. Every doctor I go to has a different way to fix and nothing is working, I can get it feeling better and as soon as stress or a long walk it reverts back to PAIN. The pain spot is about the size of my thumb, you would not think a spot that size could cause such misery. I am going to hop up the trail if I have to, but hope I find a cure by April 8th. Just wondering if any other hikers had a similar experience with injury?

QUOTE=doheir;1257783]Haglund's deformity and Achilles tendonitis are different problems and require different treatment plans. Spend some time questioning your provider about which one you have and what you can do. Both are persistent problems with a somewhat guarded prognosis for an upcoming hike. Good luck[/QUOTE]

Wombat Farm
02-22-2012, 23:49
I'm with Tenderheart...I surprisingly had a sports massage pro work out shin splints...I know it's not the same but they were pretty bad and I went to him faithfully first 2 x week then once a week and so forth...within a couple of months they were quite relieved. Good luck...you can do it!!! :banana

03-26-2012, 18:30
cut the backs off your shoes to an appropriate height or cut out a big hole in the padding where it rubs..... this will help so much

03-26-2012, 21:04
Had the same AchillesTendon problem. Triedcortisone, steroids etc and finally surgery in 1978 stopped it until 2010. It came back and this time I found a therapy called ASTYM which is a very deep tissue massage. Not at all fun or relaxing, but it has cleared it up at least for 2 years. Supposed to work on Planta Faciaitis as well. Good luck!

Chaco Taco
03-28-2012, 12:46
well, i'm sure that i'm wasting typewriter ink, but here goes. Your problem is caused by a tight gastroc and/or soleus. You have much to do and little time. The problem needs an active approach. If i were you, i would find a massage therapist who is good in deep tissue, not fluff and puff. A tight calf can be lengthened by transverse fiction massage and stretching on your part. Ice on the heel several times a day and stretch, stretch, stretch. It may take several sessions of massage, but it will work. You can google calf stretches and find the one right for you. Hurry! April will be here in a flash. I wish you well.

thank you!!!!!!! Bout time we got our due and proper!:)

Thai massage is equally as helpful!

Chaco Taco
03-28-2012, 12:55
I will also add that when you have your soleous muscle worked, it is important to work the fascia towards the heart. There is a nice calcaneous stroke that stretches the achilles, soleous and cares for the area around the calcaneous bone on the heel. Id suggest wearing some sort of liner in your sock and look at a thicker sock to wear over that. For the soreness of your achilles, get Tiger Balm Ultra to rub on the area, it works really well. You can also get small sample packs of Biofreeze. I have hundreds! Stretching is the most important thing for you. Keep your feet dry. When you have chances to take off your shoes and esp your socks, do it. The callouses build up after about a month. Someone suggested cutting out the part of your shoes. You may look at that too.