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View Full Version : REI Garage Sale! What Did You or Will You Get?

04-28-2012, 10:41
I just got home from the garage sale at our local REI. Lucked out and heard about it yesterday, got in line at 5:45 AM - the first non-sleeper in line (there were 7 kids from the Wesleyan Outdoors Club sleeping-bagging it in front of me, one in a hammock).

I got basics - a Half-Dome 2 tent, a 20 degree bag and a Mars 80 pack, all three, in good condition, for $115, including tax. Nice - ready to get out and camp now!

It was a fun, interesting crowd. Couple of 2008 thrus close to me in line, one SOBO the other NOBO. Overall about 250 people were there to hunt, peck and pick. I'm definitely coming back next year and looking out for their winter sale in January.

04-28-2012, 10:53
Got a Kuhl hoodie for $20. Couldn't find any defects and the girl at the register raved about it.

Overall, it was a madhouse, though. Not sure if I'll go to another one.

04-28-2012, 11:05
Got a Kuhl hoodie for $20. Couldn't find any defects and the girl at the register raved about it.

Overall, it was a madhouse, though. Not sure if I'll go to another one.

To get all the basic stuff I needed at such a steep discount it was totally worth the early wake time and line-standing. The other hikers who came made it fun - even better. If I have enough needed things when the next garage sale comes along, I'll go again. We'll see. Were you at the same one as me, or another one?

04-28-2012, 11:42
I was at the West Hartford, CT REI.

Agreed. The discounts are worth the weight (and a great service for REI members). It just felt like it had more of a Black Friday, grab everything you can carry whether it fits you or not kind of vibe than the last sale. Not exactly sure why that is.

One thing I did notice, however, the clothing racks were way too close together. People were climbing all over each other to look through them. I had my two girls with me and it was difficult to watch them and try and look at anything.

If I do go again I wouldn't take them unless my wife came with me, too.

Congratulations on your spoils. Sounds like you got some nice gear.

04-28-2012, 15:22
Agreed. The discounts are worth the weight (and a great service for REI members). It just felt like it had more of a Black Friday, grab everything you can carry whether it fits you or not kind of vibe than the last sale. Not exactly sure why that is. ...

Congratulations on your spoils. Sounds like you got some nice gear.

The clothing racks being so close together was because of the winds blowing two of them around about half an hour prior to the sale's start. The only one which stayed still was up against a curb - they put the other two next to it as a result. I bet that was inconvenient, but they couldn't do much about that.

I took a quick peek at shoes, too, but my feet are super wide, so I figure best not to waste time.

05-05-2012, 11:41
Bump! any of you guys go to the ones today too? RI didn't have one last week so I went to theirs this week.

Brooks Pure Connect minimalist shoes 15 bucks

Smartwool sweater 15 bucks. 175 worth for 30 not too shabby :)