View Full Version : Stomach Bug Going Around

05-10-2012, 13:17
I've heard stories of people getting a really bad stomach bug since Erwin. I'm in Roan Mnt. Right now and 1-2 more people got sick last night. Trail days will be fun. Bring a puke bag. :P

Norwalk virus?

05-10-2012, 13:43
The ebb and flow of the trail. Most stomach issues are caused by hikers eating out of others food bags.

Learn to fear the words " Hey, want some GORP? "

Pedaling Fool
05-10-2012, 15:27
Every year...

05-10-2012, 15:27
Yet another reason to avoid the close quarters of shelters and hostels. Oh, and eat your lunch BEFORE you leaf through the shelter register.

05-10-2012, 15:56
I've heard stories of people getting a really bad stomach bug since Erwin. I'm in Roan Mnt. Right now and 1-2 more people got sick last night. Trail days will be fun. Bring a puke bag. :P

Norwalk virus? Yeah, the "no walk" virus! Nothing worse than having it come out of both ends on the trail. I always carry anti-diarrhea tablets in my first aid kit, I carried them for 500 miles before I needed them, but...believe me I was greatful that I had them! And yes, I never accept unwrapped food from other hikers, it's hard to maintain hygiene on the trail. Stay hydrated!

05-10-2012, 16:07
I work in a hospital in Central PA and there's been quite a few call-offs recently due to a stomach bug...I think it's just making the rounds.

Tennessee Viking
05-10-2012, 16:27
From past seasons, I heard of a few hikers getting sick from low oxygenated/high trace mineral water during the warmer months from around Erwin. If the water is warm or smells funny don't drink it.

05-10-2012, 16:42
I get the impression that shelters can be the equivalent of a kindergarten classroom? Its not like hikers are much cleaner then a little snot nose kid and we all know how germs get spread amongst them.

05-10-2012, 17:51
I was having lunch at a shelter once and a filthy, sick hiker came walking in, announcing he hadn't had a shower in about 500 miles and complaining about diarrhea. So his buddies shake his hand and go back to eating lunch. I'll bet they blamed the water if they got sick.

05-10-2012, 19:51
I had a bad virus in the Whites at an AMC hut in '07. It happens. Boy was I sick. Then did the whole presidential range the next day. Don't know how I did it either.

05-11-2012, 09:08
Yea, I carry the stop part of "stop and go." I'll start making sure I leave the registers alone till after meals, good tip. And I'll try to implement the no unwrapped food policy, but that one will be harder since the "thru-hikers don't turn down food" mantra is pretty well engrained after 300 miles.

I'm glad to hear, in a way, that it's not just us dirty hikers, but that there actually is something going around in the general population though.

05-15-2012, 15:05
Just came thru that area; yup, sick ones there.

05-15-2012, 15:59
These are the simple kind of things that ambitious new trail hikers/runners that want to break records don't know about. Like the Sportiva/mp3 player kid that got off the trail in merely 6 days and blamed his illness on bad water.

I was having lunch at a shelter once and a filthy, sick hiker came walking in, announcing he hadn't had a shower in about 500 miles and complaining about diarrhea. So his buddies shake his hand and go back to eating lunch. I'll bet they blamed the water if they got sick.

Yep, fist bump or no contact. I try to make a point of using hand sanitizer before I touch my food. If I touch my food, then touch my pants, I sanitize my hands again. Bacteria is small. It doesn't care if you touched it for a microsecond or an hour.

The ebb and flow of the trail. Most stomach issues are caused by hikers eating out of others food bags.

Learn to fear the words " Hey, want some GORP? "

I recently had a fellow walker touch my food. I'd even call him a friend. I had previously poured food into his hands. I guess he didn't get it because he put his hand into my food bag. I thrust the food bag into his hands and told him it was his now, and walked off pissed. I already don't like sharing food, and contaminating all of my food...okay, that put me in a good mood for lifting. Time for squats.

05-15-2012, 16:34
Apparetly the old Indian signal sign of raising ones hand,and saying How,has it right.Of coarse this was in the movies,but there just may be some merit to that.