View Full Version : Anybody use a map measurer/wheel?

06-26-2012, 14:49
I'm curious if any of you use a map wheel to determine distance on maps? I had one when I was a child and found it came in quite handy. If you do use one, which one and would you reccommend it?

I'm referring to something like this: http://www.amazon.com/Alvin-Co-SC00700-SCALEX-WHEEL/dp/B001E0DTL2/ref=wl_it_dp_o_pdT1_S_nC?ie=UTF8&colid=131TPR7NJ21ZO&coliid=I19YXGSORX6YRL

06-26-2012, 15:13
I have one,though it's not as fancy as that....mine's is analog.pretty much don't use it anymore,just bought it cause I thought it was cool,and it is,but I've found that you can get pretty darn close just eye-balling it,or I use the tip of my thumb to the crease in the first digit or for me that's about a mile or 1 1/4 inches.

Llama Legs
06-26-2012, 15:14
mine keeps slipping around on the computer screen...

Feral Bill
06-26-2012, 15:44
I've used one (long ago). Like a pedometer, it's more or less useless.

06-26-2012, 16:00
mine keeps slipping around on the computer screen...If you have the hight above the wheel,put a "O-ring" or rubber band around the wheel.Computer screen are not to scale,and sometimes people aren't either,so doing so will change the diameter and consequentially the distance noted,If it is a lap top you can lay it flat,and...."lay it down",if you know it's measurment,objects on a computer screen are smaller then they appear.:D

Llama Legs
06-26-2012, 17:17
If you have the hight above the wheel,put a "O-ring" or rubber band around the wheel.Computer screen are not to scale,and sometimes people aren't either,so doing so will change the diameter and consequentially the distance noted,If it is a lap top you can lay it flat,and...."lay it down",if you know it's measurment,objects on a computer screen are smaller then they appear.:D
all this new stuff to remember. I just finally got all the white-out off my screen!

06-26-2012, 17:52
all this new stuff to remember. I just finally got all the white-out off my screen!took me forever to get it off my glasses.