View Full Version : Blisters-- healing your tore up feet

07-07-2012, 08:43
Okay, so this might be a little gross. Fair warning.

I know there are a lot of threads on preventing blisters, and on treating them right after they happen. My problem is that I shredded my feet with blisters about a month ago on a 3 day backpacking trip. (I returned the ill-fitting boots to REI.) They callused over as they healed, and now the rough skin is peeling off, leaving crazy jagged ridges of hard skin around patches of new pink baby skin.

This is a problem when I run or hike-- the tore up areas of my feet get sore very fast, and it doesn't matter what sort of prevention I try (duct tape, body glide, specialty socks). Calluses are building up around the edges. I guess I could just try to stay off them, but I like doing stuff that requires using my feet.

What do you do with the jagged peeling tore-up stage of healing from blisters?

07-07-2012, 10:25
Well, stop tearing them up.

Obviously tearing them up doesn't work because it's been a month and your feet still aren't well. After a month you could have foot skin like leather.

You can use your feet, but don't damage them more. Allow them to get thick without hurting them.

As for what I do with jagged peeling skin. I leave it. Sometimes I do get blisters even though I try to take care of my feet. Trying different shoes does that sometimes. They're usually minor though, and I take care of my feet while they heal. It works well enough that I can hike pain free with those jagged edges because the new skin underneath is nice and thick. It's like having sand or small rocks in your shoes. If your skin is thick enough, those things won't bother you.

07-07-2012, 10:44
1) Soak in salt water. 2) Use a file, pumice stone, callus shaver, and/or scissors to clean up any jagged edges and to bring the callus level to the surrounding skin. You want to keep the callus from tearing off. 3) Apply Corn Huskers Lotion before bed.

And of course, work to find shoes that fit well enough that they are less likely to tear up your feet.

07-07-2012, 11:53
Try this site. Lots of good tips: http://www.fixingyourfeet.com/

Velvet Gooch
07-07-2012, 12:03
Harden your feet. Modern man is soft

07-07-2012, 13:28
Tannic acid is your friend. Soak your feet for about 10-15 minutes a day in a strong tea solution. Going to the Dollar Store and getting a box of Family size tea bags is the best way. The tannic acid toughens the feet.

No it's not an old wives tale- See page 2 of this Podiatry Today article.
