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02-11-2013, 15:18
I am going backwards on the maturity scale as I get older. By sixty I'm going to be asking everyone to pull my finger!

I see nothing immature about that. That's just funny.

02-11-2013, 15:19
It was too favorable off course. I didn't want others to think I was sucking up. I mean... what could I possibly say that would be bad? That is your cue ... others.

Poor taste in wine!! See I said it again and again and again and again. I did compliment her on a good wine choice a while back. :banana

02-11-2013, 15:25
Poor taste in wine!! See I said it again and again and again and again. I did compliment her on a good wine choice a while back. :banana

I guess that derailed her.

Gray Blazer
02-11-2013, 15:27
Poor taste in wine!! See I said it again and again and again and again. I did compliment her on a good wine choice a while back. :banana

I have a 1970 bottle of Boone's Farm.


Gray Blazer
02-11-2013, 15:28
All kidding aside: As I mature (and I am not done yet) I try to be more in touch with how my actions and words effect others. For some, this comes natural. Some do not have a mean bone in their body. For others (like me) we carry frustrations. It is not that we are bad, we just don't say things perfectly. I really try to not offend anyone. At the same time, I understand some of the people that are offensive. They need to work on it. I have some work left too.

As an example: When we hear a news story of something bad happening because of a drunk driver there are normally 2 reactions. One is to condemn. I have the other reaction. I sink down in my seat and whisper, "Thank you Lord for protecting me and others while I was being as stupid.". Those that never were so stupid can't relate. I can.

I put some on the ignore list at 1st. I took them off. I know they would not like me saying it, but I can relate to them. To be blunt, they are immature still. They don't think so. They think they are all that and a bag of chips. But, I have hopes they will mature, just like Rifle matured a bit.

This post is too long. I'm offended.

02-11-2013, 15:29
I have a 1970 bottle of Boone's Farm.


Is that tickle pink or strawberry hill. I mean... never heard of the stuff. Ya', that's what I meant to say.

02-11-2013, 15:30
This post is too long. I'm offended.

What's the matter.. having post envy?

02-11-2013, 15:31
This post is too long. I'm offended.

Let's see how offended you really are.

Gray Blazer
02-11-2013, 15:31
What's the matter.. having post envy?

I guess I can't talk. :o

02-11-2013, 15:31
I have a 1970 bottle of Boone's Farm.


That is odd considering that the Boone's Farm Logo did not look like that!

02-11-2013, 15:33
What's the matter.. having post envy?

Don't push Gray Blazer on post length. The internet might not have enough memory to hold a deliberatly long GB post!

Gray Blazer
02-11-2013, 15:33
That is odd considering that the Boone's Farm Logo did not look like that!
Busted! Dam!

02-11-2013, 15:35
Busted! Dam!

I may be an idiot, but I know wine!

02-11-2013, 15:37
Have you guys voted on my poll yet? (I said poll not pole GB). There is currently a tie. I need help on which mace to bring.


02-11-2013, 15:39
Have you guys voted on my poll yet? (I said poll not pole GB). There is currently a tie. I need help on which mace to bring.


I had the first vote! Can't vote twice here on Whiteblaze!

Train Wreck
02-11-2013, 15:39
It was too favorable off course. I didn't want others to think I was sucking up. I mean... what could I possibly say that would be bad? That is your cue ... others.

If you want in on the calendar, all you have to do is ask :D

02-11-2013, 15:40
If you want in on the calendar, all you have to do is ask :D

I already sent a picture of me. You said I was too young.

02-11-2013, 15:44
If you want in on the calendar, all you have to do is ask :D


02-11-2013, 15:45
Okay. Off to work.

02-11-2013, 15:50

I fixed the photo for you!


Train Wreck
02-11-2013, 16:32
Which one is correct? Changing the dealine or OZ Being able to read the kings English better then us Yankees?

I already answered you once!
You are correct!
It's a crying shame that the only timely response came from a non- resident who was assigned the furthest month away & had the most time to prepare!

Train Wreck
02-11-2013, 16:34
I fixed the photo for you!


Nope, I can't expose that underage child to the a** of Oz!

Wise Old Owl
02-11-2013, 17:08
I need a good argument....

02-11-2013, 17:48
Which one is correct? Changing the dealine or OZ Being able to read the kings English better then us Yankees?

I already answered you once!
You are correct!
It's a crying shame that the only timely response came from a non- resident who was assigned the furthest month away & had the most time to prepare!

Australia is ahead of us in time zones. He had an advantage.

Train Wreck
02-11-2013, 18:33
Australia is ahead of us in time zones. He had an advantage.

I repeat, where's yours? :datz

02-11-2013, 20:01
I don't have my good glasses on. Is the 7th letter of the 1st word on your post a "r" or an "a"?
'splaine that more, BB.

02-11-2013, 20:02
Tipi Walter....January
Papa D...February
Mountain Mike....March
Lone Wolf...May, with a moose
WOO...October because he's an owl, and it's a halloweenie month

Attention, all:
If i don't receive your photo by the end of today, i will have to improvise...You have been warned.

Hiking in June - submitted by milkman 19620
This has already been approved by a majority of the cafe members.

02-11-2013, 20:02
The oughto-correct function reeks enough havoc ass it is!

'zactly! my spellin iz perfact! itz tha checkah that iz goofed.

Deer Hunter
02-11-2013, 20:16
Hiking in June - submitted by milkman 19620
This has already been approved by a majority of the cafe members.


02-11-2013, 20:20
Sounds like a winner to me. :)
I need to put in JJ again, sometime soon. loved that movie, in the day. haven't seen it in YEARS, but did get it on DVD a few back. Just haven't watched it

02-11-2013, 20:24
gray blazer still holds that distinction,although not as informative
well, I will have to try to find GB's post then, because that was a large one. Very informative though!

Mountain Mike
02-11-2013, 20:27

02-11-2013, 20:29
I remember buying Grand Funk Railroad's We're an American Band. The reason I remember it so well is because it actually gold colored vinyl (instead of black). Probably bought some other 45s before that, but specifically remember that one.

I probably still have that first 45 i bought. I can say where (that was MY choice), but will have to look to really remember. It was early 70's.

02-11-2013, 20:31
I remember the Bloodshot album was all red.

WHOA!! yeah it was!! I forgot that! dayum!

02-11-2013, 20:31
I am going backwards on the maturity scale as I get older. By sixty I'm going to be asking everyone to pull my finger!
the age is actually fifty five

02-11-2013, 20:32
I remember buying Grand Funk Railroad's We're an American Band. The reason I remember it so well is because it actually gold colored vinyl (instead of black). Probably bought some other 45s before that, but specifically remember that one.

Good choice. Still love me some GFR.

02-11-2013, 20:34
I repeat, where's yours? :datz

Your Choice - I like the ankles one!

02-11-2013, 20:34
wow what happened.

02-11-2013, 20:35
Yeah, we had some of those too. :)

We did too. made it easier than putting the adaptor on. But, now, really wasn't that a useless gadget, because if you were to put a stack on, just using that big fat one was better. Big fat ones better. yeah. Freudian slip?

02-11-2013, 20:36
and if you print out this thread youll never be short of tp
Tru dat!! :banana

02-11-2013, 20:36
this is the one i remember.

http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBhQSERUUEhQWFRUWGBgaGBUYFxodHhccGhsYFxoaGh 0cHCcfFxwkHRcYHy8gIycpLSwsHR4xNTAqNSYrLCkBCQoKDgwO Gg8PGCwcHCQpLCkpKSkuLCwsKSwpKSkpMSopKSkpKSkvKSwpKS kpKSkpKSwpKSopKSwpKSksLCkpLP/AABEIAMABAAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAwEBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEBwIBAAj/xABDEAACAQIEBAQEAggDBwQDAAABAhEDIQAEEjEFBkFREyJhcQ cygZGhsRQjQlJiwdHwQ3LhFRYkM4LC8ZKTstIXY3P/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUG/8QAKhEAAgIBAwMDBAIDAAAAAAAAAAECEQMSITEEQVETImEUcYH BoeEzQrH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AMjAxIuOBjtMAixlqU4IUsniPILg1lMuGGo/L0nb3OIbAHLQX94fcf2cW6XDG3Ij0/rgwlNHZEIMXN1IBgGPzwQy1D5lidLR9IBHvviHIdC23DtIJawG/wDf9748p8KdokaZ2WJPue3tg9lMr+kVS3+FTML2dxu3svT1wTr 5MyCsBhO4mQYmRI7DBqChUpcHYkqRtB9wZ/oftiz/ALvt2w15bJAEzcnc7fYdAP7nFlqarckAdyRGJ1DoSjy4e2ODyw x2GHHiYqJSZqNPxHAlV2B2+/4YReI8zZqlWUVoAsSi2DKw77zv7EYpNvgKR5m+AaPnZV3PmIEg YhyPBVrMy02DFbGNupseux+2DuZShnqX71QIQjgwQTdQ6za9pu CT6xi18PswjUlAEsoKGNwZZr95U7/wkYNToVCbxjg9SgSGpnSAPN0vYfjjjI8vV6ya6aiIJHcxO32Ix 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9L4ro+O5xJ6iqS3NR4JzZSzBA+R/3Sd/Y9fzxe4rxLwk1wDHRmjV6LAPm+n1GMhSsQZBgjYjpgvm+aq1RN LadiNWm9xpJB6EgkWwfc4MvRW7xhDivPVZ6jGkdKwFXrAG5E9T 3joM***53r03Bqt4idQYn6HvhXoqSyqLliFHuTA98SsLkfT7YG dePDjcdFb9zbcrnVq01dSCpEgj+/e2LNKpO3/nCT8Oc0xo1EJsrAj/AKhcfh+OHEVMB4mfH6c3EkqVwu0X/HHZJA6XxEpnfHXX0wGJKsAY8arbEbz0/HHxNsAjpnws8ycdcUcwqyjoVAPdGgah+I9PrhiVYGEnnPItorO FO6S+8qbkDsoMCMM2w/5FfkRC074vcI45Vy7aqbW6qflb0I/ngdOPRiD6eSjJUzV+C80080IU6Xi6H+R6jBEMwMG+E3kvlx6bC vU8tiFXrfq3a3TDo1h3OKR811MYRnUODyoxi/54hR7Wx7UbUIP1xERAgDDOc6LzfFdmvO+PancbDEBGq8/QYAP/2Q==

Before or after starting the second bottle?

02-11-2013, 20:37
So now we know why you do not post during the school day.

Who me? i think knot! :banana

02-11-2013, 20:41
That is odd considering that the Boone's Farm Logo did not look like that!

this is the one i remember


02-11-2013, 20:41
I have a new story that Astro might like. By the time he catches up on the cafe it should be ready.

I have the best mother-in-law on the planet. She told me when I married her daughter that if the marriage ever went south that she was keeping me. We both know she loves her daughter more, but that is who she is. She is a kid in a body that is failing her. We tease each other without mercy.

One day, a few years back, I took her ice fishing with the family. I drove my 1988 Ford Festiva on the ice so she could watch the action in a warm spot. Just before I went to set up the traps I asked her why I was doing this for her. She answered, "because you love me". I said that I loved her, but that was not why I did it. I asked her to look at the car she was in. It was totaled before I bought it. It had nothing but junkyard parts in it and I had driven it for 100,000 miles. I said there was little left to it. Then I said, "look at yourself. I figure if the car goes through the ice with you in it, there will be no great loss". She was laughing so hard she was crying as I finally left to set up the traps.

I told my wife the story later in front of her mother. My wife was shocked, but my mother-in-law was busting a gut again.
great story. scary part is the Festiva; salvaged or not! LOL and we are a ford family. ( sorry HB). but with 4 Fords registered on the road (2 daily driver; the mustangs are for fun. 97 cobra, and 03 cobra) and several other fords in the barn... think 67, 68 mustang and others :banana

02-11-2013, 20:42
then we discovered mateus.
much more classier


02-11-2013, 20:43
Before or after starting the second bottle?
how did you do that?

02-11-2013, 20:43
Here is a test. This is a picture of a school bus. Which way is it going. It so simple most 5th graders got it.19601
I will step out of this round, as I am not as smart as a fifth grader....

02-11-2013, 20:44
HB, OK I correct myself to longest meaningful post.

only posts that are E/I please....

02-11-2013, 20:44
how did you do that?

Do what? .

02-11-2013, 20:45
Hiking in June - submitted by milkman 19620
This has already been approved by a majority of the cafe members.
id like to be on the cog for that one

Mountain Mike
02-11-2013, 20:46
Do what? .
Grow chicken ankles

02-11-2013, 20:46
Do what? .
how did you turn my picture into a gb special?

02-11-2013, 20:47
id like to be on the cog for that oneIf I ever get to take the Cog, I'm bringing rubber bands and paper clips, and selling them...cheap! Might even give to all the kids.

02-11-2013, 20:47
how did you turn my picture into a gb special?

That was how you posted it. I just replied with a quote to capture the evidence of GB disease.

02-11-2013, 20:48
If I ever get to take the Cog, I'm bringing rubber bands and paper clips.

Explanation please!

02-11-2013, 20:48
Holy crap-- on pg 1081 and is at 1091... lotsa reading tonight.....

02-11-2013, 20:49
That was how you posted it. I just replied with a quote to capture the evidence of GB disease.
im sorry but i cant find the original post.

donating members-theyre not just for sperm banks

02-11-2013, 20:49
It left the house, left the school, left us at school, left us at home, blah, blah
SEE, I am NOT as smaht as fifth grader...

02-11-2013, 20:51
im sorry but i cant find the original post.

donating members-theyre not just for sperm banks

It was edited to attempt to hide the GB disease. You got to be quick around here.

02-11-2013, 20:51
HB, I did have some brownies today. But my wife made them and I am sure there were not any "special" ingredients.
well if they are NOT special, I can't do.. I only work with special students.....

02-11-2013, 20:51
Grow chicken ankles

Massive amounts of coffee daily!

02-11-2013, 20:52
Explanation please!hmm, remember David and Goliath, think upgrade.

02-11-2013, 20:52
im sorry but i cant find the original post.

donating members-theyre not just for sperm banks

You have to be careful with the sperm banks these days. You could get sued for child support.

02-11-2013, 20:53
In trying to catch up with past posts, I cannot waste time on you tube vids. please summaraize for me... :D

02-11-2013, 20:53
hmm, remember David and Goliath, think upgrade.

That was a cartoon from the 70's right?

02-11-2013, 20:53
Try Acapulco.
well, I MAY try some acapulco gold.... if you twist my arm....

02-11-2013, 20:54
In trying to catch up with past posts, I cannot waste time on you tube vids. please summaraize for me... :D

Blah, Blah, Blah, Great Music, Blah, Blah, Scuppernog, Chicken Ankles, Blah, Blah, Blah!

02-11-2013, 20:56
It was edited to attempt to hide the GB disease. You got to be quick around here.
it took me a while to figure out how to edit it quickly. i was deleting it line by line and it ws taking too long. ill be fasteer next time.

and i woulld have gotten way with it too,



02-11-2013, 20:56
Bring a six pack to the place and he magically appears. Just make sure it's Cheerwine.
I see your cheerwine, and up you a sundrop.

02-11-2013, 20:57
My answer is nowhere.
It's parked and doesn't have a driver.

is it down by the river, in a van?

02-11-2013, 20:58
You slacker.
You'll probably call in sick on the 20th as well :D

I would if I could...

02-11-2013, 20:58
I see your cheerwine, and up you a sundrop.

I'll take Mountain Dew!

02-11-2013, 20:59
it took me a while to figure out how to edit it quickly. i was deleting it line by line and it ws taking too long. ill be fasteer next time.

and i woulld have gotten way with it too,



Rut Row, meddling kids!

02-11-2013, 20:59
Just a response to CR that I'll put in here for anyone else.
It has been mentioned in the cafe a couple of times but only HB has the time to scroll back through over a 1000 pages to find it.

To find out how many posts you have in the cafe or any other threads, place your mouse cursor over the icon at the left side of the thread title before you open the thread.
To find everybody's post counts for the thread go to the number of replies under the replies/views column on the same page and double click it. A seperate box will open and show who are the real POHO's in here.;)

I'm confused. can you help me with that??

02-11-2013, 21:03
I'm confused. can you help me with that??

http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=86369 Click on the post count

02-11-2013, 21:07
scared?!! :D

no, he's skeered! :D

02-11-2013, 21:08
I'm confused. can you help me with that??Sure there you go

Wise Old Owl
02-11-2013, 21:08
no he can't he described it to a tee... just re-read.

02-11-2013, 21:10
this is the one i remember


I remember it well. We used to take it to the float party's and the girls wouldn't drink it by itself. We would mix it with strawberry kool-aid and they couldn't get enough. Thank you Boone's Farm and Kool-Aid.

02-11-2013, 21:10
you kiddin me? i appreciate the help.between the deadhead and jukebox threads, and actually seeing whats going on on the rest of whiteblaze im having a hard time maintaining happiness and need everyone to contribute. in addition to actually working!(im here at work now)
posting at work is VERBOTEN! or blocked by the ultra hyper vigilant filters.

02-11-2013, 21:11
http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=86369 Click on the post countThat's cool...I'm half the Ho as Ozjacko

02-11-2013, 21:12
posting at work is VERBOTEN! or blocked by the ultra hyper vigilant filters.

Get a smart phone and the Android app!

Another Kevin
02-11-2013, 21:14
Hiking in June - submitted by milkman 19620
This has already been approved by a majority of the cafe members.

:eek: I'm glad my wife didn't see that on my screen.

02-11-2013, 21:14
That's cool...I'm half the Ho as Ozjacko

You went AWOL for a while and got behind. The first month of the café it was the three stooges (Hikerboy, Rocket Socks and I) leading the POHO pack.

02-11-2013, 21:15
1086 / 1092.... ugh...

02-11-2013, 21:16
You went AWOL for a while and got behind. The first month of the café it was the three stooges (Hikerboy, Rocket Socks and I) leading the POHO pack.I figured I'd give the other kids a chance to catch up...boy was that a understatement.

02-11-2013, 21:16
:eek: I'm glad my wife didn't see that on my screen.
Just another ULer.

02-11-2013, 21:16
If there's no bromance it might not get sticky...jusssssst sayin'.

may i just say... EEEEWWWWWWWW

02-11-2013, 21:16
Don't ..............

02-11-2013, 21:16
Be ..............

02-11-2013, 21:17

02-11-2013, 21:17
1086 / 1092.... ugh...

Change you settings to 40 posts per page versus 20 and cut your reading in half!

02-11-2013, 21:17

02-11-2013, 21:17
Change you settings to 40 posts per page versus 20 and cut your reading in half!Ah you dogged me

02-11-2013, 21:18
posting at work is VERBOTEN! or blocked by the ultra hyper vigilant filters.
my boss understands me pretty well.i dont like to be managed. if you leave me alone i perform well. i love my job and i am very self motivated. if things get on my nerves and they start trying to manage me, i just take off a couple days and go hike. he knows i give him a lot more than i get paid for, and i like having the luxury of being able to take off when i want to, as long as my work is consistant, which it is.i doubt hed be thrilled to know how often i peek into the cafe during the day, but if he said something to me about it, id take off for a few days go hiking come back and that would be the end of the discussion.i have a great reputation and can work for pretty much anyone i want to. i have balance where i am, and for me at this stage of my life, thats more important than making a bit more money, but sacrificing a lot more of my free time.

02-11-2013, 21:19
Change you settings to 40 posts per page versus 20 and cut your reading in half!Conversely, can you change something to make you post 4 times as much, or do you still need intelligible content?

02-11-2013, 21:20
Conversely, can you change something to make you post 4 times as much, or do you still need intelligible content?

The key to post count is not getting deleted more then once per month. Oops!

Wise Old Owl
02-11-2013, 21:20
You went AWOL for a while and got behind. The first month of the café it was the three stooges (Hikerboy, Rocket Socks and I) leading the POHO pack.

Thant happened to me a couple of times ... is there a Shelter meeting tomorrow to discuss the "left in the lurch" so some can catch up with cyber hiking?

02-11-2013, 21:21
The key to post count is not getting deleted more then once per month. Oops!

I'm going to hit post 4000 soon! 150 more to go! I must remember to come up with something better then chicken ankles!

02-11-2013, 21:22
my boss understands me pretty well.i dont like to be managed. if you leave me alone i perform well. i love my job and i am very self motivated. if things get on my nerves and they start trying to manage me, i just take off a couple days and go hike. he knows i give him a lot more than i get paid for, and i like having the luxury of being able to take off when i want to, as long as my work is consistant, which it is.i doubt hed be thrilled to know how often i peek into the cafe during the day, but if he said something to me about it, id take off for a few days go hiking come back and that would be the end of the discussion.i have a great reputation and can work for pretty much anyone i want to. i have balance where i am, and for me at this stage of my life, thats more important than making a bit more money, but sacrificing a lot more of my free time.Dig it....live Deliberately.

02-11-2013, 21:22
Thant happened to me a couple of times ... is there a Shelter meeting tomorrow to discuss the "left in the lurch" so some can catch up with cyber hiking?

The great thing about cyber hiking is that you can always catch up.

Wise Old Owl
02-11-2013, 21:25
Well I can't cyber hike as fast as you...

02-11-2013, 21:26
Well I can't cyber hike as fast as you...

Just cheat!

02-11-2013, 21:27
Can a POHO deduct their internet fees from their taxes?

02-11-2013, 21:30
Just cheat!I got a blow drying on HIGH/NO HEAT blowing on my micro processor and giving her all she 's got. I need more..what ever the hell it is...

02-11-2013, 21:31
Can a POHO deduct their internet fees from their taxes?Oh that's good...we gotta look into that.

02-11-2013, 21:32
Look all the other kids left, ran oft to read "TODAYS POSTS" now's your chance Rasty..."Run Rasty Run"

I'll send out a bunch of PM's and try to run interference. But I gotta get First poho's mate...wait scratch that, I'll just do the PM's

02-11-2013, 21:35
hitchhikers guide is on ifc right now

02-11-2013, 21:37
The key to post count is not getting deleted more then once per month. Oops!Yeah...that's a problem sometimes.:-?

I've actually conformed to some extent...I think, could be good graces tho.

02-11-2013, 21:39
hitchhikers guide is on ifc right nowI'm watching a horror movie right now..."who came in the back door" freakin acting is terrible tho..way to much screamin.

02-11-2013, 21:39
Before or after starting the second bottle?

Ok yeah i remember seeing that.. sorry I asked....

02-11-2013, 21:40
Do what? .
THAT, you know... THAT

02-11-2013, 21:42
Blah, Blah, Blah, Great Music, Blah, Blah, Scuppernog, Chicken Ankles, Blah, Blah, Blah!

gotcha-- GREAT MUSIC.... blah blah blah...

02-11-2013, 21:42
"Self praise is no praise".
Can't remember where I learnt that one, but have always lived by it.

Oz, or was it there is no promotion like self promotion. :-?

02-11-2013, 21:44
http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/misc.php?do=whoposted&t=86369 Click on the post count
whoa-- higher than i thought...

02-11-2013, 21:45
Get a smart phone and the Android app!

got the phone, and the app... it's just getting 4g thats the issue in cell block c.

02-11-2013, 21:46
Be ..............

BE...WHAT???? don't be what?????

02-11-2013, 21:48
my boss understands me pretty well.i dont like to be managed. if you leave me alone i perform well. i love my job and i am very self motivated. if things get on my nerves and they start trying to manage me, i just take off a couple days and go hike. he knows i give him a lot more than i get paid for, and i like having the luxury of being able to take off when i want to, as long as my work is consistant, which it is.i doubt hed be thrilled to know how often i peek into the cafe during the day, but if he said something to me about it, id take off for a few days go hiking come back and that would be the end of the discussion.i have a great reputation and can work for pretty much anyone i want to. i have balance where i am, and for me at this stage of my life, thats more important than making a bit more money, but sacrificing a lot more of my free time.

wish that were true in public schools.....

02-11-2013, 21:48
Can a POHO deduct their internet fees from their taxes?
Yes and can also file for unemployment.

02-11-2013, 21:50
BE...WHAT???? don't be what?????


Oops...A POHO

02-11-2013, 21:51
I am having trouble believing that post count chart. No way have I posted 28 times in this thread.

You are right, it is 29 now. :D

02-11-2013, 21:52
I'll take Mountain Dew!
i love mountain dew. all flavors.usually buy a bottle to throw in the pack it is a phenomenal mid day pick me up

02-11-2013, 21:53
29 now, but who's counting?

Ah, TW, should have known you would have beat me too it. Oh if I only diidn't have to work.

02-11-2013, 21:53
We got any "Oooh nooo Mister Bill" in the cafe'

02-11-2013, 21:54


cause it was such a good show

02-11-2013, 21:56
jerry on pedal steel


02-11-2013, 21:57
hey is smike ever gonna get that jukejoint hummin or is it all up to us?

02-11-2013, 21:59
hey is smike ever gonna get that jukejoint hummin or is it all up to us?
time to step up HB

02-11-2013, 22:01
I had the first vote! Can't vote twice here on Whiteblaze!

Yeah, that only works in Chicago (and a few other places).

02-11-2013, 22:06
well, I will have to try to find GB's post then, because that was a large one. Very informative though!

GB, didn't have any information, just Gray Blazer disease.

02-11-2013, 22:09

Good advice: Keep your nose to the wheel, and your eyes to the skyline. :)

02-11-2013, 22:14
only posts that are E/I please....

What is E/I? Entertaining and Informative or Entertaining and Interesting?

02-11-2013, 22:19
well if they are NOT special, I can't do.. I only work with special students.....

They were still good, too bad they are all gone. :(

02-11-2013, 22:27

RS, you just trying to get your post count up? Glad it was just a sentence instead of a paragraph. :eek:

Another Kevin
02-11-2013, 22:30
What is E/I? Entertaining and Informative or Entertaining and Interesting?

Here I thought it was resistance: E/I=R.

02-11-2013, 22:31
RS, you just trying to get your post count up? Glad it was just a sentence instead of a paragraph. :eek:
It's just spellin

02-11-2013, 22:32
hitchhikers guide is on ifc right now

HB, what is ifc?

02-11-2013, 22:35
HB, what is ifc?
independant film channel

02-11-2013, 22:38
i love mountain dew. all flavors.usually buy a bottle to throw in the pack it is a phenomenal mid day pick me up

Amazing powers,turned my son from an average to top notch Quiz Bowl player. He always knew the answers, but drinking a mountain dew before competition made all the difference on being first on the buzzer.
I guess even caffeine can be a Performance Enhancing Drug (PED).
Unfortunately it just the opposite result with Archery, where you need to be steady.

slow mind
02-11-2013, 22:45


02-11-2013, 22:46
Here I thought it was resistance: E/I=R.

Were you thinking of this?
Resistance (Ohms) = Voltage (v) / Current (I)

02-11-2013, 22:47
independant film channelI like IFC and the Sundance channel, you find some pretty obscure stuff in the wee hours, sometimes good, sometimes great...lots of crap too:)

02-11-2013, 22:52
Here I thought it was resistance: E/I=R.
resistance is futile

02-11-2013, 22:53
Amazing powers,turned my son from an average to top notch Quiz Bowl player. He always knew the answers, but drinking a mountain dew before competition made all the difference on being first on the buzzer.
I guess even caffeine can be a Performance Enhancing Drug (PED).
Unfortunately it just the opposite result with Archery, where you need to be steady.Yes a coffee before target practice always leaves me thinking, "well...that was a BIG waste of time":-?

But you can't beat the "Center mass double tap"19627

02-11-2013, 22:56
Were you thinking of this?
Resistance (Ohms) = Voltage (v) / Current (I)I was thinking Energy over Inertia = Resistance...

02-11-2013, 22:59
Hey guys- just check in B4 checkin out.. Hope everyone had a great day! Hope Coach and Storm are feeling better. No word from DH today? Hope he is well. OZ.. it's gettin closer..... so happy for you!! You 2 Milkman!! Elf is hunkered down. Later...... G'night all you, BOYZZZ!! :)

02-11-2013, 23:17


02-11-2013, 23:17
Night KD.........

Another Kevin
02-11-2013, 23:21
Were you thinking of this?
Resistance (Ohms) = Voltage (v) / Current (I)

Ohm, ohm on the range....

02-11-2013, 23:41
Hey guys- just check in B4 checkin out.. Hope everyone had a great day! Hope Coach and Storm are feeling better. No word from DH today? Hope he is well. OZ.. it's gettin closer..... so happy for you!! You 2 Milkman!! Elf is hunkered down. Later...... G'night all you, BOYZZZ!! :)

Thanks HM, feeling much better. Still have a nasty cough. Planing to be back outdoors by Wednesday.

Sarcasm the elf
02-11-2013, 23:49
Here I thought it was resistance: E/I=R.
resistance is futilehttp://georgtrek.tripod.com/~GeorgTrek/voyager/7of9.jpghttps://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-X4uKNfrtOKY/UJIa2FrE9_I/AAAAAAAAOj4/FeI91Kv5GCk/w497-h373/400784_10151276217634853_1573373466_n.jpg

Deer Hunter
02-11-2013, 23:53
Hey guys- just check in B4 checkin out.. Hope everyone had a great day! Hope Coach and Storm are feeling better. No word from DH today? Hope he is well. OZ.. it's gettin closer..... so happy for you!! You 2 Milkman!! Elf is hunkered down. Later...... G'night all you, BOYZZZ!! :)

I'm here, mom. Ears still messed up but here.

02-12-2013, 01:12
'splaine that more, BB.

The word in question was Overload. If you change the 7th letter to r it becomes Overlord. Just me being lame again.

02-12-2013, 03:48
Which one is correct? Changing the dealine or OZ Being able to read the kings English better then us Yankees?
Well at this point in time it is the Queens English!
There's your problem, still stuck in the 18th century!

02-12-2013, 03:50
I already sent a picture of me. You said I was too young.
Wrinkles required so TW knows where to place the staples.....

02-12-2013, 03:52
Australia is ahead of us in time zones. He had an advantage.
I also currently have a climate conducive to skin exposure....;)

02-12-2013, 03:53
Hiking in June - submitted by milkman 19620
This has already been approved by a majority of the cafe members.
But that is neither Milkman or Mrs Milkman. Nice but not quite right...

02-12-2013, 04:00
That's cool...I'm half the Ho as Ozjacko
Yeah but you took 3 months off.
By the time I reach Katahdin the real Socks will be revealed...:o

02-12-2013, 04:02
my boss understands me pretty well.i dont like to be managed. if you leave me alone i perform well. i love my job and i am very self motivated. if things get on my nerves and they start trying to manage me, i just take off a couple days and go hike. he knows i give him a lot more than i get paid for, and i like having the luxury of being able to take off when i want to, as long as my work is consistant, which it is.i doubt hed be thrilled to know how often i peek into the cafe during the day, but if he said something to me about it, id take off for a few days go hiking come back and that would be the end of the discussion.i have a great reputation and can work for pretty much anyone i want to. i have balance where i am, and for me at this stage of my life, thats more important than making a bit more money, but sacrificing a lot more of my free time.
That sounds about as free as working for the man gets...:D

Another Kevin
02-12-2013, 09:06
Well at this point in time it is the Queens English!

Well, of course I kin speak da Queens English! I was born in Queens! I kin speak da Joisey English too!

(Sometimes an apostrophe makes all the difference in the world.)

Train Wreck
02-12-2013, 10:12
Poor taste in wine!! See I said it again and again and again and again. I did compliment her on a good wine choice a while back. :banana

My taste in wine largely depends on who's paying the bill :D

Train Wreck
02-12-2013, 10:14
Tipi Walter....January
Papa D...February
Mountain Mike....March
Lone Wolf...May, with a moose
WOO...October because he's an owl, and it's a halloweenie month

Attention, all:
If i don't receive your photo by the end of today, i will have to improvise...You have been warned.

That's it. No more extensions.

02-12-2013, 10:19
That's it. No more extensions.

You've got you hands full there chicka. I can hardly wait! :D

02-12-2013, 10:20
That's it. No more extensions.

I sent my picture in last night! I'm all about meeting a deadline.

02-12-2013, 10:20
My taste in wine largely depends on who's paying the bill :D

Or the selection at the Handy Hugo's! :p

02-12-2013, 10:22
Well at this point in time it is the Queens English!
There's your problem, still stuck in the 18th century!

It's not the 18th century?

02-12-2013, 10:23
I sent my picture in last night! I'm all about meeting a deadline.

I saw those pics... swa-eet! Looked like you had some real cutie pies right behind you in that tent. :sun

Train Wreck
02-12-2013, 10:41
i have balance where i am, and for me at this stage of my life, thats more important than making a bit more money, but sacrificing a lot more of my free time.

Agree 100 %

Train Wreck
02-12-2013, 11:03
Or the selection at the Handy Hugo's! :p

And whether the delivery truck has made its weekly run yet :p

Gray Blazer
02-12-2013, 11:23
Well, of course I kin speak da Queens English! I was born in Queens! I kin speak da Joisey English too!

(Sometimes an apostrophe makes all the difference in the world.)

Apostrphe-Frank Zappa and Jack Bruce


02-12-2013, 11:47
....i have balance where i am, and for me at this stage of my life....

I wish I could find some balance. My duties are getting in the way of my cafe time.... and I ain't happy about it. It is like trying to lighten my pack. It has to be done, but it ain't happening. Fixed treadmill this morning. It's a brief skimming of the messages and then off to do "responsible" stuff.

02-12-2013, 12:17
I wish I could find some balance. My duties are getting in the way of my cafe time.... and I ain't happy about it. It is like trying to lighten my pack. It has to be done, but it ain't happening. Fixed treadmill this morning. It's a brief skimming of the messages and then off to do "responsible" stuff.

"responsible" stuff? ......... hummm.... I hear that calling my name too... I wish this place had a "like" button. It would so much easier to show support for things people say in here... A lot of good stuff goes by without proper acknowledgement........

Coffee Rules!
02-12-2013, 12:19
Don't worry, kids. I make up for your responsibility by multi-slacking in a huge way. I have twelve different tabs open in Chrome, assing off like a mofo.

You're welcome.

Train Wreck
02-12-2013, 12:23
"responsible" stuff? ......... hummm.... I hear that calling my name too... I wish this place had a "like" button. It would so much easier to show support for things people say in here... A lot of good stuff goes by without proper acknowledgement........

A lot of total crap slides by as well, so it all comes out about even :D

02-12-2013, 12:24
"responsible" stuff? ......... hummm.... I hear that calling my name too... I wish this place had a "like" button. It would so much easier to show support for things people say in here... A lot of good stuff goes by without proper acknowledgement........

Forget the "like" button. Find a "send pie" button. Treadmill operation a success. Just did 20 minute test. Now for 1 hour program on random for real test. Winter months are a killer on this aging body.

02-12-2013, 12:25
A lot of total crap slides by as well, so it all comes out about even :D

Hey now! I heard that. I am still in the room. Hehehehe....

slow mind
02-12-2013, 12:27
Don't worry, kids. I make up for your responsibility by multi-slacking in a huge way. I have twelve different tabs open in Chrome, assing off like a mofo.

You're welcome.

Years ago I coined this activity As: Ultra Slacking.

Wise Old Owl
02-12-2013, 12:30
Forget the "like" button. Find a "send pie" button. Treadmill operation a success. Just did 20 minute test. Now for 1 hour program on random for real test. Winter months are a killer on this aging body.

Uhh Yea ... do you look something like this with tons of sweat?

02-12-2013, 12:32
Hot Stove on MLB just showed Chase Field in Arizona. The grass was brown instead of green. Didn't realize it got that cold there.

Coffee Rules!
02-12-2013, 12:49
Years ago I coined this activity As: Ultra Slacking.

Does that mean I need to scrape the painted on logo off of my mouse to shave weight? I could probably shave the edges off of the scroll wheel too.

Coffee Rules!
02-12-2013, 12:50
Uhh Yea ... do you look something like this with tons of sweat?

Can you imagine the reaction of the gym staff if she used trekking poles?

02-12-2013, 13:37
I wish I could find some balance. My duties are getting in the way of my cafe time.... and I ain't happy about it. It is like trying to lighten my pack. It has to be done, but it ain't happening. Fixed treadmill this morning. It's a brief skimming of the messages and then off to do "responsible" stuff.

BB, you looking for this?

02-12-2013, 13:39
BB, you looking for this?

Close, but more suited for my hiking partner Ellie Luggah.

slow mind
02-12-2013, 13:42
Does that mean I need to scrape the painted on logo off of my mouse to shave weight? I could probably shave the edges off of the scroll wheel too.

No no no, see thats the thing with Ultra Slacking.... weight is of no concern. You don't even need to put pants on, it is done from the comfort of your favorite chair, couch, or heck even bed. Go ahead bring along a six pack, a bag of Doritos or your rock collection. It's kinda like "checking out" by "checking in".

02-12-2013, 13:46
No no no, see thats the thing with Ultra Slacking.... weight is of no concern. You don't even need to put pants on,
Does that mean you can moon without worrying about being arrested?

slow mind
02-12-2013, 13:49
Does that mean you can moon without worrying about being arrested?

Yup! just cover the webcam first if you're shy.

02-12-2013, 13:53
Yup! just cover the webcam first if you're shy.

Oh, please be shy, please, please, by shy.

02-12-2013, 14:00
After my fun on the treadmill today, I have decided to forgo the mace and bring my treadmill instead.
Good plan?



02-12-2013, 14:04
Over in the Beauty Beneath the Dirt (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?77590-Beauty-Beneath-the-Dirt-a-new-kind-of-Appalachian-Trail-film/page2) thread someone tried to say southerners do not eat vegetables. Obviously they never ate from my momma's dinner table.

Coffee Rules!
02-12-2013, 14:07
No no no, see thats the thing with Ultra Slacking.... weight is of no concern. You don't even need to put pants on, it is done from the comfort of your favorite chair, couch, or heck even bed. Go ahead bring along a six pack, a bag of Doritos or your rock collection. It's kinda like "checking out" by "checking in".

Come to think of it, the effort involved in trimming weight would most definitely NOT be slacking, thereby disqualifying me as an ultra-slacker. Another valuable lesson. Thank you, Master Yoda.

02-12-2013, 14:11
Over in the Beauty Beneath the Dirt (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?77590-Beauty-Beneath-the-Dirt-a-new-kind-of-Appalachian-Trail-film/page2) thread someone tried to say southerners do not eat vegetables. Obviously they never ate from my momma's dinner table.

Just helped you out.

02-12-2013, 14:16
Just helped you out.

BB, Thanks, and my mom sorta hit all four, she was a southern mom and wife, and on top of that lived in France at one time.

02-12-2013, 14:21
BB, Thanks, and my mom sorta hit all four, she was a southern mom and wife, and on top of that lived in France at one time.

We have friends in Tennessee. We went to a wedding there years ago. Of course food was everywhere. By the time I got to the 4th house there just was no way I could eat anything. The poor lady was almost crying. She acted like she had failed us.

02-12-2013, 14:31
We have friends in Tennessee. We went to a wedding there years ago. Of course food was everywhere. By the time I got to the 4th house there just was no way I could eat anything. The poor lady was almost crying. She acted like she had failed us.

I know what you mean. I had relatives (in the South) who I believe there favorite past time was watching their guest eat.

02-12-2013, 14:33
Over in the Beauty Beneath the Dirt (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?77590-Beauty-Beneath-the-Dirt-a-new-kind-of-Appalachian-Trail-film/page2) thread someone tried to say southerners do not eat vegetables. Obviously they never ate from my momma's dinner table.
Hell no we don't eat vegetables like they do. We eat them Southern style which means sides, sides, and more sides. You can't put enough sides on the table in the south. Their idea on the west coast of a vegetable is Green Giant broccoli and cheese.

Coffee Rules!
02-12-2013, 14:55
I know what you mean. I had relatives (in the South) who I believe there favorite past time was watching their guest eat.

I'm not Southern, a woman, a mom, or French, but one of the things I like most about cooking is seeing people enjoy what I cook. It's at least as much fun as eating the food myself.

Train Wreck
02-12-2013, 15:09
Hell no we don't eat vegetables like they do. We eat them Southern style which means sides, sides, and more sides. You can't put enough sides on the table in the south. Their idea on the west coast of a vegetable is Green Giant broccoli and cheese.

The Dillard House is calling your name :)

02-12-2013, 15:17
I'm not Southern, a woman, a mom, or French, but one of the things I like most about cooking is seeing people enjoy what I cook. It's at least as much fun as eating the food myself.

Shh... You are letting the cat out of the bag. We are supposed to pretend we are helpless and can't cook. That way us poor slobs can be rescued all our lives with good food cooked by the fairer ones.

Coffee Rules!
02-12-2013, 15:38
Shh... You are letting the cat out of the bag. We are supposed to pretend we are helpless and can't cook. That way us poor slobs can be rescued all our lives with good food cooked by the fairer ones.

I'll pass on that one. I LOVE to cook, and in my house I was by far a better cook than the fairer one.

coach lou
02-12-2013, 15:50
I'll pass on that one. I LOVE to cook, and in my house I was by far a better cook than the fairer one.

Ditto, am................................................ ......................:)

coach lou
02-12-2013, 15:51
Can't touch Overloads' cheesecake though!

02-12-2013, 16:00
Shh... You are letting the cat out of the bag. We are supposed to pretend we are helpless and can't cook. That way us poor slobs can be rescued all our lives with good food cooked by the fairer ones.

It's funny that 80 to 90% of professional cooks are male!

02-12-2013, 16:19
Shh... You are letting the cat out of the bag. We are supposed to pretend we are helpless and can't cook. That way us poor slobs can be rescued all our lives with good food cooked by the fairer ones.;).............that's right, that's right. But I made din din last night for the first time in a long time(scetti with some hopped up sauce and some stewed tomatoes) I'm in big trouble now...Hope she's no looking for that every night.....hehe....I'm livin! :)

02-12-2013, 16:34
The Dillard House is calling your name :)

Been there, done that, and now that you mention it, I think I need to do it again. :)

02-12-2013, 16:35
Can't touch Overloads' cheesecake though!

Coach, who would want to touch it if you store it where you did in the past. ;)

02-12-2013, 16:37
It's funny that 80 to 90% of professional cooks are male!

Goes to show men can cook, they just want to get paid for it.

02-12-2013, 17:52
The Dillard House is calling your name :)

I can hear it. Tell them I'll take the tallest milk they can find to go with it.

02-12-2013, 20:07
I can hear it. Tell them I'll take the tallest milk they can find to go with it.

MM, you can have the Milk, I want the food. :)

02-12-2013, 20:43
Yeah, that only works in Chicago (and a few other places).

vote early; vote often....

02-12-2013, 20:44
What is E/I? Entertaining and Informative or Entertaining and Interesting?
Educational and informative? Educational and Interesting?

02-12-2013, 20:45
Here I thought it was resistance: E/I=R.
scientists.. Bheh....

02-12-2013, 20:46
Were you thinking of this?
Resistance (Ohms) = Voltage (v) / Current (I)

electricians... Bleh....

02-12-2013, 20:47
I only say the above because I "co-teach" in a physical science class. i.e. I am the 'sidekick'... :D

02-12-2013, 20:48
Smores, as you will see today was a pretty slow day. :(
At least it makes it easy to catch up. :)

02-12-2013, 20:49

wow.. look at the size of that resistor....

Wise Old Owl
02-12-2013, 20:50
what is new?

02-12-2013, 20:50
Smores, as you will see today was a pretty slow day. :(
At least it makes it easy to catch up. :)
you say catsup, I say ketchup...

02-12-2013, 20:50
The word in question was Overload. If you change the 7th letter to r it becomes Overlord. Just me being lame again.
the overlord of overload?

02-12-2013, 20:52
My taste in wine largely depends on who's paying the bill :D
'zactly! my champagne taste kicks into high gear when someone else is picking up the bill

02-12-2013, 20:53
you've got you hands full there chicka. I can hardly wait! :d
meee tooo!!

02-12-2013, 20:57
what is new?

There is nothing new under the sun... I can post a sappy love song I heard today on Sirius...

02-12-2013, 20:57
"responsible" stuff? ......... hummm.... I hear that calling my name too... I wish this place had a "like" button. It would so much easier to show support for things people say in here... A lot of good stuff goes by without proper acknowledgement........

+100 for wanting a plain old LIKE button....

02-12-2013, 20:58
what is new?
nothing for me, well something butt i'll wait....

02-12-2013, 20:58
Don't worry, kids. I make up for your responsibility by multi-slacking in a huge way. I have twelve different tabs open in Chrome, assing off like a mofo.

You're welcome.
a much belated thanks

02-12-2013, 20:59
Does that mean you can moon without worrying about being arrested?
that is still in debate...

02-12-2013, 20:59
still trying to catch up...

02-12-2013, 21:00
Oh, please be shy, please, please, by shy.
dittto the BB.....

02-12-2013, 21:01
dittto the BB.....
unless there is .....

02-12-2013, 21:01
Been there, done that, and now that you mention it, I think I need to do it again. :)

Meee too!! The "Dillard's" went to the Dillard House.... Yummm!! Love that place!

02-12-2013, 21:01
Over in the Beauty Beneath the Dirt (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?77590-Beauty-Beneath-the-Dirt-a-new-kind-of-Appalachian-Trail-film/page2) thread someone tried to say southerners do not eat vegetables. Obviously they never ate from my momma's dinner table.
in the south all veggies are fried

02-12-2013, 21:03
BB, Thanks, and my mom sorta hit all four, she was a southern mom and wife, and on top of that lived in France at one time.
gourmet cooking ya'll...

02-12-2013, 21:03
gormet cooking ya'll...
Is this really page 1100??????

02-12-2013, 21:03
+100 for wanting a plain old LIKE button....

Oh yeah, I thought about you when I posted that..:D

02-12-2013, 21:04
There is nothing new under the sun... I can post a sappy love song I heard today on Sirius...
Post away MusicMom.

02-12-2013, 21:05
It's funny that 80 to 90% of professional cooks are male!
the rest of us actually feed all of the rest of the world.

02-12-2013, 21:06
Oh yeah, I thought about you when I posted that..:D
I've only said it like 100 times...

02-12-2013, 21:06
Post away MusicMom.
Wasn't that Music Man??

02-12-2013, 21:08
Wasn't that Music Man??

I think it was Piano man.

02-12-2013, 21:08
Smores, as you will see today was a pretty slow day. :(
At least it makes it easy to catch up. :)
Still took awhile...

02-12-2013, 21:09
I think it was Piano man.

Broadway Musical-- Billy Joel....

02-12-2013, 21:14
Post away MusicMom.

Ok... Milkman. Get ready to get in touch with your feminine side for HM. I thought about y'all when I heard it today ... I'm serious! :D


02-12-2013, 21:16
in the south all veggies are fried

That reminds me I left off okra, like fried okra.

02-12-2013, 21:18
Still took awhile...

Probably was more from last night, than today.

02-12-2013, 21:20
That reminds me I left off okra, like fried okra.
i used to like you, Astro... but this okra post.... <shudder> ;-)

02-12-2013, 21:20
Wasn't that Music Man??

76 trombones in the big parade! Marion, madame librarian. I'm getting married in the morning.....not.

02-12-2013, 21:23
i used to like you, Astro... but this okra post.... <shudder> ;-)
Got a freezer full of okra from the garden. Fries up good. Feed 4 kids, their grandad and my ornery self three times a day. Best (only) cook in the house.

02-12-2013, 21:23
SO.... to be just a bit on the serious side, I did a first for me. Hiked by my self, and summited alone! should have taken a picture, because it is probably rare to not have anyone else on that summit, but still for me, it is a milestone!!

02-12-2013, 21:24
I only say the above because I "co-teach" in a physical science class. i.e. I am the 'sidekick'... :D


02-12-2013, 21:25
76 trombones in the big parade! Marion, madame librarian. I'm getting married in the morning.....not.

wow. scary that you remembered that. I didn't. LMBFAO!

02-12-2013, 21:25
I am WAY better than Tonto, Kemosabe.