View Full Version : Section hike in the whites

07-22-2012, 17:32
I'm hiking southbound from Zealand Notch to Glencliff in mid or late Aug., possibly the first few days of Sept. Not sure of exact dates yet due to family situation but will be shortly. I'd like company for any part or all of it.


08-04-2012, 20:54
I'll be sectioning lower Maine at that time but I did the Whites last year and can tell you that you'll have all the company you need.

08-05-2012, 10:48
LOL! Thanks; that's good to know. It also tells me I better get to the campsites earlier to get a spot.

If anyone wants to go along, I know my dates now. I'll be starting south from Zealand Notch Aug. 23, planning to reach Glencliff approx. Aug. 30. I built in an extra day for resupply/rest/weather, etc.