View Full Version : Planning a thru hike in 2013? You might like this:

09-19-2012, 17:24
Hello, fabulous women thru hikers to-be! I'm Carla (Zipper) and I hiked the trail in 2009- and I'm a life coach (I know - not like the ones you see on the Kardashians, I promise.) I'm working right now on a cool program for women planning a thru hike and I thought you might be interested! I'm just about to launch it in a day or two, but meanwhile I thought you might like this guest blog I did for a fellow life coach, Melissa Cook. She hosts a virtual girls' night every month and interviews someone, and this month it's me! Here's a link to the blog, and from there you can sign up to hear the call if you like. http://www.melissafostercook.com/09/clarity/ten-things-i-learned-about-life-from-hiking-the-appalachian-trail/

It's tonight but it's recorded so if you sign up with Melissa you can access it any time in case you read this forum post a week from now.

And if you'd like more information or want to know more about my program, feel free to message me, and I'll also post a new thread in a couple of days with more details.
