View Full Version : pct start

10-31-2012, 21:30
looking for info and start time info for pct. Yogi book is 55 and I want info before I buy book besides it is really heavy to much to carry

Mountain Mike
10-31-2012, 21:35
Start here http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?34010-PCT-Handout. Then look at PCT link in the forum. Yogi'e guide is great for planning & town info. As for the weight rip it apart & mail yourself sections you need on the trail.

10-31-2012, 22:55
Suggestion: Start at the Mexico border 1.5 to 2.0 weeks prior to the AZTPCTKO get together, then return there to Lake Morena for the AZTPCTKO, then head back to where to left to come to the AZTPCTKO. You should be able to arrange rides to and from the AZTPCTKO.


1) You be going through some of the hottest hiking in the US earlier than most so it may be a little cooler for you (if you've not lived and hiked much in the desert you will be shocked at how blazing hot the PCT is for the first 700 miles up to Kennedy Meadows).2

2) You'll meet most of your fellow hikers at the AZTPCTKO get-together and that will be interesting (particularly years later when you see the group photos of the class of 2013).


1) You really need the water info for the first two weeks of hiking (water is gold on the PCT) -- you'll need to do legwork and get the PCT water report when you start north from Mexico. Note the water report is given out at the AZTPCTKO but there may be an early release of the data. You'll need to dig into where you can get the update on water report before you start north from Mexico.


10-31-2012, 22:58
Also, I wouldn't think of doing the PCT without Yogi's information. The PCT data book is considerably off (particularly in the state of Washington where the elevation data is so far off that I considered it just a wild guess as to accuracy). You'll also need Yogi's info for daily/weekly planning.


Mountain Mike
10-31-2012, 23:00
Mid April is a normal start time to allow getting through so sections before they get to hot & hit the Sierra when navigable. Also check out ALDHAW & PCTA. PCTA does a a trail condition link via web or phone.

10-31-2012, 23:34

1) You really need the water info for the first two weeks of hiking (water is gold on the PCT) -- you'll need to do legwork and get the PCT water report when you start north from Mexico. Note the water report is given out at the AZTPCTKO but there may be an early release of the data. You'll need to dig into where you can get the update on water report before you start north from Mexico.

I have to wonder what the water report will be like next year.

11-01-2012, 00:09
I have to wonder what the water report will be like next year.

Ohhhh...please don't curse us Leafty! I'm going back to the PCT in 2013. Think gushing springs and creeks all through Southern CA!!

11-01-2012, 01:45
I started the day after the kickoff, and that worked well for me. Kickoff info is here: http://pct77.org/adz/

I agree with folks that you should get Yogi's guide. But I do understand that a person want to get their year version of it and some prep info in that book is nice to have earlier for planning purposes. postholer.com can help to some degree on that, FWIW. Certainly engaging with the pct-l community (discussion list) can too.

11-01-2012, 03:04
Ohhhh...please don't curse us Leafty! I'm going back to the PCT in 2013. Think gushing springs and creeks all through Southern CA!!

I meant I don't know what it'll be like without Asabat around to compile it for us.

11-01-2012, 08:20
You can hike the PCT without Yogi's or any other guide, there is plenty of free info out there on resupply points and start dates etc. I used no guides and only took half miles maps with me. I would also disagree with the "you are going to die from the heat if you don't start early in SoCal. I started May 21st and had little trouble with heat but maybe I got lucky. I had fully planned to night hike to avoid the heat but never ended up doing so at all in SoCal.

As far as your question on start date. Hopefully you aren't least some experienced, if not then ignore the rest. Your start date should be planned to allow you to hit Kennedy Meadows ( mile 702) sometime around June 15th. I say sometime because snow conditions in the Sierra will dictate the window that many of the hikers will enter. Or you wing it and plan around Kickoff. Datto hit it perfectly in his response.

Is there any word whether the water report will be maintained in the future?

11-01-2012, 09:25
I started May 21st and had little trouble with heat but maybe I got lucky. I had fully planned to night hike to avoid the heat but never ended up doing so at all in SoCal.

Read about the June Gloom in SoCal:

Probably why you did not experience much heat for part of your trip compared to others

(IT may be called "June Gloom", but historically it starts showing up in late May)

Tattoo Joe attempted a speed hike a few years back IIRC for this reason.

I think you do longer days than most. Don't think a May 21st is advisable esp if it is a first longer hike. :)

As far as "You need this guide", Yogi is a friend of mine and I happen to agree with you.

You don't need it..but it does make planning much easier (ditto with the water report).

The only thing truly needed are maps and some scant town info (at HWY xyz, go north to resupply in Big Bear)

But sometimes the extra info makes the trip easier (esp for inexperienced thru-hikers)

11-01-2012, 12:47
Would agree that May 21st is probably not ideal unless you are looking to do a relatively fast hike to KM. But I also think there is such a fear of the heat that it makes folks actually start too early and then get caught up in late season snow or having to bypass the higher elevations of SoCal. I still think the guideline of hitting KM on or about June 15th is valid assuming you have a good feel for what mileage and zeros you will do. In my case I had a real good feel for my pace and hit KM on the 14th, within hours of my plan.

I didn't really see much of the June Gloom except for a couple of days north out of Aqua Dulce. I had great weather, maybe it was an anomaly.

And to the OP, check out Postholer. You will find a wealth of info on the site along with many trail journals from previous years.

11-01-2012, 13:08
I meant I don't know what it'll be like without Asabat around to compile it for us.

Yeah....what a shame that was. I read on the PCTL someone else has taken it over

11-01-2012, 13:25
Would agree that May 21st is probably not ideal unless you are looking to do a relatively fast hike to KM. But I also think there is such a fear of the heat that it makes folks actually start too early and then get caught up in late season snow

Yeah, if I had to do it again, I'd start sometime in early May.

Think about 10 days later start would have made a good hike for me (though going through the Sierra with snow, while somewhat difficult, did make for AMAZING and memorable experience).

Then again, I probably won't do the PCT again.

Loved the trail...but so much to do out there. :)

11-02-2012, 01:16
This thread is very helpful. Thru-hiked the AT this year and the PCT is next. Sounds like Yogi's guide is where I'll start, thanks again.

11-05-2012, 18:21
I've got my sights set on the PCT too, and I've been trying to figure out the start date situation. There's little chance of me finishing school before the middle of May - is that likely to screw me over with regards to the heat? Also, presumably I'd be alone out there with such a late start? And if so, where would be the best place to jump ahead?

Spirit Walker
11-05-2012, 23:14
In 2009 we had a family wedding to attend in early May, so started a PCT hike in Big Bear afterwards (May 12). It was a good place to start because it was accessible via public transportation (not easy, but doable), and because the first few sections have more water than those closer to the border. We ended up being right in the middle of the kickoff horde. We would have done better to be a little later, to avoid the crowds, but we had a good hike until my husband got injured as we were entering the Sierras and had to get off. Starting when and where we did put us entering the Sierras around June 8. That was a bit early for that year, but a week or so later would have been good.

11-14-2012, 02:24
I used Eric the Black's guide to the Colorado trail for my section hike this past summer, if his PCT guide is as good as his CT guide then that would be a much lighter alternative.