View Full Version : For those of you with The Packa

11-02-2012, 13:55
Do you wear rain pants as well? I was thinking of just going with The Packa and some longer waterproof gaiters..

11-02-2012, 14:10
Do you wear rain pants as well? I was thinking of just going with The Packa and some longer waterproof gaiters..

I have convertible pants I got from REI, while not water proof, do shed water, and work very well with my Packa. I just can't get used to wearing gaiters.

11-02-2012, 14:29
If its coming down I will wear my rain skirt in addition to my gaiters and my Packa.

11-02-2012, 14:51
Depends on the temperature. If it's warm enough that wet legs aren't bothersome, then no rain pants. (My Packa stops between my hip and mid thigh.) If it's cold enough that I don't want wet, chapped legs, then yes, rain pants. If it's really chilly and muddy, maybe gaiters as well.

11-02-2012, 21:13
I hiked the AT with 'just' the Packa and survived perfectly.

11-03-2012, 10:26
As Karma13 notes, it does depend on the temperature somewhat, and YohonPetro notes that many thru-hikers don't bother with rain pants. After having been caught in a stalled hurricane all day in a freezing cold downpour (August 1979, Vermont), I always bring something for my legs. With my Packa I've been considering the Cuben fiber rainchaps from zPacks (http://www.zpacks.com/accessories/chaps.shtml) (1.9 oz, $60).

kayak karl
11-03-2012, 10:55
With my Packa I've been considering the Cuben fiber rainchaps from zPacks (http://www.zpacks.com/accessories/chaps.shtml) (1.9 oz, $60).
same here. anybody use these with packa?