View Full Version : Where is the snow?

11-21-2012, 15:20
If you're a weather geek and like watching the snow accumulate, you might find the following handy. These are snow analysis maps from NOAA over-lays on google trail maps.

The most current snow depth map for the AT, which shows nothing right now:

But look at February 1st of this year:

Notice the value after depth is a date, YYYYMMDD. You can get any date for the last 5 years. A value of 1 means the most current.

Also, you can change 'depth' to other snow data, such as:
swe - snow water equivalent
cover - snow coverage
sday - 24 hour snow precip
rday - 24 hour non-snow precip
et al.

...and you can change the trail_id, too:
3 - AT
2 - CDT
1 - PCT
20 - Long Trail
14 - BMT
et al.

Thought that might be useful for a winter filled with arm-chair hiking! :)


Migrating Bird
11-21-2012, 19:49
Very nice links, thanks for posting.