View Full Version : sawyer squeeze users

12-20-2012, 15:02
my next hike will be about 125 miles long, and will be my first using the sawyer squeeze. do i need to carry that big syringe that comes with it to backflush the filter? i don't have a clue how often i might need it, and don't want to carry it if i'm likely not to use it.

12-20-2012, 15:11
Hard to say, it's the quality of the water you are squeezing through the filter, not the quantity. One liter of really dirty water will clog the filter more than 40 liters of spring water. I'd carry the syringe, it makes an excellent first aid irrigator as well so it's dual purpose. It would work great using clean water to flush out a deep gash to prevent infection.

my next hike will be about 125 miles long, and will be my first using the sawyer squeeze. do i need to carry that big syringe that comes with it to backflush the filter? i don't have a clue how often i might need it, and don't want to carry it if i'm likely not to use it.

12-20-2012, 15:12
no if the water is real nasty run it thru your bandana first. i have used mine for 2 weeks straight before and had no problems.

12-20-2012, 15:26
My S-Squeeze was running pretty slow on the JMT this fall after ~7 days of use for two of us (14 person-days, maybe about 70 liters total filtered). This was with filtering some fairly clean water. I was glad I had the 1 oz syringe. I did not do any pre-filtering like mentioned below.

12-20-2012, 16:42
Can't you reverse squeeze water through?

12-20-2012, 18:34
Can't you reverse squeeze water through? Excellent question! gotta go check that out later.

12-20-2012, 19:41
Used mine first time for a three day and had no trouble. The syringe is fairly light weight, might be better safe than sorry. I can see where one or two filtrations from silty sources might lead to a problem.

12-20-2012, 22:35
I installed a mesh prefilter on mine to increase the times between backflushes. This is a very good resource for sawyer squeeze users. http://adropofrain.net/2012/08/simple-modifications-for-sawyer-squeeze-filter-prefilter-hose-adapter-evernew-water-bladder/

12-21-2012, 04:33
I carry it. The weight is minimal and it's a multi-use item as you can use it to flush stuff out of eyes if needed.

12-21-2012, 05:25
i always flush mine before i leave,so that the treated wated is in the filter to clean it(blowing out the remaining wate to reduce weight).if you try to back flush it in the field you have a cross contamination potential unless its filtered water in the bag.i dont carry the flush line with me.i find it helps if after a few days i use my eye dropper of clorine to treat the water,a little stronger than treating to drink, to make a disinfecting bag.this cleans my platty dirty bag the filter and hoses.it gets rid of that mildew smell that is a constant cramp in the keester.good luck

12-21-2012, 05:33
Can't you reverse squeeze water through?when i run my disinfecting bag through i reverse the filter last (after the clorine mixed water has come through it to clean it)this back flushes the system.i have some joint pain in my fingers when cold ,so to create the squeeze i put the bag under my leg when sitting.push down lightly with leg it pressures back.just food for thought.

12-21-2012, 08:15
Can't you reverse squeeze water through?

Yes, at least I have been able to. I have never carried or used the syringe, it is still sealed in the original package. I guess it might depend on how clogged up you get the filter though.

At home before or after a trip, I have held it against the faucet and let the water pressure reverse flush it.

All that said I have not used it extremely heavily yet, so YMMV.

12-21-2012, 12:10
If you filter dingy water , any filter will clog up.
Stick to the clear stuff and you will have minimal problems
You can squeeze to backflush.
I have a first generation, bought a "tornado tube" to attach bag to outlet, (thats a female-female adapter). Then can squeeze backwards.
They have made some changes to filter connections since then.
I have never used mine on the trail though, only aqua mira. Its easier.

Hell, I dont mind drinking dingy water, or water with minor debris in it anyway.

12-22-2012, 16:38
Nah you don't need to carry it. I got mine in Pennsylvania on the trail and hiked with it to the end without using the syringe. Just try to stick to clean, clear sources if you can.

12-22-2012, 17:21
Can't you reverse squeeze water through?

simply brilliant. completely escaped me. i have a female/female adapter and just tried it in the kitchen and it worked like a champ. that just saved me 1.1oz!

12-22-2012, 23:02
You can reverse squeeze to backflush. Overtime though Im sure the bag/bladder will fail. How long it last depends on the bag/bladder.

Tim Causa
12-26-2012, 05:13
If it's your first time bringing this on a trip, then let me be the first to tell you to bring a "dirty" cup -lightest piece of crap that won't crush- that you can use to fill the bags. They are very difficult to fill in a shallow puddle or stream. I've come up with many tricks to get it done, but it will me a more silty solution compared to dipping a cup. Also, dipping a cup easily allows you to slip a bandana over the end before you pour effectively being a pre filter ( read multiple purpose ).

I'm sure I mig get some flack for suggesting you carry an extra .8 ounces, but you can't always guarantee you'll be camping by a piped spring.

Also, don't tighten the bags too tight, you may find the rubber o-ring stuck in e opening of your bag... Happened to a few of us. Bags can fail too, being all 3.

All this said, I love the squeeze.

12-26-2012, 22:00
I would go to the hardware store and buy a garden hose O-ring to replace the white gasket/o-ring on the sawyer. The white one that comes with the filter dry-rots very quickly and you're SOL w/o it in the field. Worth it to replace it before hand or at least carry a spare.