View Full Version : stainless steel pans

05-29-2005, 15:06
when i am hiking i like to use a stainless steel one quart pan with a lock down lid using the handle to do so.

only one.

first i boil my water for my coffee, then i prepare my food.

with that said, what do i do about cleaning? I throw the pan right into the fire and burn it out till it's a glowing red.

how do u clean your pans? do u use sand and water? or soap and water? perhaps u just leave it like it is and contnue to use it til the food particles build into a lethal bacteria? i've seen people do all kinds of ways with their pans......

that's why i like campfires.

give me ur answers please.


05-29-2005, 18:00
First, I would like to suggest a switch to Titanium. It's much lighter, and if you go with the Evernew stuff it has a teflon coating. That makes cleaning a snap. ;) Even with that, I never clean my pot. Not because I'm a dirty guy; because the only thing that ever touches my pot is water. If you know what you are doing you can avoid that clean-up altogether. If you eat oatmeal in the morning, pour your water straight into the oatmeal bag and eat it out of that. Same goes for Ramen. I eat Lipton Rice-Sides. I have a cozy pouch that I set it in, boil the water, then pour the water straight into the Lipton packet. Leave it in the cozy for 10-15 minutes and dinner is served!

That is just my anti-cleaning method. Otherwise I would recommend swilling, then wiping the pot down with a square of toilet paper. Swilling is simply putting a little water into the pot, mixing it around to collect all of the remaining food tidbits, then drinking. You could also heat a little more water, add a drop of Camp Suds, and give it a good cleaning that way.

GA -->ME 2005

05-29-2005, 20:33
I try to avoid cleaning as much as possible. I like the cook in pack meals for supper. For breakfast I do cook oatmeal in my pot. I give it a quick wipe with leaves or a rinse with some water and pack it. I will be boiling again at supper, so I'm not really concerned with any bacteria I may leave behind at breakfast.


05-29-2005, 21:46
Put your oatmeal in a 1qt. freezer bag before your hike. Pour in boiling water at breakfast, eat out of the bag; no dirty dishes.

05-30-2005, 10:04
Put your oatmeal in a 1qt. freezer bag before your hike. Pour in boiling water at breakfast, eat out of the bag; no dirty dishes.
Or just eat it straight out of the individually packed pouches and save yourself a bunch of zip-locs! ;)

GA -->ME 2005