View Full Version : super cool app compass in 4G...

Wise Old Owl
03-01-2013, 21:29
Well a very cool app .. it has camera and where close planets and Identify, hey it was exciting to open it and check out the stuff!

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Stab&feature=search_result#?t=W251bGwsMSwyLDEsImNvbS5Td GFiIl0.

kayak karl
03-01-2013, 21:41
cool. i just have a simple compass app. i spin in my office chair and watch it point north :)

Wise Old Owl
03-01-2013, 21:45
Wait I am serious KK! this actually can be pointed in several directions and reveals azimuth in different directions and is well rated - even if you want to use Saturn - moon or Jupiter for a short time direction... otherwise I would not have mentioned it.

kayak karl
03-01-2013, 22:01
i know. it is cool. i installed it and am trying it out. TY

kayak karl
03-01-2013, 22:04
, but i'm still spinning in my chair with it.

03-01-2013, 22:49
, but i'm still spinning in my chair with it.

Now put the phone in airplane mode (phone connection off) and see what your app does. Much of the AT lacks cell towers for positional information.

03-02-2013, 12:43
Thanks for sharing. Just downloaded it, it is cool.

03-02-2013, 12:50
I'm waiting for an app where you point your phone towards the horizen from the top of a peak or vista and it names all the things you see, like the names of the mountains and towns in that direction. I might actually buy a phone if it could do that :)

03-02-2013, 13:41
Im pretty sure google earth has that or really close to that.

Wise Old Owl
03-02-2013, 13:49
Actually the compass has nothing to do with cell towers - it gets the info from the GPS - hense it can be 180 degrees out when it cannot get the GPS info - you can step outside and come back in and it will hold for 30 sec -or more (that's any app)

03-10-2013, 16:18
I'm waiting for an app where you point your phone towards the horizen from the top of a peak or vista and it names all the things you see, like the names of the mountains and towns in that direction. I might actually buy a phone if it could do that :)

Try an app called PeakAR (android/apple) it does what you are looking for.

Wise Old Owl
03-12-2013, 12:30
Here is a review and what it looks like on the AT.