View Full Version : Happy 4th of July

Trail Dog
07-04-2005, 18:07
Happy 4th from Iraq. Believe it or not the Iraqi's know of our wonderful holiday over here and I have been greeted with "Happy Independence" several dozen times today. They are aware of us and our ways and as is usual in this world most of them want to come to America and share our freedoms.

I work closely with our Interpreters and they find our freedoms to be far more than anything they can comprehend. Equality is a far fetched idea, justice is more of something you take care of on the spot, and freedom of speech is beyond them. I am very grateful to be a part of our wonderful country and only wish I could be home to enjoy it. For now I am here and because of that I hope that one day Iraq will celebrate April 9th in freedom.

Well Happy 4th of July to everyone out there. Enjoy the trail.

07-04-2005, 19:05
Happy 4th to you too, Mule. Safe safe.

07-04-2005, 22:37
happy 4th mule,stay safe,your doing a great job,i am proud of ya bro,
see ya on the trail some day:cool: neo

07-05-2005, 18:38

Happy 4th!! (ok...it's a little late :p )

Keep the faith!!

EMCS (SW/SS), USN Retired
Desert Shield / Desert Storm (Thanks for finishing the job!!) :clap