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View Full Version : whats up with the rude replies ???

05-23-2013, 10:11
ive been busy with life and getting in some hiking too :) so i got a chance to come in today and get some reading caught up here.... and boy do i see a lot of RUDE and SMARTAZZ comments and replies!!! and its from some of the older members too :( why do people have to be like that? i mean we ALL started out not knowing nothing so why be an AZZ when somebody asks a question they dont know the answer too ???? if you love hiking like most of us do you would think that you would be grateful for more people wanting to learn more about hiking and keeping it alive,,,,,,

yall have a great day. and be safe out there....

05-23-2013, 10:17
Speaking for myself, I need to get out for a hike or a paddle on the river.
Trouble adjusting to a 12:30 to 8:30 shift. Can't wait for next month. Sucks.

So please, show some compassion for uz smartazzes. :-)

05-23-2013, 10:42
its the internet. there are some who love to create drama. yeah there are some rude replies, but these are far out weighed by the number of thoughtful responses.
a few jerks for sure,but theres a lot of good people here on whiteblaze.

Don H
05-23-2013, 10:52
Well I was gonna reply with a smart zzzz rude comment but instead I'll say just ignore the stupid stuff. There's far more good, helpful stuff here than the bad stuff. IMO

05-23-2013, 11:04
i do agree the GOOD far out weighs the the bad :) Jak some people do have bad days every now and then :) i know ive had a few lol But the ones im really talking about are the ones that do it day after day, and they have been members here for a long time, if they are unhappy with it here why stay?? ive learned a LOT from being on here and am grateful for it, and if there is something i can do to help others i do it... yall have a great day and be safe...

05-23-2013, 11:23
Here are some comebacks to rude posts. Feel free to add to them: :-? :eek: :)

I can see your point, but I still think you're full of crap.

I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

How about never? Is never good for you?

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way.

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

I don't work here. I'm a consultant.

It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.

I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.

You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.

Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

Any resemblance between your reality and mine are purely coincidental.

What am I? Flypaper for freaks?!

I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.

Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

And your cry-baby whiny-arsed opinion would be?

Do I look like a people person to you?

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.

Oh I get it. Like humor, but different.........

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is done.

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being more intelligent.

Wait a minute - I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

Aren't you a black hole of need.

I'd like to help you out, which way did you come in?

Did you eat an extra bowl of stupid this morning?

Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.

If you have something to say raise your hand... then place it over your mouth.

I'm too busy, can I ignore you some other time?

Don't let your mind wander, it's too small to be let out on its own.

Have a nice day, somewhere else.

You're not yourself today, I noticed the improvement straight away.

Do you hear that? That's the sound of no-one caring.

You're so nasty, I called you on the phone and got an ear infection.

People like you don't grow on trees, they swing from them.

I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.

I never forget a face but in your case I'll make an exception.

I know I'm talking like an idiot. I have to, other wise you wouldn't understand me.

Most of us live and learn, you just live.

I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you.

I like your approach, now let's see your departure.

I can't seem to remember your name, and please don't remind me!

I can't talk to you right now; tell me, where will you be in ten years, I'll make sure I'm not there.

You must have a low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.

You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the cage this morning.

You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.

You remind me of the ocean - you make me sick.

You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good for.

You started at the bottom - and it's been downhill ever since.

You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you are just the opposite. You are
obnoxious and arrogant.

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid

I’m already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth

Sarcasm is one more service I offer

I’m trying to imagine you with a personality

Too many freaks, not enough circuses

:D :banana :D:banana :D:banana

05-23-2013, 11:32
You should see what my friends and I do with each other when it comes to smack talk. :D

05-23-2013, 11:43
You can disagree with a point of view and stick to your guns and still be civil in your response - even when emotions are running high. But there is no doubt that if you stay on WB, you need to have some cojones!

I also think that you need to just let some things go when you receive a rude response. Not always easy to do. It seems that some of the long time members who know the most and who could help others on WB the most are inclined to give the rudest answers at times. I've heard these members are great guys when you meet them in person so I'm thinking that they must be so tired of the dumb questions/answers they see here year after year that they can't help themselves...

05-23-2013, 11:49
I like all of the comebacks from the long list above. What I don't understand is why everyone rallies around some of the rudest posters on this site. It's like hero worship.

05-23-2013, 11:55
It's an internet messageboard, tone of a post is often lost. Wit and pithiness don't always convey well and are often misconstrued as sarcasm and rudeness.

Gray Blazer
05-23-2013, 12:01
I like all of the comebacks from the long list above. What I don't understand is why everyone rallies around some of the rudest posters on this site. It's like hero worship.

Come back and ask that question when you have over 27,000 posts.

05-23-2013, 12:17
It's an internet messageboard, tone of a post is often lost. Wit and pithiness don't always convey well and are often misconstrued as sarcasm and rudeness.

Even adding a smily face some will take attempted wit as sarcasm.

05-23-2013, 12:18
Here are some comebacks to rude posts. Feel free to add to them: :-? :eek: :)

I can see your point, but I still think you're full of crap.

I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

How about never? Is never good for you?

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way.

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

I don't work here. I'm a consultant.

It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.

I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.

You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.

Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

Any resemblance between your reality and mine are purely coincidental.

What am I? Flypaper for freaks?!

I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.

Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

And your cry-baby whiny-arsed opinion would be?

Do I look like a people person to you?

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.

Oh I get it. Like humor, but different.........

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is done.

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being more intelligent.

Wait a minute - I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

Aren't you a black hole of need.

I'd like to help you out, which way did you come in?

Did you eat an extra bowl of stupid this morning?

Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.

If you have something to say raise your hand... then place it over your mouth.

I'm too busy, can I ignore you some other time?

Don't let your mind wander, it's too small to be let out on its own.

Have a nice day, somewhere else.

You're not yourself today, I noticed the improvement straight away.

Do you hear that? That's the sound of no-one caring.

You're so nasty, I called you on the phone and got an ear infection.

People like you don't grow on trees, they swing from them.

I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.

I never forget a face but in your case I'll make an exception.

I know I'm talking like an idiot. I have to, other wise you wouldn't understand me.

Most of us live and learn, you just live.

I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you.

I like your approach, now let's see your departure.

I can't seem to remember you name, and please don't remind me!

I can't talk to you right now; tell me, where will you be in ten years, I'll make sure I'm not there.

You must have a low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.

You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the cage this morning.

You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.

You remind me of the ocean - you make me sick.

You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good for.

You started at the bottom - and it's been downhill ever since.

You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you are just the opposite. You are
obnoxious and arrogant.

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid

I’m already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth

Sarcasm is one more service I offer

I’m trying to imagine you with a personality

Too many freaks, not enough circuses

:D :banana :D:banana :D:banana

maybe we could number those and just click on the number to insert the comment we want. :)

05-23-2013, 12:20
I think 90% of the rude or snarky replies are funny. But I'm wired to find humor in almost everything.

05-23-2013, 12:27
ive been busy with life and getting in some hiking too :) so i got a chance to come in today and get some reading caught up here.... and boy do i see a lot of RUDE and SMARTAZZ comments and replies!!! and its from some of the older members too :( why do people have to be like that? i mean we ALL started out not knowing nothing so why be an AZZ when somebody asks a question they dont know the answer too ???? if you love hiking like most of us do you would think that you would be grateful for more people wanting to learn more about hiking and keeping it alive,,,,,,

yall have a great day. and be safe out there....

Welcome to the internet. If you think this forum is rude, you need to go on a political forum sometime.

05-23-2013, 13:27
It's an internet messageboard, tone of a post is often lost. Wit and pithiness don't always convey well and are often misconstrued as sarcasm and rudeness.
Precisely - attempts at humor are often misinterpreted as rude comments. You should agree with me, then we'll both be right.

05-23-2013, 13:58
"It's just talkin"

I don't know, a lot of this stuff is extremely funny, till it gets personal and heated...then it's time to take it to personal messaging, and keep it off the open forums I guess.

Couple of my favorites (I won't get this verbatim)

Roses are red violets are blue
you were mean to me, so guess what?
F*** You!

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be so rude and nasty, clearly I was going for condescending.

To damn funny, of coarse these were said in jest...I think, hehe :) You gotta be able to let this stuff roll off your back, and if your gonna give it out, ya better be prepared to receive It back ten fold. There's a few people that I've been nasty with, but I'd sit with them in any trail town and share a burger, I don't hold grudges, but if someone wants to get personal and nasty, I just won't deal with ya...end of story. It's all good!

05-23-2013, 14:04
I love drama from time to time. I get bored fast otherwise. I like WB and most of the posters here. I had some arguments with some members when I started posting here( Baptism of fire I called it) but in long run many of the members that I used to argue with are my favorite posters now and some that I used to consider favorite have lost their status for me.

I guess what I am trying to say is that I started to judge people in long run and not with one post or when they are having a bad time and it reflects in their comments.

For me there is no stupid question or even a too common question about hiking. I f I am not in the mood I just do not answer it but I don't like when some members try to make the one who has a question feel stupid or ashamed. Let's don't forget that Search option of the Whiteblaze is not the best and new members may have some difficulties with it( and even members like me with 500 posts still have difficulty figuring it out).

05-23-2013, 14:08
Welcome to the internet. If you think this forum is rude, you need to go on a political forum sometime.Can you recommend a good one please...I'm feeling snarky :)

don't forget to smile, I always forget to smile, makes all the difference sometimes.:sun

05-23-2013, 15:40
Come back and ask that question when you have over 27,000 posts.
I don't have that much to say and hopefully never will.

05-23-2013, 19:00
I printed out the list. Going to memorize them to use in a rap off throw down with Eminem.

Gray Blazer
05-23-2013, 19:11
I don't have that much to say and hopefully never will.

I was directing that at DaTwistedOne. What am I? Flypaper for freaks?

(Must include smiley here) :sun

05-23-2013, 19:28
maybe we could number those and just click on the number to insert the comment we want. :)
Maybe there is an APP for that, if not? HHmmmmmmmm! Gee I do hope this doesn't fall into that "zmart azz" category. If it doez juzt add it to the earlier lizt.
mmmGgg GGG

05-23-2013, 20:03
I joined WB in 2002 (don't ask me what the handle was, I don't remember). The tone has changed over the years. I think it was better when the focus was hiker information exchange. I've lost some respect for people I considered hiking connoisseurs because of their posts here. It's still the best place online for hiking information, it's just that the style has changed.

05-23-2013, 20:08
Hummmm......interesting thread with interesting answers. I like it all. :)

Lone Wolf
05-23-2013, 20:12
ive been busy with life and getting in some hiking too :) so i got a chance to come in today and get some reading caught up here.... and boy do i see a lot of RUDE and SMARTAZZ comments and replies!!! and its from some of the older members too :( why do people have to be like that? i mean we ALL started out not knowing nothing so why be an AZZ when somebody asks a question they dont know the answer too ???? if you love hiking like most of us do you would think that you would be grateful for more people wanting to learn more about hiking and keeping it alive,,,,,,

yall have a great day. and be safe out there....make the whole thing STRAIGHT FORWARD

05-23-2013, 20:25
You can analyze this endlessly, to death. We hear it all the time regarding so many objections to this or that. I'll repeat it here. It's not intended to be rude or smart arse at all. If you don't like what you're receiving change the channel/station/your perception/omit it/move on/notice the good in it, etc

05-23-2013, 20:28
make the whole thing STRAIGHT FORWARD
Knocks me outta the box...:D

Sarcasm the elf
05-23-2013, 20:31
make the whole thing STRAIGHT FORWARD

Oh please, we all know how to give a straight forward answer and still sound condescending... :rolleyes:

05-23-2013, 20:37
We need a keep it Pithy forum

05-23-2013, 22:13
I tend to become frustrated with some of the responses WhiteBlaze "veterans" give to new members when the new members ask questions. Their responses to comments that frustrate me the most can be paraphrased as follows:

1) "Use the search function and you would have found the answer to your question."

Frankly, the WhteBlaze search function is a semi-useless tool. I am well-versed in computer research--and I often use GOOGLE to search WhiteBlaze--instead of the WhiteBlaze search tool (because the WhiteBlaze search tool is so poor). If I (an experienced researcher) have such difficulties, imagine the trouble that inexperienced researchers and inexperienced computer users encounter when trying to do a WhiteBlaze search.

2) "We discuss this same topic every few days".

Well, a NEW member wouldn't know that this topic is discussed every few days--because THEY WERE NOT MEMBERS YET! (and see #1, above, regarding the ineffective WhiteBlaze search tool). Sure, the bulk of the responses to the frequently asked questions are always the same. HOWEVER, the ever-changing WhiteBlaze membership (and what WhiteBlaze members are actively online in any given week) can change the answers slightly to the routine questons. Also, what was the "best" tent last month--may have been now "surpassed" by something new that came out last week. Personally, I see value in people asking/answering the same questions on a regular basis. At the very least, it doesn't hurt.

If people don't like the constantly recurring threads--THEN DON'T READ THEM! There is no rule that you have to read every thread or every response. Also, why post a response on the thread if you are tired of such threads?

05-23-2013, 22:46
I tend to become frustrated with some of the responses WhiteBlaze "veterans" give to new members when the new members ask questions. Their responses to comments that frustrate me the most can be paraphrased as follows:

1) "Use the search function and you would have found the answer to your question."

Frankly, the WhteBlaze search function is a semi-useless tool. I am well-versed in computer research--and I often use GOOGLE to search WhiteBlaze--instead of the WhiteBlaze search tool (because the WhiteBlaze search tool is so poor). If I (an experienced researcher) have such difficulties, imagine the trouble that inexperienced researchers and inexperienced computer users encounter when trying to do a WhiteBlaze search.

2) "We discuss this same topic every few days".

Well, a NEW member wouldn't know that this topic is discussed every few days--because THEY WERE NOT MEMBERS YET! (and see #1, above, regarding the ineffective WhiteBlaze search tool). Sure, the bulk of the responses to the frequently asked questions are always the same. HOWEVER, the ever-changing WhiteBlaze membership (and what WhiteBlaze members are actively online in any given week) can change the answers slightly to the routine questons. Also, what was the "best" tent last month--may have been now "surpassed" by something new that came out last week. Personally, I see value in people asking/answering the same questions on a regular basis. At the very least, it doesn't hurt.

If people don't like the constantly recurring threads--THEN DON'T READ THEM! There is no rule that you have to read every thread or every response. Also, why post a response on the thread if you are tired of such threads?

The Search Engine is probably the worst I've encountered.

1. I have to agree. One of my first posts was a question on winter tents. I had searched Google, Amazon, REI, etc., but I desired personal input from WB hikers. One reply was "Google it!" (Sorry Dogwood! LOL) After thinking this was the biggest jerk ever :D, I actually came to be impressed with his other answers that were quite detailed on another topic. But yea, if you don't want to answer a question -just move on. I mean if we can ask about equipment here, what is the point?

2. Even though I am sure some of the answers are always the same, in the world of equipment -especially UL, the answers constantly change. If you are tired of same questions, don't read them.

3. WB Veterans can always elect to skip boring questions, but for new members, WB is pretty much the most accurate and respected source of online info on the AT.

Wise Old Owl
05-23-2013, 23:24
Welcome To Whiteblaze ....Yes it is the internet..more fun then getting circumcised.

05-23-2013, 23:32
I joking refer the WB as HH (hateful hikers). For the veteran flamers HOH (hateful old hikers)

05-23-2013, 23:33
And whatever you do don't ask a question that someone else has asked.

Wise Old Owl
05-23-2013, 23:41
Wait ...Wait ..... Did I top that?

05-24-2013, 01:41
More Snarky rude comments

http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?95111-Writing-with-a-Sharpie-on-signs&p=1476312#post1476312 (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?95111-Writing-with-a-Sharpie-on-signs&p=1476312#post1476312)

05-24-2013, 06:48
always remember-

hikermom loves you whether you like it or not.:)

05-24-2013, 07:01
ive been busy with life and getting in some hiking too :) so i got a chance to come in today and get some reading caught up here.... and boy do i see a lot of RUDE and SMARTAZZ comments and replies!!! and its from some of the older members too :( why do people have to be like that? i mean we ALL started out not knowing nothing so why be an AZZ when somebody asks a question they dont know the answer too ???? if you love hiking like most of us do you would think that you would be grateful for more people wanting to learn more about hiking and keeping it alive,,,,,,

yall have a great day. and be safe out there....

Speaking for myself, I need to get out for a hike or a paddle on the river.
Trouble adjusting to a 12:30 to 8:30 shift. Can't wait for next month. Sucks.

So please, show some compassion for uz smartazzes. :-)

its the internet. there are some who love to create drama. yeah there are some rude replies, but these are far out weighed by the number of thoughtful responses.
a few jerks for sure,but theres a lot of good people here on whiteblaze.

Here are some comebacks to rude posts. Feel free to add to them: :-? :eek: :)

I can see your point, but I still think you're full of crap.

I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

How about never? Is never good for you?

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way.

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

I don't work here. I'm a consultant.

It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.

I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.

You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.

Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

Any resemblance between your reality and mine are purely coincidental.

What am I? Flypaper for freaks?!

I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.

Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

And your cry-baby whiny-arsed opinion would be?

Do I look like a people person to you?

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.

Oh I get it. Like humor, but different.........

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is done.

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being more intelligent.

Wait a minute - I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

Aren't you a black hole of need.

I'd like to help you out, which way did you come in?

Did you eat an extra bowl of stupid this morning?

Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.

If you have something to say raise your hand... then place it over your mouth.

I'm too busy, can I ignore you some other time?

Don't let your mind wander, it's too small to be let out on its own.

Have a nice day, somewhere else.

You're not yourself today, I noticed the improvement straight away.

Do you hear that? That's the sound of no-one caring.

You're so nasty, I called you on the phone and got an ear infection.

People like you don't grow on trees, they swing from them.

I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.

I never forget a face but in your case I'll make an exception.

I know I'm talking like an idiot. I have to, other wise you wouldn't understand me.

Most of us live and learn, you just live.

I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you.

I like your approach, now let's see your departure.

I can't seem to remember you name, and please don't remind me!

I can't talk to you right now; tell me, where will you be in ten years, I'll make sure I'm not there.

You must have a low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.

You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the cage this morning.

You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.

You remind me of the ocean - you make me sick.

You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good for.

You started at the bottom - and it's been downhill ever since.

You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you are just the opposite. You are
obnoxious and arrogant.

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid

I’m already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth

Sarcasm is one more service I offer

I’m trying to imagine you with a personality

Too many freaks, not enough circuses

:D :banana :D:banana :D:bananaThanx! hope I can remember some of those..........

05-24-2013, 09:32
I joined WB in 2002 (don't ask me what the handle was, I don't remember). The tone has changed over the years. I think it was better when the focus was hiker information exchange. I've lost some respect for people I considered hiking connoisseurs because of their posts here. It's still the best place online for hiking information, it's just that the style has changed.

I've been here much longer than my handle shows, too. Over time all internet forums seem to reduce themselves to the lowest common denominator (why? I don't know but there's a Ph.D. dissertation in it for whoever wants to research it). WB is no different. Sad but true.

05-24-2013, 09:46
Here are some comebacks to rude posts. Feel free to add to them: :-? :eek: :)

I can see your point, but I still think you're full of crap.

I don't know what your problem is, but I'll bet it's hard to pronounce.

How about never? Is never good for you?

I see you've set aside this special time to humiliate yourself in public.

I'm really easy to get along with once you people learn to see it my way.

I'm out of my mind, but feel free to leave a message.

I don't work here. I'm a consultant.

It sounds like English, but I can't understand a word you're saying.

I like you. You remind me of myself when I was young and stupid.

You are validating my inherent mistrust of strangers.

I'm already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth.

I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.

Thank you. We're all refreshed and challenged by your unique point of view.

The fact that no one understands you doesn't mean you're an artist.

Any resemblance between your reality and mine are purely coincidental.

What am I? Flypaper for freaks?!

I'm not being rude. You're just insignificant.

It's a thankless job, but I've got a lot of Karma to burn off.

Yes, I am an agent of Satan, but my duties are largely ceremonial.

And your cry-baby whiny-arsed opinion would be?

Do I look like a people person to you?

I started out with nothing and I still have most of it left.

Sarcasm is just one more service we offer.

If I throw a stick, will you leave?

Errors have been made. Others will be blamed.

Oh I get it. Like humor, but different.........

Too many freaks, not enough circuses.

Chaos, panic, and disorder. My work here is done.

I'll try being nicer if you'll try being more intelligent.

Wait a minute - I'm trying to imagine you with a personality.

Aren't you a black hole of need.

I'd like to help you out, which way did you come in?

Did you eat an extra bowl of stupid this morning?

Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma.

If you have something to say raise your hand... then place it over your mouth.

I'm too busy, can I ignore you some other time?

Don't let your mind wander, it's too small to be let out on its own.

Have a nice day, somewhere else.

You're not yourself today, I noticed the improvement straight away.

Do you hear that? That's the sound of no-one caring.

You're so nasty, I called you on the phone and got an ear infection.

People like you don't grow on trees, they swing from them.

I could say nice things about you, but I would rather tell the truth.

I never forget a face but in your case I'll make an exception.

I know I'm talking like an idiot. I have to, other wise you wouldn't understand me.

Most of us live and learn, you just live.

I like you. People say I've no taste, but I like you.

I like your approach, now let's see your departure.

I can't seem to remember you name, and please don't remind me!

I can't talk to you right now; tell me, where will you be in ten years, I'll make sure I'm not there.

You must have a low opinion of people if you think they're your equals.

You must have gotten up on the wrong side of the cage this morning.

You possess a mind not merely twisted, but actually sprained.

You remind me of the ocean - you make me sick.

You should toss out more of your funny remarks; that's all they're good for.

You started at the bottom - and it's been downhill ever since.

You used to be arrogant and obnoxious. Now you are just the opposite. You are
obnoxious and arrogant.

I like you. You remind me of when I was young and stupid

I’m already visualizing the duct tape over your mouth

Sarcasm is one more service I offer

I’m trying to imagine you with a personality

Too many freaks, not enough circuses

:D :banana :D:banana :D:banana

Hey! You didn't leave any for me, SmartAzz.:datz

05-24-2013, 10:13
Can you recommend a good one please...I'm feeling snarky :)

don't forget to smile, I always forget to smile, makes all the difference sometimes.:sun

politicalforum.com or .net

05-24-2013, 11:32
politicalforum.com or .netAwesome...thanks, been looking for a good place to spew my rhetoric.

05-24-2013, 11:38
I joined WB in 2002 (don't ask me what the handle was, I don't remember). The tone has changed over the years. I think it was better when the focus was hiker information exchange. I've lost some respect for people I considered hiking connoisseurs because of their posts here. It's still the best place online for hiking information, it's just that the style has changed.What's your style?


05-24-2013, 12:12
you used the duct tape one twice but it was a good one

05-24-2013, 12:18
you used the duct tape one twice but it was a good one
white out is easier to get off the computer screen than duck tape.

05-24-2013, 13:42
Hey idiot! Cool thread bro!


05-24-2013, 14:57
You have to understand that when you're as old and ugly and mean and smelly as this bunch you have to take out your frustration by making some upstart hiker feel lower than snake crap in a wagon track...just kiddin.........they are old and ugly though....except for HM.

Dont take life too serious.....it's only temporary.

05-24-2013, 16:52
Instead of being at a All Things Related To Hiking website I sometimes think I've mistakenly accessed a Internet based Pyschiatric website. I feel like a psychiatrist or that I need one here sometimes. Perhaps, the user names should be more aptly described as patient names.

05-24-2013, 16:58
What other site enables you to jump from discussing "The BEST 4 season tent" to feeling like you are on fishing boat with Jack Nicholson?

05-24-2013, 16:59
Instead of being at a All Things Related To Hiking website I sometimes think I've mistakenly accessed a Internet based Pyschiatric website. I feel like a psychiatrist or that I need one here sometimes. Perhaps, the user names should be more aptly described as patient names.

that's why we have dr phil on the payroll(im sorry, I meant hikermomkd)

05-24-2013, 17:00
In the old days people only whined about Wingfoot! :D

05-24-2013, 17:01
Instead of being at a All Things Related To Hiking website I sometimes think I've mistakenly accessed a Internet based Pyschiatric website. I feel like a psychiatrist or that I need one here sometimes. Perhaps, the user names should be more aptly described as patient names.

That's the best description of WB I've ever heard! :eek:

But admit, you love it here..don't you? :-?

I know I do! :rolleyes: :banana

kayak karl
05-24-2013, 17:20
some of use don't have time for this nonsense. we are here to be educated so that we can pursue our life long dream. reading thru rude comments and thread drift doesn't help at all, as it keeps me from the spiritual level i am trying to attain. SO STOP IT :( Some of use really want to know how much a thru hike costs.

05-24-2013, 17:46
In the old days people only whined about Wingfoot! :Dor the contra dance caller.:p

05-24-2013, 17:48
I tend to become frustrated with some of the responses WhiteBlaze "veterans" give to new members when the new members ask questions. Their responses to comments that frustrate me the most can be paraphrased as follows:

1) "Use the search function and you would have found the answer to your question."

Frankly, the WhteBlaze search function is a semi-useless tool. I am well-versed in computer research--and I often use GOOGLE to search WhiteBlaze--instead of the WhiteBlaze search tool (because the WhiteBlaze search tool is so poor). If I (an experienced researcher) have such difficulties, imagine the trouble that inexperienced researchers and inexperienced computer users encounter when trying to do a WhiteBlaze search.

2) "We discuss this same topic every few days".

Well, a NEW member wouldn't know that this topic is discussed every few days--because THEY WERE NOT MEMBERS YET! (and see #1, above, regarding the ineffective WhiteBlaze search tool). Sure, the bulk of the responses to the frequently asked questions are always the same. HOWEVER, the ever-changing WhiteBlaze membership (and what WhiteBlaze members are actively online in any given week) can change the answers slightly to the routine questons. Also, what was the "best" tent last month--may have been now "surpassed" by something new that came out last week. Personally, I see value in people asking/answering the same questions on a regular basis. At the very least, it doesn't hurt.

If people don't like the constantly recurring threads--THEN DON'T READ THEM! There is no rule that you have to read every thread or every response. Also, why post a response on the thread if you are tired of such threads?

My response to your point is "it depends."

While I've personally been rarely disappointed with the "Search" function, I acknowledge that many have been frustrated so it's not the best in the world. However, there are some subjects in which a simple search will bring a wealth of information, some of which might not "make it" in a new thread. In the best of all worlds, bringing a thread back to life on a given subject provides info. from both the previous posters and subsequent ones who want to chime in. It's win-win. Of course if the last thread on the poster's question is years old, the relevance may be limited.

Examples: (1) if you want info on a trail other than the AT, searching the "Other Trails" forum will bring good results. Threads that I've been involved with concern the Allegheny Trail and the C&O trail. If you simply started a new thread on either of these, you'd get responses but if you bring the existing thread "back to life," you'll get the benefit of both new posts and the old ones. (2) someone recently started a thread about plantar faciitis. Having this condition myself, I'm aware of 3-4 not-too-old threads on this subject. Would all the tips and experiences of those threads make it to the new one? Some would, not all.

The other point is that some of us want to answer questions but we don't have time to give the quality response it deserves, yet we are aware that the answers lie in previous threads. I never direct a questioner to a general search but I will advise going to the relevant forum and searching there, taking into account of course that some subjects could be located in more than one forum. Sometimes I'll do the search myself and paste the results HTML in the reply.

I don't know how search functions work but I was taken to task by a searcher when I pulled up the thread he was seeking and mentioned that it was "right where it should be." My intent wasn't to slam the searcher; I was lauding the WBer who started the thread and placed it in the "correct" forum. But this little exchange did make me wonder how the WB search engine functioned or didn't. I also wondered if WB Search works better when limited to a forum or subforum than sitewide.

It also illustrated that how we write something doesn't always convey how we feel and that misunderstandings can arise.

05-24-2013, 18:10
or the contra dance caller.:p

That was usually by just that one guy. :cool:

Pedaling Fool
05-24-2013, 18:12
I think 90% of the rude or snarky replies are funny. But I'm wired to find humor in almost everything.I don't really see a lot of rude replies, but maybe, like Ratsy, I see humor in a lot of things, including posts on here. And the rude ones I usually ignore, but sometimes will reply to.

This site isn't that bad, given the traffic volume, I can point you to many sites that are far worse and they're not political in nature.

As for stupid questions...Yes, there is such a thing as a stupid question, contrary to popular belief, thanks to our education system. The notion that there is no such thing as a Stupid Question only breeds stupid people that don't stop and think for themselves before asking a question.

If this causes concern, don't worry, because everyone at one time or another have asked stupid questions. All you can do is try and limit the number you ask.

I think the biggest problem on the net are emotions, people just can't seem to get them under control. Too many people are too easily offended.

Sarcasm the elf
05-24-2013, 18:18
I don't really see a lot of rude replies, but maybe, like Ratsy, I see humor in a lot of things, including posts on here. And the rude ones I usually ignore, but sometimes will reply to.

This site isn't that bad, given the traffic volume, I can point you to many sites that are far worse and they're not political in nature.

As for stupid questions...Yes, there is such a thing as a stupid question, contrary to popular belief, thanks to our education system. The notion that there is no such thing as a Stupid Question only breeds stupid people that don't stop and think for themselves before asking a question.

If this causes concern, don't worry, because everyone at one time or another have asked stupid questions. All you can do is try and limit the number you ask.

I think the biggest problem on the net are emotions, people just can't seem to get them under control. Too many people are too easily offended.

That is one of the best explanations of the meaning of "stupid question" that I've ever read! :sun

Speaking of stupid questions, (I'm just curious) who is this Pedaling Fool what ever happened to John Gault?

05-24-2013, 18:41
My experience is that rude smart a-- folks are usually dealing with fear of themselves not being good enough therefore, they have to put others down. Its a verbal form of bullying seated in the fact that they feel inferior.
Often time is comes out as arrogance due to an inflated ego again as a result of fear.
Its also interesting that those are rude and or mean spirited are the first ones to complain or get their feelings hurt when others deal with them in the same manner.
These type of folks are toxic to my spirit and well being. Therefore, I stay away from them whenever possible

05-24-2013, 18:51
What's ruder, the person who farts in the room or the one that points it out to everyone present?

Or is that a rude comment?

I expect some would think so.

05-24-2013, 18:57
The search function turns noobs into trolls (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?92734-Newbie-alert!-Why-can-t-I-find-more-posts-re-Bear-Canisters-for-the-AT&highlight=crusinsusan).

05-24-2013, 19:02
I'm much happier knowing HikerMom loves me no matter what, and Nurse Rached hates me no matter what.



05-24-2013, 19:59
The search function turns noobs into trolls (http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php?92734-Newbie-alert!-Why-can-t-I-find-more-posts-re-Bear-Canisters-for-the-AT&highlight=crusinsusan).ah, now I see why you put me on ignore, I'd have done the same...but then you can't see this.....My sincerest apologies Susan, but I thought you were trollin....my bad.:)

Like your Blog

Biggie Master
05-24-2013, 20:04
SO STOP IT :( Some of use really want to know how much a thru hike costs.
Or if we should use trail runners versus boots!

05-24-2013, 20:29
What's ruder, the person who farts in the room or the one that points it out to everyone present?

Or is that a rude comment?

I expect some would think so.

i like to do it in a crowded elevator and then look at the guy next to you and step away from him :) :) :)

05-24-2013, 20:43
i like to do it in a crowded elevator and then look at the guy next to you and step away from him :) :) :)
what if its not a fart?

max patch
05-24-2013, 21:24
In the old days people only whined about Wingfoot! :D

Thats why this site was started.

05-24-2013, 21:42
what if its not a fart?

then there could be trouble ;)

05-24-2013, 21:52
Hey now...how did I get mentioned in this thread, Datto? And yes, I do love y'all no matter what and where have you been lately, Datto.

You guys are talking about farting sooo i'm outta here.:p

05-24-2013, 22:24
Thats why this site was started.

True, plus Dave needed something constructive to do.

05-24-2013, 23:28
Ignore feature? You mean I could get off my prozac?

Glad you like the blog.

05-24-2013, 23:37
Ignore feature? You mean I could get off my prozac?

Glad you like the blog.Yep ignore...( I must be on Double secret probation) :Dbut I wouldn't stop the meds without checking with the doctor first, lucky for you I play one on WB, you may stop now...I did :)

Wise Old Owl
05-24-2013, 23:44
ah, now I see why you put me on ignore, I'd have done the same...but then you can't see this.....My sincerest apologies Susan, but I thought you were trollin....my bad.:)

Like your Blog

Crusinsusan put everybody or most on ignore... nice way to start... she has made her destiny and her trust....

05-24-2013, 23:49
Crusinsusan put everybody or most on ignore... nice way to start... she has made her destiny and her trust....


05-25-2013, 00:43
Keep yourself from getting easily offended, take a "Lighten Up Francis" attitude, find humor in EVERYTHING, and guess what happens? Rude largely goooes aahwaay.

05-25-2013, 00:45
Just don't be shartin your pants in an elevator while I'm in it! with you. Particularly if were in the Empire State Building and I'm headed to the top floor with you.

05-25-2013, 00:50
Keep yourself from getting easily offended, take a "Lighten Up Francis" attitude, find humor in EVERYTHING, and guess what happens? Rude largely goooes aahwaay.

Don't call me Francis!

05-25-2013, 01:39
Any of you guys call me Francis and I'll kill ya. You just made the list.


05-25-2013, 01:39
Ignore feature? You mean I could get off my prozac?

Glad you like the blog.

You're gonna fit right in here.

05-25-2013, 04:14
Some of use really want to know how much a thru hike costs.KK Most people spend about $1.50 per post, though some will spend as much as $2 per post. A lot of it depends upon how much you spend at bars and hotels. Some people claim to be able to hike the whole trail on only 1000 posts, but for most people this is not realistic.

05-25-2013, 04:23
While I've personally been rarely disappointed with the "Search" function, I acknowledge that many have been frustrated so it's not the best in the world. It always irritated me when people said to use the search function, which I think is totally useless. But then someone suggested I go to google and type Whiteblaze and then the search terms I wanted. It seems that google categorizes the posts here better than the forum's own search engine and by putting the word "Whiteblaze" in front of your search term on google it will return all the posts from Whiteblaze that are relevant to your search.

05-25-2013, 09:40
Ignore feature? You mean I could get off my prozac?

Glad you like the blog.

We wouldn't need the ignore function if it wasn't a TOS violation to tell those that need it, "Take your Prozac".


Sarcasm the elf
05-25-2013, 10:43
Most people spend about $1.50 per post, though some will spend as much as $2 per post. A lot of it depends upon how much you spend at bars and hotels. Some people claim to be able to hike the whole trail on only 1000 posts, but for most people this is not realistic.

Bronk, the numbers you are quoting are likely a bit outdated, inflation in the prices of food, gas, and bandwith have increasesd the amount needed in the last few years. While I've never done a thru hike myself, I do a lot of posting in Connecticut/Massachusetts ( miles 1400-1550) and each summer I run into a lot of the NoBo's as they pass through the area. Those who have only budgeted $1.50-$2.00 per post are very often financing their hike with credit cards by this point in the trail. The ones that are still financially well of when I see them are the ones who budgeted $2.50-$3.00 per post.

That said, I'm sure you'll agree that one of the most valuable things people can do is to have a shakedown hike where they try at least 100 posts in a row prior to starting a thru. This will let them work out a lot of issues and also let them know if cyberhiking is really for them. :banana

05-25-2013, 10:53
While rude replies are somewhat typical on some internet forums, what is atypical is that so many of the troll-like/rude/condescending replies come from people who have been on White Blaze a rather long time.

On many other forums, senior members** are expected to exhibit leadership, restraint, and kindness toward new members. Lately, on White Blaze some of the senior members** have decided that their role on the forum is to provide judgments as to the adequateness or appropriateness of other members posts.

So I just gotta ask:

Who died and left you senior members** (AKA, self-proclaimed forum experts) in charge? :datz:datz

**I use the term "senior member" synonymously with high post count member.

05-25-2013, 11:20
putrid colors, dude!

05-25-2013, 11:56
This ain't McDonalds. NO, you can't have it your way all the time. It's a largely opinion based free internet forum. People aren't paying to receive expert answers in a sugar coated fashion so it's unreasonable to expect that ALL THE TIME. And there are NO EXPERTS HERE just people opining.What the heck is an expert anyway? People called experts are wrong sometimes. When you ask questions or offer opinions in a forum like this you have to expect all sorts of possible things - kind, right, not applicable, wrong, not nice, confusing, what the f$%#, opposing views, RUDE, etc. It happens. BTW, even at Mickey Dees you don't always get it your way.

05-25-2013, 12:13
the moderators do a pretty good job of keeping things somewhat civil, but as its a public forum, you're gonna get some wisea** remarks.
hyoh is the most overused phrase in backpacking as everyone thinks their way is not just the right way but the only way to hike.
personally, i reserve the right to be wrong occasionally.
ive also learned to filter out the responses i dont care for.
perhaps we should get a list of these senior members, so they can be put on ignore by the offended parties.

05-25-2013, 15:08
LOL i cant beleive this has gotten to 5 pages :) and no yelling or screaming, i think everybody deserves an icecream cone!!! HikerMom buying????? :)

05-25-2013, 16:35
Look around you..... RUDE, SELFISH, and ARROGANT is the new "black"......... it's everywhere


05-25-2013, 22:25
LOL i cant beleive this has gotten to 5 pages :) and no yelling or screaming, i think everybody deserves an icecream cone!!! HikerMom buying????? :)

In my not so rude opinion I'll suggest that''s a good attitude to have. I want Pistachio and a sugar cone. HikerMom can we have your credit card number. 147 people want to charge an ice cream cone.

05-26-2013, 07:36
LOL i cant beleive this has gotten to 5 pages :) and no yelling or screaming, i think everybody deserves an icecream cone!!! HikerMom buying????? :)

3 cheers for everyone! :clap

In my not so rude opinion I'll suggest that''s a good attitude to have. I want Pistachio and a sugar cone. HikerMom can we have your credit card number. 147 people want to charge an ice cream cone.

Dogwood... you picked one of my fav. ice cream flavors. Mmmmm...

Now, u got me- I feel sad to tell ya -"NO". ;) Stop by when you're near Daleville VA & I'll buy you an ice cream cone. There u go....:D

05-28-2013, 10:45
That is what sucks about the internet... everyone wants to be an ass to each other.....

You know... in the name of Trolling

05-28-2013, 10:51
LOL i cant beleive this has gotten to 5 pages :) and no yelling or screaming, i think everybody deserves an icecream cone!!! HikerMom buying????? :)

McFlurries now come in waffle cones. :eek:

05-28-2013, 10:56
McFlurries now come in waffle cones. :eek:
If you can even get one.

I'm cursed. Every single McDs I go to endsd up having a broken McFlurrie machine.

05-28-2013, 11:19
Wow - thanks "attraildreamer" for a long (somewhat) POSITIVE post ! For those of you that have been on Whiteblaze for a while - how many times have we heard THIS ? I know a lot of folks that actually stopped getting on Whiteblaze for this reason and now discuss matters via the plethora of AT Facebook pages. BUT ... it's not the tech - it's human nature in a day and age where folks don't feel heard. Put them behind the anonymity of a keyboard and an avatar and many people get downright ornery ! Try to realize how some things can be taken when you type them folks. Without face to face expressions, tones, etc - many things are taken the wrong way. ALSO - many of the folks that have seemed rude online were very pleasant in person ! (PS - they are just as rude on Facebook). "Hike your own Hike With An Open Mind" .... don't be the "know it all" of the shelter or the thread (I call those folks "Mayor McCheeses") :)

05-30-2013, 21:15
If you can even get one.

I'm cursed. Every single McDs I go to endsd up having a broken McFlurrie machine.

Wendy's now has a waffle cone...delicious, and made with Splenda, instead of sugar.

05-30-2013, 21:16
Wendy's now has a waffle cone...delicious, and made with Splenda, instead of sugar.

The Greenman
05-30-2013, 21:57
Not new to hiking/backpacking, but certainly new to WB - I consider myself nonjudgmental, but how long can you patiently field questions like:

Will my feet hurt?
Do I need to bring a tent or shelter?
Should I expect to get wet?

The restraint and tact most of you use to answer the same questions for the upteenth time borders on the Divine! js

05-30-2013, 22:02
Not new to hiking/backpacking, but certainly new to WB - I consider myself nonjudgmental, but how long can you patiently field questions like:

Will my feet hurt?
Do I need to bring a tent or shelter?
Should I expect to get wet?

The restraint and tact most of you use to answer the same questions for the upteenth time borders on the Divine! js

its actually the debate along with the drama that follows that many here crave.its like arguing about your favorite baseball team.at the end of the day, we all love baseball.

05-30-2013, 22:16
its actually the debate along with the drama that follows that many here crave.its like arguing about your favorite baseball team.at the end of the day, we all love baseball.That's actually a really good analogy...Yankees blow!

05-30-2013, 22:16
Sorry....ta keepin it rude!

Wise Old Owl
05-30-2013, 22:35
lots of 'tude here... I will come back a little later,,, RS knock the socks off the teenagers... please...

Silent Stroll
05-31-2013, 04:44
Blaming rude remarks on the Internet makes little sense to me. We are all people.
So if a lady in line at a circle K asks if she can win anything on a daily pick 3 lottery by only matching 2 letters, do you think as the person standing inline behind her you would have a need to point out the obvious by telling her it was a silly question? Let it go. If you don't have anything nice to say, or helpful, stay out of it.
I might suggest as a question the idea of removing the number of posts on users names. Sometimes trolls see that as a badge to legitimize their thoughts.
As for the lady... The answer was no.

coach lou
05-31-2013, 05:37
Blaming rude remarks on the Internet makes little sense to me. We are all people.
So if a lady in line at a circle K asks if she can win anything on a daily pick 3 lottery by only matching 2 letters, do you think as the person standing inline behind her you would have a need to point out the obvious by telling her it was a silly question? Let it go. If you don't have anything nice to say, or helpful, stay out of it.
I might suggest as a question the idea of removing the number of posts on users names. Sometimes trolls see that as a badge to legitimize their thoughts.
As for the lady... The answer was no.

Those are fine ideals.........but, you need more time here for us to take you sneriously:D

05-31-2013, 06:03
Blaming rude remarks on the Internet makes little sense to me. We are all people.
So if a lady in line at a circle K asks if she can win anything on a daily pick 3 lottery by only matching 2 letters, do you think as the person standing inline behind her you would have a need to point out the obvious by telling her it was a silly question? Let it go. If you don't have anything nice to say, or helpful, stay out of it.
I might suggest as a question the idea of removing the number of posts on users names. Sometimes trolls see that as a badge to legitimize their thoughts.
As for the lady... The answer was no.

I agree. Rude seems to be the norm here at times. However, someone who is easily upset is never going to last on this site. But the "old timers" should also know that most of us could care less about winning their approval.

05-31-2013, 07:10
I agree. Rude seems to be the norm here at times. However, someone who is easily upset is never going to last on this site. But the "old timers" should also know that most of us could care less about winning their approval.

While there have certainly been and will continue to be rude comments posted on this site and elsewhere, I suspect that many see any comment that does not explicitly validate their post as falling into that category.

Hypothetical example:

New Poster 1: I am thinking about buying a sheath knife for my thru hike. I like the Tonto style, what do you think? I saw a 7" version on sale a Cabellas.

"Old Timer": I think carrying any sheath knife on a thru is a crazy. For myself and the scores of thru hikers I have hiked with, weight has always been important. At most, they carry something small-- sometimes as small as a Leatherman Micra. When you are on the trail you soon realize that I knife is not needed for personal protection-- just cutting salami and such. My advise-- leave the big blade in the tackle box.

"New Age Hiker": I understand why you someone new to the trail would want to carry a knife, and that is certainly an individual choice made by some small percentage of hikers. But I think you check round you will discover most thru hikers just carry a pen knife or something small. That said, if you do carry a sheath knife, I really like the look of a Tonto blade-- Its cool.

If my theory is correct, many of the more delicate personalities in this thread would find the first post rude-- they really would prefer the second reply. Which is to say that validation is all important. And they see rudeness where it does not exist.

Nothing wrong with that, but I do think it wrong to expect validation at all turn on a hiking and trail site. Peoples personalities should not be stifled here in an effort to be more PC. Those a the margins will be balanced out by others-- there are no individuals dominating the conversation here.

05-31-2013, 07:47
Agree with you that many posters are offended if they don't receive the answer they want to hear. That's their problem. If you don't want various opinions - don't ask the question. I was not referring to equipment however when I referred to the adulation that many members with senority on this site seem to expect.

05-31-2013, 08:26
Those are fine ideals.........but, you need more time here for us to take you sneriously:D

So do you:p

BTW, shouldn't that be "sneeriously?"

Gray Blazer
05-31-2013, 08:30
I agree. Rude seems to be the norm here at times. However, someone who is easily upset is never going to last on this site. But the "old timers" should also know that most of us could care less about winning their approval.

Dam, I'll have to quit trying so hard.

coach lou
05-31-2013, 08:35
So do you:p

BTW, shouldn't that be "sneeriously?"

I know my place....that's why I'm not so snarky yet:).......I never sneer......I growl!

Deer Hunter
05-31-2013, 09:25
That's actually a really good analogy...Yankees blow!

Go Yankees! :)

05-31-2013, 10:00
While there have certainly been and will continue to be rude comments posted on this site and elsewhere, I suspect that many see any comment that does not explicitly validate their post as falling into that category.

Hypothetical example:

New Poster 1: I am thinking about buying a sheath knife for my thru hike. I like the Tonto style, what do you think? I saw a 7" version on sale a Cabellas.

"Old Timer": I think carrying any sheath knife on a thru is a crazy. For myself and the scores of thru hikers I have hiked with, weight has always been important. At most, they carry something small-- sometimes as small as a Leatherman Micra. When you are on the trail you soon realize that I knife is not needed for personal protection-- just cutting salami and such. My advise-- leave the big blade in the tackle box.

"New Age Hiker": I understand why you someone new to the trail would want to carry a knife, and that is certainly an individual choice made by some small percentage of hikers. But I think you check round you will discover most thru hikers just carry a pen knife or something small. That said, if you do carry a sheath knife, I really like the look of a Tonto blade-- Its cool.

If my theory is correct, many of the more delicate personalities in this thread would find the first post rude-- they really would prefer the second reply. Which is to say that validation is all important. And they see rudeness where it does not exist.

Nothing wrong with that, but I do think it wrong to expect validation at all turn on a hiking and trail site. Peoples personalities should not be stifled here in an effort to be more PC. Those a the margins will be balanced out by others-- there are no individuals dominating the conversation here.

rickb.... would I be considered the "New Age Hiker"? I think I can relate to that one, somewhat.

I think it has to do with ones own personality and what one was exposed to growing up. I don't like to be mean or rude to anyone... that's just me. I was never treated that way growing up, myself. I'm serious when I say that I never even heard the words "shut up" spoken me or to anyone close to me growing up.
I'm 54 now so I've seen and heard a lot of different ways that others interact with each other. I can honestly say, I can't quite understand it. When my personal emotional buttons are pushed, I can dish it out, no prob. But, I can't be rude or mean, without cause, to peeps I don't really know on or off the grid.
Like the example of someone thinking of bringing a big knife on the trail.. I wouldn't tell them it's a crazy idea... I don't feel the need. I would try to understand why they felt the need to carry a knife like that and go from there..... common sense tells me that if I tell them it's a crazy idea, right away, I could loose their respect for my opinion so why bother typing a response to begin with? I figure I would just come across as a know-it-all smart arse.. woo hoo!!:(

I really enjoy seeing others do it differently than me. I find it interesting.

If I think someone is making a poor choice, I try to tell them in a constructive way so they will actually hear what I'm saying instead of blowing me off. Is this a case of having a delicate personality or is it true that people are, in reality, being rude? That is the question. I think the answer is found in questioning people that post on this site. How do they feel? Do they have issue's with others that don't agree with them or is it something else, sometimes? That is the question.

Now, the peeps that are close to me. Relating to them in a constructive manner, all the time, is hard. Sometimes you just let it fly with them.:eek: I hate that. Why oh why???? That's when one is the most thankful for unconditional love. :sun

05-31-2013, 10:54
While there have certainly been and will continue to be rude comments posted on this site and elsewhere, I suspect that many see any comment that does not explicitly validate their post as falling into that category.

Hypothetical example:

New Poster 1: I am thinking about buying a sheath knife for my thru hike. I like the Tonto style, what do you think? I saw a 7" version on sale a Cabellas.

"Old Timer": I think carrying any sheath knife on a thru is a crazy. For myself and the scores of thru hikers I have hiked with, weight has always been important. At most, they carry something small-- sometimes as small as a Leatherman Micra. When you are on the trail you soon realize that I knife is not needed for personal protection-- just cutting salami and such. My advise-- leave the big blade in the tackle box.

"New Age Hiker": I understand why you someone new to the trail would want to carry a knife, and that is certainly an individual choice made by some small percentage of hikers. But I think you check round you will discover most thru hikers just carry a pen knife or something small. That said, if you do carry a sheath knife, I really like the look of a Tonto blade-- Its cool.

If my theory is correct, many of the more delicate personalities in this thread would find the first post rude-- they really would prefer the second reply. Which is to say that validation is all important. And they see rudeness where it does not exist.

Nothing wrong with that, but I do think it wrong to expect validation at all turn on a hiking and trail site. Peoples personalities should not be stifled here in an effort to be more PC. Those a the margins will be balanced out by others-- there are no individuals dominating the conversation here.

Very thoughtful answer. Reminded me of an ancient Persian story :

Once a king woke up and remembered that last night he dreamed that all of his teeth has fallen off. He asked for some expert to interpret his dream.
The first one came and said that the interpretation is that all of the kings close relative will die before him. The second one interpretation was that king would live longer than all of his close relatives. The king punished the first interpreter and paid the second a hefty reward. In reality, Their interpretation was exactly the same but with two different approach.

We can say the same thing in a comment with bad word choices or we can chocolate coat it and both could be the same comment in different wrap.

05-31-2013, 10:55

Despite what you think about Splenda, (and I'm starting to come around to the view that it is no good for you to eat:-?), Wendy's uses real ice cream in their cone. How do I know? Well, I am lactose intolerant and have to take a Lactaid tablet before eating ice cream. I forgot to take the Lactaid when I ate the Wendy's cone and got a little sick.:( When I have the McFlurry, I don't need the Lactaid tablet, and I never get sick. :rolleyes: What does that tell you about the ingredients McDonalds uses? :-?

But the McFlurry spoon is kind of nice! See why:


05-31-2013, 11:19
Not new to hiking/backpacking, but certainly new to WB - I consider myself nonjudgmental, but how long can you patiently field questions like:

Will my feet hurt?
Do I need to bring a tent or shelter?
Should I expect to get wet?

The restraint and tact most of you use to answer the same questions for the upteenth time borders on the Divine! js

Yes. A lot of these people have the patience of Job.

Myself.... Not so much.

05-31-2013, 11:33
But the McFlurry spoon is kind of nice! See why:


shameless rude plug:D:)

05-31-2013, 18:11
shameless rude plug:D:)

I know, but I don't make any money out of it. In fact, it costs me $1.79 (for the McFlurry) + 8% meal tax (for our Governor) every time I want to make a McSpork!

06-01-2013, 00:04
While there have certainly been and will continue to be rude comments posted on this site and elsewhere, I suspect that many see any comment that does not explicitly validate their post as falling into that category.

There are also some people on here that think you are trolling if you don't agree with their dogma. And quite a few that don't understand satire or hyperbole. And those that think their fragile feelings are good enough reason to stifle debate.

Sarcasm the elf
06-01-2013, 00:12
There are also some people on here that think you are trolling if you don't agree with their dogma. And quite a few that don't understand satire or hyperbole. And those that think their fragile feelings are good enough reason to stifle debate.

Bronk, Most people can't tell satire or hyperbole in written communications and seem to have even more trouble understanding it on this forum. I get your kind humor and am often quite amused by your posts, however in order for most folks to understand that you're joking you need to pepper your remarks with theses obnoxious little smiley things.... :-?:):confused: :cool::D;):p:banana

06-01-2013, 01:45
Personally, when responding to other people's posts and questions, I see no need to "affirm" other people, or to be politically correct, or to worry if my responses might hurt their feelings (or worry if my responses might hurt some other WhiteBlaze member's feelings). In many of the fields (that I have worked in) direct or blunt responses are not considered rude. Such answers are actually valued and appreciated. If some people find such bluntness to be "rude"--so be it. Different strokes for different folks.

If someone asks: "Will I be O.K. if start from Springer in early March with a 40 degree sleeping bag?" And, if I think that they would be a "dang fool" to start with a 40 degree bag, I am going to say: "I think you would be a dang fool to use just a 40 degree sleeping bag starting from Springer in early March". Why should I sugar coat my response? Why should I be concerned that the original poster (or someone else) might have their feelings hurt by my response? In this hypothetical example, the original poster asked for our individual and/or collective opinion(s) regard using a 40 degree sleeping bag in early March. If it is indeed my (or anyone else's) opinion that the person would be "a dang fool" to use a 40 degree bag i early March, why should I (or anyone else) hesitate to express that opinion? It is indeed my opinion--and that is what the OP asked for.

Personally, if I am the one who is asking if I should use a 40 degree bag in early March--I really WANT to know if you think that I would be a "dang fool" to do so. I don't want you to give me some sugar-coated, watered down, politically correct response. Frankly, my health, safety and overall comfort would possibly be at risk if I used a 40 degree bag in early March. Thus, why should you worry about hurting my feelings? In such a scenario, I NEED you to be blunt and I need you get my attention. You will have not helped me if you worried about hurting my feelings.

Many years ago, my young (autistic) son was running toward the street in front of our house. Cars were coming down the street. I ran even faster than my son, and gently "tackled" him just before he walked in front of a speeding car. Yes, I scared him. Yes, I hurt his feelings and even made him cry. Yes, by tackling him, I stopped him from doing what he really wanted to do. I kept him from achieving his goal. Yes, he was not able to "Hike His Own Hike" (into the direct path of oncoming cars). I ask you: What was more important--attempting to preserve my son's health, comfort and safety---or preserving his feelings and his desire to Hike His Own Hike? Should I have reasoned with him, affirmed him and been concerned about his feelings---or should I have tackled him before the car struck him?

It is my opinion, if someone poses a question on WhiteBlaze, we OWE them our honest, direct, non-sugar-coated response. We do not help them if we do otherwise.

06-01-2013, 04:05
It surprises me how many of the questions posed here can be answered by reading the articles posted here or by buying the Thru Hikers Companion or AWOL'S AT Guide. When I first discovered WB, that was the first thing I did was read the articles. It surpised me how much hiking had changed since my last trek thru the Grand Canyon. I learned alot and still go back and reread the articles from time to time.

I suppose it would get tiring answering the same questions over and over again about what is "THE BEST" thing or way to do something. However I was brought up to remember where I came from and not forget that at one time I didn't know everything and had to ask questions to learn. While I think you don't have to be rude in answering questions, you do need to enpart on people when they are trying to do something that is dangerous to their health or safety.

Maybe PMags, Datto, Sgt. Rock or one Wolf could write an article directed at new people that covers the most frequently asked questions and advice given. Then again getting them to read it is another. Perhaps making it a prerequisite to posting would be the answer. Stepping down from soap box.

06-01-2013, 06:33
I haven't spent much time on WB, recently. In fact, it's been 1.5 years since my last post. But this morning, I browsed the forum a while and got reacquainted with the place.

From my perspective, the overall tone is considerably more civil than it once was.

Carry on.

06-01-2013, 09:42
i do have to say after reading through all these posts that i do have a better outlook on the posters here :) the good FAR outweigh the bad. :) yall have a great day

06-01-2013, 10:30
The first couple of posts on any thread is useally Intelligent and goes to the point then after that everybody seems to want to do their own thing, but thats WB, WELCOME TO WB!

Wise Old Owl
06-01-2013, 11:09
I haven't spent much time on WB, recently. In fact, it's been 1.5 years since my last post. But this morning, I browsed the forum a while and got reacquainted with the place.

From my perspective, the overall tone is considerably more civil than it once was.

Carry on.

Recently I have been on other blogs - and got a taste of the "wild west" of posting once again, Roland has hit upon something here. In spite of the impression of others about snide, rude remarks.. Its far worse elsewhere. As for the 50 somethings making the bulk of the comments? I doubt it.

06-01-2013, 22:52
Maybe PMags, Datto, Sgt. Rock or one Wolf could write an article directed at new people that covers the most frequently asked questions and advice given. Then again getting them to read it is another. Perhaps making it a prerequisite to posting would be the answer. Stepping down from soap box.


Check out the Quick and Dirty AT Guide:

I have some getting started articles that, typical for me, are more of an overview rather than detailed reviews:

I readily admit to listing these links over and over again as the same questions tend to crop up..which is why I wrote them in the first place. :)

Sarcasm the elf
06-01-2013, 22:58

Check out the Quick and Dirty AT Guide:

I have some getting started articles that, typical for me, are more of an overview rather than detailed reviews:

I readily admit to listing these links over and over again as the same questions tend to crop up..which is why I wrote them in the first place. :)

You really should link to the HMHDI page, it answers most of the common newbie questions :cool:

06-01-2013, 23:10

Check out the Quick and Dirty AT Guide:

I have some getting started articles that, typical for me, are more of an overview rather than detailed reviews:

I readily admit to listing these links over and over again as the same questions tend to crop up..which is why I wrote them in the first place. :)

MAGS - I'm way too lazy to read any of these again. Can you give a brief summary of the articles?

06-01-2013, 23:18
MAGS - I'm way too lazy to read any of these again. Can you give a brief summary of the articles?

Mags writes, Mags makes corny jokes, Mags is probably FOS in most of what he writes, Mags then gets beer.

06-01-2013, 23:49

Check out the Quick and Dirty AT Guide:

I have some getting started articles that, typical for me, are more of an overview rather than detailed reviews:

I readily admit to listing these links over and over again as the same questions tend to crop up..which is why I wrote them in the first place. :)

Mags I have read both of these several times. Great information

06-02-2013, 10:06
Mags writes, Mags makes corny jokes, Mags is probably FOS in most of what he writes, Mags then gets beer.

Best written Cliff Notes I've ever read.

06-02-2013, 13:15
I like your Cliff Notes Mags- very helpful!!

Hey I just found this... this might also be a great read for people thinking about Thru- hiking.
I didn't know where to put this.....
