View Full Version : Warning

10-04-2013, 17:49
Hello fellow hikers out there, I just wanted to post a quick warning on a southbound thru-hiker that is coming through southern PA about now. He made a scene in Lincoln, punching another hiker straight in the face while staying at Chet's in Lincoln and then got arrested in Vermont on a domestic assault charge (against his gf, another thru-hiker). I don't know if he has caused any trouble in the mid-atlantic region as I have gotten ahead (in VA now) but I want everyone to stay safe, and be careful! He is usually a carefree, fun-loving and goofy guy who I had enjoyed traveling with, but DO NOT drink around him. That is what gets him going. Trail name is Woolly. Has dirty blonde wavy-ish hair, blonde/red-ish beard. About 5'9 in height, stocky build. Tattoos on right arm. I'd like to warn trail angels, in the interest of other hiker's safety, but don't know how. Best of luck to everyone still hiking!

10-04-2013, 22:29
THanks for the warning Jenji... it is very much appreciated. Happy trails to you as well...

10-06-2013, 06:57
Generally the best approach for these types of warnings is to contact the ATC. I believe that they may have mailing list for AT service providers. It would be best if the warnings are first hand rather than second or third hand.

10-06-2013, 09:22
Generally the best approach for these types of warnings is to contact the ATC. I believe that they may have mailing list for AT service providers. It would be best if the warnings are first hand rather than second or third hand.

I agree with you on contacting the ATC... they want to know about all these things.

10-06-2013, 23:05
Were you there for any of these instances? I was worried about meeting him too; until I met him and found out his side of the story. Sure he started a fight - only because some other hiker who had gotten drunk at that same party nudged him and said 'I'm going to beat up that ****er' only to find out via a punch that that ****er was Woolly's brother, a fellow thru hiker. Woolly and the guy he hit have since made amends. As for the Vermont trouble, all charges were dropped after the girlfriend realized she had too much to drink that night too.

Until you get both sides of the story, please, everyone, don't jump to conclusions. He's a good dude, and I'm glad I got to hike with him for a few days.

10-07-2013, 10:39
Were you there for any of these instances? I was worried about meeting him too; until I met him and found out his side of the story. Sure he started a fight - only because some other hiker who had gotten drunk at that same party nudged him and said 'I'm going to beat up that ****er' only to find out via a punch that that ****er was Woolly's brother, a fellow thru hiker. Woolly and the guy he hit have since made amends. As for the Vermont trouble, all charges were dropped after the girlfriend realized she had too much to drink that night too.

Until you get both sides of the story, please, everyone, don't jump to conclusions. He's a good dude, and I'm glad I got to hike with him for a few days.

No excuses.

10-07-2013, 10:53
Were you there for any of these instances? I was worried about meeting him too; until I met him and found out his side of the story. Sure he started a fight - only because some other hiker who had gotten drunk at that same party nudged him and said 'I'm going to beat up that ****er' only to find out via a punch that that ****er was Woolly's brother, a fellow thru hiker. Woolly and the guy he hit have since made amends. As for the Vermont trouble, all charges were dropped after the girlfriend realized she had too much to drink that night too.

Until you get both sides of the story, please, everyone, don't jump to conclusions. He's a good dude, and I'm glad I got to hike with him for a few days.

Honestly I wasnt even going to post in this thread, because I am not on the trail and, you are partially right as I would not know the whole store.

BUT, your version does nothing to help the guy out and does nothing but reinforce my first Iimpressions. I cant abide drunks and I especially despise violent drunks, and this is exactly the "good" dude you are describing, a violent drunk. Disagree with what I am saying? Read what you wrote carefully again.

10-07-2013, 10:56
The OP's point remains valid. Nice enough guy - alcohol should not be involved. Perfectly simple and correct.

Hot Flash
10-07-2013, 12:07
Alcohol only brings out what a person is really like. If he's violent when he drinks, then he's not a nice guy. Being drunk is NO EXCUSE for violence.

10-07-2013, 12:39
Well, I found an image of "WOLLY" and I don't think I would hike with him either sober or not..............http://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/image/jpeg;base64,/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQAAAQABAAD/2wCEAAkGBxMTEhUUExQUFRUXFBUVFRcYFRQUFxcUFxQXFhUUFB QYHCggGBolHBQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O FxAQGiwkHyQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIALcBFAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAADBAIFAAEGBwj/xAA9EAABAwICBwYDBgYCAwEAAAABAAIRAyEEMQUSQVFhcYEGEy KRobEywfAHQlJi0eEUI3KSsvGCohUzwkT/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAmEQACAgEEAgMBAAMBAAAAAAAAAQIRAxIhMUETUQQiMmFCcb EU/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwD0EUlPVRmXWi1dJwge7UHUk2wLHMSAqq1 NV9amr99GUhiKCBlM6mlatFW76cINSmCkOyoqUbKuxAV/XoqtrYa6Q0U5Qi1WdXCpV9OEihZwsl3FNVGIRpoGBJUSpuap0q UpADaEWmEwKKNSohMVmqW6E5h6Q3LdOgnaVJVQrMo0U3TpcFlO mmqbEybIsohMMobltjUwxOhWQFBRNNONhbAToViJorRYAnqhG5 I1QigsWqwk6pTNVqTqpDFayTrBNVyVX1HJFAKiVqtTTkvUCQxN zFpGc1YkM9jpFFJSWFr71YQCFoYkNdS7wJd6xpSAKlqhRpQaiQ 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KWrGDLW7d/TfxW1imEnyOcUiHeyJiOcH1AUHyRkPT2WLFpZFDGHru2kiAdp6 JVr3a1+fD3+pWLFCSbNG6RprbQALkycvEc0Y4Uve514taRntA4 WnqtLEpqhxY3QwzWNkCM433J2pTE5zF87G3qsWISBiNV98oG2/H91IkbBlzWLFp0Z9kzRIILDsytnKbw+D1tYuOR8WUjlHssWLGU mjWKTK3EsLSQEBzthWLF0IxNtAN+k81tlTZ0WLFLLiiTXwD9ea 055y3jIR7rFibRKdmNq+n1Ci97TkCN8/JYsS7GDdTPJI4ikcslixXFkSVCza1RlmxHESsWLE2kSf//Z

10-07-2013, 12:48
oops, didn't come through first time http://www.bagheera.com/inthewild/animal_content/extinct/pleistocene_megafuana/images/wolly_mammoth_2011.jpg

double d
10-07-2013, 12:48
Honestly I wasnt even going to post in this thread, because I am not on the trail and, you are partially right as I would not know the whole store.

BUT, your version does nothing to help the guy out and does nothing but reinforce my first Iimpressions. I cant abide drunks and I especially despise violent drunks, and this is exactly the "good" dude you are describing, a violent drunk. Disagree with what I am saying? Read what you wrote carefully again.Yes, I agree with you 100% and wasn't going to post until I read the hiker who posted "two sides to the story". A violent drunk is just that and he's no kid either, he is in his mid 20's-maybe time to grow up a little and of course the domestic charges were dropped, really? So all is okay? Sounds like a little pathology is going on here in this guys life.

10-07-2013, 22:32
Violence begets violence. And we have to interrupt violence. This guy needs his path to lead him into some sort of rehab for his propensity to violence, and his drinking, because his drinking leads to violent behavior. I think Jenji did the right thing here. With the fore-knowlege of this guy's limitations those in the trail community can perhaps help themselves and this fellow who is suffering make better decisions to keep himself and those he encounters safe. And encourage him to seek help for his condition.

10-08-2013, 08:47
Well said, Abner.

10-12-2013, 15:29
Hiked with him for about 300 miles going south, he is a good dude. The original poster is his GF & they are currently having troubles. Sucks to see fellow thru-hikers be ridiculed because of relationship problems. I think both Woolly & the OP have things to work on as far as morals, temper issues, and social skills. It is not JUST Woolly & I was present for both of the said mishaps, and the OP has misconstrued a lot, being on a biased standpoint, BUT I do agree with Abner in that drinking is devil juice for some.

10-12-2013, 15:35
& thank you Hover-Job! -Sourpatch

10-12-2013, 16:06
So. The guy punches another guy. This happens all the time. I don't really see why this should be a warning to stay away from him. As they say:

There is my side of the story.
There is your side of the story.
And then there is the truth.

From what I have read I don't know if we more than one of those posted.

Sent from somewhere.

10-12-2013, 16:35
what a bunch of sissies

10-12-2013, 19:15
Some people just can't handle Alcohol. The best way to warn folks about certain questionable people on the AT is to call one hostel and that hostel will call another one and so on, the AT rumor mill will take care of the rest.

10-12-2013, 20:14
Sounds like he's going to finish at Jerry Springer Mountain.

Woolly Bear
10-12-2013, 21:16
These haters can't hold me back

10-12-2013, 21:27
Haters? I don't see no stinkin' haters! But your brief, cryptic message probably won't do much for your trail cred.

10-13-2013, 21:00
Hello fellow hikers out there, I just wanted to post a quick warning on a southbound thru-hiker that is coming through southern PA about now. He made a scene in Lincoln, punching another hiker straight in the face while staying at Chet's in Lincoln and then got arrested in Vermont on a domestic assault charge (against his gf, another thru-hiker). I don't know if he has caused any trouble in the mid-atlantic region as I have gotten ahead (in VA now) but I want everyone to stay safe, and be careful! He is usually a carefree, fun-loving and goofy guy who I had enjoyed traveling with, but DO NOT drink around him. That is what gets him going. Trail name is Woolly. Has dirty blonde wavy-ish hair, blonde/red-ish beard. About 5'9 in height, stocky build. Tattoos on right arm. I'd like to warn trail angels, in the interest of other hiker's safety, but don't know how. Best of luck to everyone still hiking!you made your split; now stay away from him. Don't ever justify being hit by a man.