View Full Version : Eyeglasses and rain

10-07-2013, 08:37
Just wondering how other's cope with the rain and wearing eyeglasses. Does anyone use RainX or similar products?
I know contacts would probably be preferential but I just can't wear them. Tried many times. And Lasik is just not an option ($$).

10-07-2013, 08:57
i just take them off and hope i do not trip.

kayak karl
10-07-2013, 09:02
i put cat crap (http://www.campmor.com/cat-crap-anti-fog-lens-cleaner-1.shtml?source=CI&ci_sku=83081&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw=) on my safety glasses. i really works.

Alleghanian Orogeny
10-07-2013, 09:03
For me, the greater challenge during warm weather months is preventing my glasses from fogging up. Whatever hood, ball cap, wide-brim hat, etc, I may be using normally keeps the raindrops off of the lenses, but I have trouble with them fogging up when I'm "zipped up" in a heavy rain.

For that I use the same product I use on my eyeglasses and goggles during snow skiing season. It's called Cat Crap. I imagine it's similar to RainX in that you wipe it on, let it dry to a haze, and polish it off. Whether similar or not, it sure does a good job of preventing or minimizing fogging on glasses and goggle lenses.


10-07-2013, 09:04
RainX works but test first. When riding my mountain bike I used it and it did help. Test on the side before you coat them.

10-07-2013, 10:10
Cat Crap will help with fogging, but I would think that RainX would be more effective at shedding liquid. I always wear a ballcap (nylon with a plastic brim) under rain hood, which does a very good job of keeping raindrops off of my glasses. The only time I've had issues is in blowing fog atop Moosilaukee where I had to take off my glasses altogether.

10-07-2013, 10:32
i put cat crap (http://www.campmor.com/cat-crap-anti-fog-lens-cleaner-1.shtml?source=CI&ci_sku=83081&ci_gpa=pla&ci_kw=) on my safety glasses. i really works.

I didn't think you were serious. Then I clicked on the link. What a weird product name! My husband could use this. :)

Rocket Jones
10-07-2013, 11:01
+1 on the Cat Crap combined with a good brimmed hat. I wear a lanyard for my glasses, so if it gets bad enough they slip into my pocket and I don't have to worry about losing them.

kayak karl
10-07-2013, 11:23
I didn't think you were serious. Then I clicked on the link. What a weird product name! My husband could use this. :) a friends son at church told me about it. he uses it for biking. didn't believe it till i googled it :)

10-07-2013, 14:55
Cat Crap has been used for decades by skiiers for their goggles.

10-07-2013, 15:47
What do I use to keep the sweat from running into my eyes...dog pee? :)

Odd Man Out
10-07-2013, 16:03
Kind of like "Ordinary Bitter". Great product with an unappealing name.

I wear a wide brimmed hat, but will try the crap.

10-07-2013, 16:10
A baseball cap pulled low down on your forehead will keep all but horizontal rain from hitting your glasses. You don't need a plastic brim, but avoid cotton or wool caps since they take a long time to dry.

10-07-2013, 20:29
Fogging is by far the worst for me. But there have been times in blowing flog when I just gave off and stowed my glasses. Just hoped I wouldn't completely trip. :(