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  1. #1
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    Default A/T Thru-hikers & Round About hikers (A.K.A: yo-yo hikers)

    I am planning a thru hike and got to thinking has anyone done what is referred to as a yo-yo hike where you start say GA and go to MA then back to your original starting point in GA..........So the question is can anyone tell me if anyone has done such a thing and where can I find info. on the statistics of those who have attempted as apposed to those who have completed it?

  2. #2


    Steven "YoYo" Nuckolls is credited as first to do this back in the early 80's. Probably best to concentrate on finishing a normal thru (which is challenging enough with a 20% or so success rate). I'm not aware of any statistics.

    You would need an early start and make good time so that you can past the whites before winter hits on the return trip. That would probably be the biggest obstacle. There are many others.

  3. #3


    A guy named PJ Wetzel aka "Seeks it" completed a YoYo hike in 2012. I could try to get you in touch with him if you'd like. You might find him on the internet if you google his name.

  4. #4


    At least seven people have reported yo-yo hikes to the Appalachian Trail Conservancy (which has been keeping records on those who have completed the A.T. since 1936). At least two (maybe three) have done double consecutive yo-yos (four consecutive thru-hikes, turning around at each terminus reached to continue). Max Patch is right about the first person to do a yo-yo.

    Setting a goal to simply complete the A.T. is a pretty challenging one in itself. Ditto what Max Patch said.

    Laurie P.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by HikerMom58 View Post
    A guy named PJ Wetzel aka "Seeks it" completed a YoYo hike in 2012. I could try to get you in touch with him if you'd like. You might find him on the internet if you google his name.
    I don't think what Wetzel did should be called a YoYo based on the usually accepted definition of the term. It deserves a term of its own. Any suggestions?

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Thank you for the info. and advice

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by max patch View Post
    I don't think what Wetzel did should be called a YoYo based on the usually accepted definition of the term. It deserves a term of its own. Any suggestions?
    mp... I'm not sure, then. I believe people if they claim to have accomplished something like that... not sure.

    I understand what a YoYo is and I'm sayin I couldn't do it. I do know that for sure!

  8. #8
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    Thank you all for the info. and advice and yes HikerMom 58 if you could that would be grate it would be a good thing to talk with one or more people that have done this before to get a good insight on the whole thing

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by paschen56 View Post
    Thank you all for the info. and advice and yes HikerMom 58 if you could that would be grate it would be a good thing to talk with one or more people that have done this before to get a good insight on the whole thing
    Okay.. I'll see what I can do..I'll get right back to ya. I'll PM you later.

  10. #10
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    I found him online through Google but I am having a issue trying to contact him could you possibly help me with that

  11. #11


    To make sure there is no confusion.

    A YoYo starts in GA, hikes to Maine, turns around and hikes back to GA. Or vice-versa.

    What Wetzel did, greatly simplified, was to park his van at (for example) a trailhead at mile marker 10, hike south to springer and then turn around and hike back to his van where he spent the nite. The next day he would hike to a trailhead at mile marker 20, and then turn around and hike to his van at mile marker 10 where he spent the nite. The next day he would drive the van to a trailhead a mile marker 30 and repeat the process until he finished the entire trail. I believe he called this a "double thru hike".

    Again, the above is greatly simplified. He spent every nite in his van, it was important for him to not spend a single night camping outside. He also did not hopscotch up the entire trail this way from terminus to terminus, he bounced around some. In the Whites I believe he had to return to his van using other trails on occasion.

    I hope it did not sound like I was denigrating Wetzels hike in any way as that was not my intent. I just wanted to point out that this deserves it own term, as "YoYo" does not describe IMO what he did.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by paschen56 View Post
    I found him online through Google but I am having a issue trying to contact him could you possibly help me with that
    He is on this website so a PM will reach him next time he logs in. I was intrigued by what he did and asked him some questions and he got back to me next time he was on the site.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by paschen56 View Post
    I found him online through Google but I am having a issue trying to contact him could you possibly help me with that
    I will..

    Quote Originally Posted by max patch View Post
    To make sure there is no confusion.

    A YoYo starts in GA, hikes to Maine, turns around and hikes back to GA. Or vice-versa.

    What Wetzel did, greatly simplified, was to park his van at (for example) a trailhead at mile marker 10, hike south to springer and then turn around and hike back to his van where he spent the nite. The next day he would hike to a trailhead at mile marker 20, and then turn around and hike to his van at mile marker 10 where he spent the nite. The next day he would drive the van to a trailhead a mile marker 30 and repeat the process until he finished the entire trail. I believe he called this a "double thru hike".

    Again, the above is greatly simplified. He spent every nite in his van, it was important for him to not spend a single night camping outside. He also did not hopscotch up the entire trail this way from terminus to terminus, he bounced around some. In the Whites I believe he had to return to his van using other trails on occasion.

    I hope it did not sound like I was denigrating Wetzels hike in any way as that was not my intent. I just wanted to point out that this deserves it own term, as "YoYo" does not describe IMO what he did.
    Good to know, mp.

    Quote Originally Posted by max patch View Post
    He is on this website so a PM will reach him next time he logs in. I was intrigued by what he did and asked him some questions and he got back to me next time he was on the site.
    Yes, I thought about that too. He's my facebook friend so I will ask him to log on the WB. I know he was on FB recently.. love this working together thang... thanks max patch!

  14. #14
    2012 double thru-hike, 4368.4 miles in 10 mo.
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    Quote Originally Posted by max patch View Post
    I don't think what Wetzel did should be called a YoYo based on the usually accepted definition of the term. It deserves a term of its own. Any suggestions?
    I'm not much for labels because no two hikes are the same. What I did in 2012 was 270 individual yo-yo day hikes. Each day I did a piece of trail both ways until I had completed the entire trail that way. Paschen, I started January 1st and finished November 3rd. It is a major serious commitment. It's not the physical challenge that is likely to lead to failure, it's the dogged, bull-headed sense of 'mission' that you need to stick with it. You'll be miserable, lonely, flat-out bored, and constantly tempted by civilization. I guess that's why, as Laurie P said, only seven people have reported accomplishing this. I wish you well.

  15. #15
    2012 double thru-hike, 4368.4 miles in 10 mo.
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    Quote Originally Posted by HikerMom58 View Post
    I will..

    Good to know, mp.

    Yes, I thought about that too. He's my facebook friend so I will ask him to log on the WB. I know he was on FB recently.. love this working together thang... thanks max patch!
    Thanks Hiker Mom for pointing me here. I don't hang out here on WB as much as I should :-/

  16. #16


    I remain intrigued about how Wetzel went about his hike, and am considering doing what he did in a modified fashion at some point in the future. Rather than out and back in the same day, I'd probably go out for 2-3 days and return. Negative - have to carry a full pack. Positive - get to sleep outside and not in the car in the gaps. Also never have to hitch to town!

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by PJWetzel View Post
    Thanks Hiker Mom for pointing me here. I don't hang out here on WB as much as I should :-/
    Thank you PJ!! :>) 4,368.4 miles all done in less than a year.. AMAZING!!

  18. #18
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    Thanks so much for getting back to me and I really appreciate the advice and am very confident that I have the mind set already covered. That's why I began planning this trip over a year ago and have made up my mind that this is something not many people have the balls to do let alone finish and I for some time now have been trying to escape to what I consider a lonely bliss: To get away from everyone and everything, and get to our roots "Nature" so that I can let the lord fully work on me to bring me to have the mind set among other things this trip will help me do..................I will post a biography to help better tell my story and back ground

    send me a request if you will on F/B paschen56

  19. #19
    Registered User 4eyedbuzzard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by max patch View Post
    To make sure there is no confusion.

    A YoYo starts in GA, hikes to Maine, turns around and hikes back to GA. Or vice-versa.

    What Wetzel did, greatly simplified, was to park his van at (for example) a trailhead at mile marker 10, hike south to springer and then turn around and hike back to his van where he spent the nite. The next day he would hike to a trailhead at mile marker 20, and then turn around and hike to his van at mile marker 10 where he spent the nite. The next day he would drive the van to a trailhead a mile marker 30 and repeat the process until he finished the entire trail. I believe he called this a "double thru hike".

    Again, the above is greatly simplified. He spent every nite in his van, it was important for him to not spend a single night camping outside. He also did not hopscotch up the entire trail this way from terminus to terminus, he bounced around some. In the Whites I believe he had to return to his van using other trails on occasion.

    I hope it did not sound like I was denigrating Wetzels hike in any way as that was not my intent. I just wanted to point out that this deserves it own term, as "YoYo" does not describe IMO what he did.
    "He spent every nite in his van, it was important for him to not spend a single night camping outside."
    That would be pretty much impossible to do in Maine, no?

  20. #20
    Registered User WILLIAM HAYES's Avatar
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    the Barefoot sisters they wrote a book aboutit

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