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  1. #1
    Registered User mefisher's Avatar
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    Default Diva Cup + IUD, anyone with experience?

    I am planning a 5 day section hike in April & due to the other three schedules it looks like it might fall over my cycle. So I've ordered a Diva Cup, because I've hiked with tampons & no thank you. I've ordered it in time to try it in February & March but my question is I've read mixed reviews about using them with IUDs but no personal experience. The diva cup site says its okay but, 'be aware' where other sites say absolutely not. Given what I know about my anatomy I'd think wearing a tampon would pose a greater threat to dislodging the IUD simply due to the higher placement. Anyway, I'm looking for personal ​experience with the IUD & Diva Cup combo. Thanks :-)

  2. #2
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    *Diva cup user for 10 years, IUD user for 1.5 years.*
    I haven't had any problems with it, but I had a diva cup before getting my IUD so I'd gotten used to how operate it. The one issue I seem to see people talk about with using a diva cup when having an IUD is when removing it. You absolutely need to break the seal before pulling it out, the suction is what would cause issues. Frankly it's less than pleasant just to yank the thing out even without an IUD.

    When you remove it, don't just pull from the little tail. Pinch the bottom 1/2 inch or more together, this changes the shape of the mouth and breaks the seal between the silicone and your body. Then pull it out. If you feel resistance, pinch higher.
    Since you'll have two cycles to practice with, I think you'll be fine. Just be mindful of your body's reactions and your methods. It can be a little uncomfortable when you're learning the proper place for it, kind of like the first time you put in a tampon and it just was not sitting in the right place.

    One common-sense thing that I'm sure you know, but it's my duty as an overly cautious person to say: Wash your fingers before inserting/removing/emptying it. Especially important on the trail since your fingers are in a very delicate place after being in a very dirty environment.

    Oh, and not sure if you use one, but I've also had no problems with using my P-style when wearing it. Just in case you were worried.

  3. #3
    Registered User mefisher's Avatar
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    Thank you SO much Sparkygeek!! I really appreciate the input. I'm excited to transition away from tampons for good.

  4. #4
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    A properly placed IUD has no bearing on tampon use. Please discuss these issues with your GYN.

    "Your comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there.

  5. #5
    Registered User mefisher's Avatar
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    Woohoo, spoke with GYN, got her approval, got a Diva Cup & after a few trial runs I'm through my first day of real use. While there is somewhat of learning curve (more with removal than insertion) but I think I'm going to love it.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

  6. #6


    I am a BRAND SPANKING NEW whiteblazer user and never been on a hike..BUT I do like the outdoors, I just need to lose 50lbs and build up arm muscle and stamina before I can even do a DAY HIKE.. but I do thinking about camping... anyway what is a p-style? I also just purchased GoGirl Has anyone heard of it?

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    Welcome to WhiteBlaze, DBTgirlNYC!
    A p-style has the same purpose of a GoGirl, it helps you pee standing up. There are quite a few contraptions like these, it is just a matter of personal preference.
    I get what you're saying about needing to lose weight and gain muscle, but don't let that prevent you from even starting day hikes! Heck, day hikes can help you achieve those goals. Just grab your water bottle and a snack and hit the trail for an hour! Take it slow and steady and stop whenever you feel you need to, and just enjoy the fresh air
    Sooner than you realize you'll be able to just keep walking for longer and longer.

  8. #8
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    mefisher, I would love to hear updates once you've had the chance to use it. I am a long-time Diva Cup user, and I recently got an IUD. My gyno said it is fine to use, but I have been too freaked out to try it. Every time I think about it, I remember how painful my insertion was and I'm terrified of reliving that feeling by making a mistake with the cup. I know I'm being irrational about it, so it would be great to hear first-hand from someone.

  9. #9
    Registered User mefisher's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nonameslob View Post
    mefisher, I would love to hear updates once you've had the chance to use it. I am a long-time Diva Cup user, and I recently got an IUD. My gyno said it is fine to use, but I have been too freaked out to try it. Every time I think about it, I remember how painful my insertion was and I'm terrified of reliving that feeling by making a mistake with the cup. I know I'm being irrational about it, so it would be great to hear first-hand from someone.
    Hey! Noname, I'm happy to share my experience. I, too, was hesitant as my IUD insertion was a faint-inducing level of unpleasant ;-). At my most recent pap smear I spoke with my GYN who said the IUD string was curled around the edge of my uterus & so there was zero chance of the Diva Cup interfering with it. She did say to make sure & pinch the cup to break the internal suction before pulling. However she did say, if I even started to dislodge the IUD, I would KNOW IT. So that gave me a little more confidence. There was a bit of a learning curve in insertion & getting it seated correctly. The biggest thing for me was learning that spin. Once inserted you are supposed to spin the cup one complete 360* rotation to insure it opens & seals. That was key for me. Also, not feeling like I had to insert it too far. The first two times I felt like it should go so far that even the tip was nearly out of reach, which made for some interesting removals. But after a couple of day I realized that it could be quite a bit lower, still do the job & make removal MUCH easier. I wish you all the best in trying yours. Take it slow and RELAX! Relaxing my internal muscles was key at first to getting it inserted without feeling like I was manhandling myself. I wish you the best of luck!

  10. #10
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    I'm a little late to the party, but I'll throw my 2-cents in for anyone reading this now. I have been using a DivaCup for years and LOVE it. When I got an IUD a few months ago, I was also wondering if the two were compatible. I had heard mixed advice from my healthcare providers but chose to go with the ones who said it's okay to use a Diva Cup as long as you break the seal before removing it. I thought I was being very careful to break the seal, but the second time I was removing the cup after I got the IUD, the IUD slipped right out into the toilet. I didn't feel a thing and only noticed because I checked my strings right then and didn't feel them, then saw it in the toilet. Oops. I have friends who have used both for years and never had any issues. It's possible that the IUD hadn't quite settled into position yet, or wasn't inserted correctly in the first place, but IF you are going to use a Diva Cup with an IUD, my advice would be: a) Try it out BEFORE you go into the woods---although I didn't feel mine come out, dislodging can be very painful/dangerous, so you don't want to be in the woods if it happens b) CHECK YOUR STRINGS REGULARLY!!! If it slips out without you noticing, you'd rather find out by checking your strings than by getting pregnant, right?

    Now my issue is that I want to thru-hike in 2017, but if I can't use my Diva Cup WHAT DO I DO???

  11. #11


    I am curious as to why anyone on a long hike (not just a few days to a couple of weeks) wouldn't think about getting on birth control pills that regulate your cycle to the point that if you keep taking them on the "off" week you will never get your period. Maybe I'm misinformed in this regard but it seems to me that this would be a far more logical idea.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by DuneElliot View Post
    I am curious as to why anyone on a long hike (not just a few days to a couple of weeks) wouldn't think about getting on birth control pills that regulate your cycle to the point that if you keep taking them on the "off" week you will never get your period. Maybe I'm misinformed in this regard but it seems to me that this would be a far more logical idea.
    Everyone has their preferences as to what birth control works for them.
    My second answer is that some women do not respond well/have reactions to birth control pills.
    There is also the matter of having to take the pill religiously each day and having to resupply the prescription along the way.

  13. #13
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    Seems like most of this has already been touched on but I've been using a diva cup for... Gosh like 5 years now. I had an IUD put in a few months ago and honestly didn't even think twice about it! Oops! Buts it hasn't been an issue and as long as you properly break the seal it should be fine. I can't imagine I wouldn't notice it coming out it hurt so bad going in but I suppose every body is different!

  14. #14


    Wow, first post here, but at leat I have experiece to draw from! I had the ParaGard a few years ago, and honestly, I don't know how I would've gotten through the ordeal without my MoonCup (I was having to empty it within every two hours the first three days.) The ParaGard made the flow so intense that I would've gone through a box of tampons every two days...that's why I had it remved 12 months later - it never calmed down! Anywho, I never had any issues using the iud+cup combo together, but I think it really depends on your individual anatomy. I've never had kids, I don't know if that makes the difference. I just made sure I broke the seal, and I never had any issues. After that I ended up switching to the pill (loestrin +fe) and skipping the placebo pills...I was ready for a break LOL!

  15. #15


    yeah that removal can be tricky at first... your so smart to practice now, me nope I get out on the trail and learned there (NOT a good idea)

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparkygeek View Post
    You absolutely need to break the seal before pulling it out.
    (4yr diva cup user 2yr copper iud user)
    Once you get used to doing this is pretty much second nature.

  17. #17


    I've had Paragard for 6 years, and been a cup user for 8. I had my strings trimmed flush (I can't feel them). I think that definitely helps with ease of cup use, as you don't need to worry about getting them tangled or accidentally tugging on them. Releasing suction is something you will just do. If you don't, it really hurts. So it's not likely a step you forget too many times.

    Quote Originally Posted by TahoeSweets View Post
    that's why I had it remved 12 months later - it never calmed down!
    It took 4 years before mine settled back to something less than the elevator scene in The Shining.

  18. #18
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    has any older women used one of these ( Diva Cup )? I had one but before I could use it ...well Lou was a puppy. and I have 2 days of real heavy flow
    Still round the corner there may wait , A new road or a secret gate

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by baybedolls View Post
    has any older women used one of these ( Diva Cup )? I had one but before I could use it ...well Lou was a puppy. and I have 2 days of real heavy flow
    Lol, that's funny. Lou sounds adorable.

    Guess I qualify as an "older woman" who uses a Diva cup.

    It would be perfect for you. You would not have to calculate how much sanitary supplies to pack. The standard is to empty and clean it at least every 12 hrs but you might have to do that more often on your heavy days.

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    Oh she is a right mess believe me but the best Hiking dog so far ,she still has some learning before a big trail but doing good on day hikes ..well I guess I'll just have to buy another one and keep it high :P
    Still round the corner there may wait , A new road or a secret gate

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