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  1. #1

    Default 2015 Early Starters

    My wife and I have been planning this trip for a little over a year now. She is a high school English teacher, and is the first teacher is district history to be granted a leave of absence. This is very good news for us, as someone will have a guaranteed job to return to. I'm a senior buyer for a manufacturing company, and will most likely walk away from this position.

    Our anticipated start date is December 31, 2014. No, you didn't read the date wrong! We both have logged plenty of winter backpacking trips, and plenty of miles hiked in snow. We're hooping winter on the trail for use won't be as bad as things were this year. We're expecting and planning for a slow start through the Smoky's, and hopefully a faster pace after that. We've hiked several sections of the trail, and all these sections have been hiked around the end of year.

    I guess you could say we're more of your traditional hikers, rather than you're ultra-liters. We'll carry more weight than rest, and most of that will be food. If we're going to be living on the trail for 6-7 months, we're not going to live off noddles every night.

    Looking forward to some crisp cold days on the trail!

  2. #2
    Registered User wtrenda's Avatar
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    Welcome! And good luck on your journey. I won't be quite as early as you two; however, I live in Knoxville and wanted to reach out and say that if you get to the Smokies(or anywhere easily driveable for me) and need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask! I am finishing with school in December and will be section hiking a lot in the Smokies and surrounding areas to prepare for my thru hike(starting March 2015), so I will have the time to help out any winter warriors that are within range!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by wtrenda View Post
    Welcome! And good luck on your journey. I won't be quite as early as you two; however, I live in Knoxville and wanted to reach out and say that if you get to the Smokies(or anywhere easily driveable for me) and need anything at all, don't hesitate to ask! I am finishing with school in December and will be section hiking a lot in the Smokies and surrounding areas to prepare for my thru hike(starting March 2015), so I will have the time to help out any winter warriors that are within range!
    If we get to the Smoky's? We'll make it there if the snow doesn't get us first.

    We could possibly go for a little assistance. Things a going to be a little different starting that early in the season. We're still working through all of our details, but we'll be in touch.

  4. #4
    Registered User wtrenda's Avatar
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    I am SO SO sorry! I know y'all can do it...I meant it more as an if you get here and need anything...not a doubt as to whether you will make it here! Hope that makes more sense...

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by wtrenda View Post
    I am SO SO sorry! I know y'all can do it...I meant it more as an if you get here and need anything...not a doubt as to whether you will make it here! Hope that makes more sense...
    I know. I was just kidding around. Although we have been getting the "you are guys are crazy" and "you should really think long and hard about starting then" remarks for some time now. I think we'll more than prepared for the early start. We're just really hoping the winter isn't as bad next year as it was this year.

    I've been on a couple other forums and couldn't believe some of the questions that upcoming thru-hikers were asking. Some of the questions made me wonder if these people have even backpacked before. We'll most likely come over prepared, have a lot of weight to carry, but who cares! We'll be the people on the trail that most likely have more crap than everyone else. One of the items we'll both be bring is an REI Flex Lite Chair. Adding an additional 28oz of pure comfort is well worth it's weight in cold.

    We will gladly look you up. Our most concerning area around the Smoky's will be Fontana. We'll most likely stay at the resort there for a night, but pretty sure we'll need a lift into town. I can't remember, but I don't think anything will be open that time of the year in the village. Getting a resupply here would mean that we could make it to Standing Bear before our next resupply.

  6. #6
    Registered User wtrenda's Avatar
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    I think if y'all are prepared and understand what CAN and MIGHT happen, you'll be fine. Early starts aren't for the faint of heart but they are usually for those who are motivated.

    I don't know what exactly will be open in the Fontana area but it's not a bad drive if y'all need a lift into a town. Consider a resupply at newfound gap since you will already be carrying a pretty big load. Like I said, I'm in the area and have access to stores in Knoxville and around. If you send me a list, I am more than willing to meet at newfound with some resupply things or to take y'all into town to resupply. Just a suggestion, especially because I'll be stir crazy come that time of year with my departure date so close...I'd love to hear some trail stories from that early in the season!

    +1 on the chair. I thought about a chair but I'm thinking I may go with the thermarest thing that turns your neoair into an upright chair..doesn't weigh much and the comfort may well be worth it.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by wtrenda View Post
    +1 on the chair. I thought about a chair but I'm thinking I may go with the thermarest thing that turns your neoair into an upright chair..doesn't weigh much and the comfort may well be worth it.
    I wouldn't do that. That was how we started, and it really puts a wear on your pad. Pretty sure I popped mine on the first trip we took. Having hiked the Smoky's before, and in snow the entire time. We know just how hard Fontana to Newfound Gap can be. By chance if there isn't any snow, we should be able to get there in 3-4 days, and to Standing Bear 2-3 days after that. We'll be in touch as time gets closer.

  8. #8
    Registered User wtrenda's Avatar
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    that's good to know. i'll look around for something that doesn't come with that risk. thanks for the info!

  9. #9


    We're hitting the trail in 49 days. Got all of our gear in order, plenty of warm clothing, and tons of good food. Winter hiking has been something that we can't get enough of, and we're hoping this will fix our craving.

  10. #10
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    Aquone Hiker Lodge is north of Franklin, NC and pick up hikers from several different trailheads between Franklin and NOC. Although they do not officially open until late February, I encourage you to call in advance and see if they can host you in January. If the weather gets brutal in that area it is good to have options.

    Order your copy of the Appalachian Trail Passport at www.ATPassport.com

    Green Mountain House Hostel
    Manchester Center, VT


  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Jeff View Post
    Aquone Hiker Lodge is north of Franklin, NC and pick up hikers from several different trailheads between Franklin and NOC. Although they do not officially open until late February, I encourage you to call in advance and see if they can host you in January. If the weather gets brutal in that area it is good to have options.

    That's good to know. We know most places are going to be closed when we're out, but we'll have to suck it up and pay for hotels during that time. The Budget Inn is open, and they told me that we could get picked if as well. I'll reach out to Aquone though.

  12. #12
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    Steve who owns Aquone is a former thruhiker. He has lots of useful information and encouragement.
    Order your copy of the Appalachian Trail Passport at www.ATPassport.com

    Green Mountain House Hostel
    Manchester Center, VT


  13. #13


    Go get em' guys! My wife & I are right behind you...... just not until March.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Nonfiction View Post
    Go get em' guys! My wife & I are right behind you...... just not until March.
    Best of luck to you both! We'll be on the trail in exactly 47 days.

  15. #15
    Registered User Bags4266's Avatar
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    Aquone hostel was one of the finest, cleanest, newest hostel I've ever stayed in. Must stop. They ala cart you to death but that's your choice.

  16. #16


    I start 30 Feb.2015. You will be a good month ahead...It would be nice to meet on the trail....however, I will not count on it....as people get strung out and come&go on the trail like crazy......
    There are wonders out there, now to find them.

  17. #17
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    i'm sure you've already thought of this, especially if you've been in the smokies in winter weather before, but just in case... it is worth considering microspikes or something comparable to give you some extra traction on ice. i scoffed at the idea of carrying them last year until i got over clingmans and saw the ice covered trail i was about to hike/slide down to newfound gap. im not sure of the details, but i heard about a guy in the same bubble as us slipping, falling, and ending up with a trip to the hospital. all due to ice in the smokies. the north side of roan mountain was in similar condition when i got it. this was all in early march. that said, enjoy your hike!

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by hikehunter View Post
    I start 30 Feb.2015. You will be a good month ahead...It would be nice to meet on the trail....however, I will not count on it....as people get strung out and come&go on the trail like crazy......
    We won't be going anywhere except for north. Our paths might cross, but like you said we'll be more than a month ahead.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goo View Post
    i'm sure you've already thought of this, especially if you've been in the smokies in winter weather before, but just in case... it is worth considering microspikes or something comparable to give you some extra traction on ice. i scoffed at the idea of carrying them last year until i got over clingmans and saw the ice covered trail i was about to hike/slide down to newfound gap. im not sure of the details, but i heard about a guy in the same bubble as us slipping, falling, and ending up with a trip to the hospital. all due to ice in the smokies. the north side of roan mountain was in similar condition when i got it. this was all in early march. that said, enjoy your hike!
    We've already hiked the Smoky's section earlier since our dog will be accompanying us this time around. Hiking in the winter on the AT is nothing new for us. We head out for at least a week every year around New Years. We're going to skip the Smoky's section of the trail since we'll have our dog with us. None the less, we've already got the MICROspikes, and they'll be coming with us at the start.

  19. #19
    Digger takethisbread's Avatar
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    U couldn't pay me to freeze my butt off for 6 months.

    I always say "hike your own hike". Unless, of course, your hike plan isn't the same as mine, then I will judge the crap out of your hike !
    YOUTUBE: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCMDkRcGP1yP20SOD-oiSGcQ
    Instagram: DIGGER_PCT_2016
    twitter: @takethisbread
    AT 2x, LT, JMT, CT, Camino, Ireland Coast to Coast, HWT, WT, NET, NST, PCT

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by boots and backpacks View Post
    .... We're expecting and planning for a slow start through the smoky's, and hopefully a faster pace after that....

    Quote Originally Posted by boots and backpacks View Post
    .....we're going to skip the smoky's section of the trail since we'll have our dog with us....

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