With about 6 months to go, I'm starting to think about the various aspects of leaving, one of which is quitting my job. I work in a small department of a large company in a leadership role (Director level, I'm not that important). I've been at the company for 9+ years, in this department for a little over 1 and have been making a fair amount of changes in my time here. I feel good about where I'll be leaving the department and where my projects will be when I leave.

That said, I can't just give them two weeks notice and ideally would actually find and train my successor before leaving. Originally I was thinking I would tell my leadership team in mid-January so there are two months to plan, transition, look for a new person, etc.... Then last week I was talking to a former boss about my plan and he said I shouldn't tell them until after bonus which is in February (decided early Feb, delivered mid-Feb). While that makes sense, it gives them less time to transition and whatnot, plus it seems a little greedy. I don't necessarily need the bonus money, but I am quitting my job so more money in the bank would be a good thing, and we phrase it as bonus money is based on the work you have done over the last year, raises are based on what the expectation is for the coming year.

What is the proper etiquette with something like this? Wait until after bonus to tell them I'm leaving and give less time for the transition, or tell them earlier so there is more transition time but risks not getting a bonus?