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Thread: I am a Liar.

  1. #21
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    I had to tell my wife it was a new required read to hike the AT.

  2. #22
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartFire View Post
    promo code didn't work
    Quote Originally Posted by rocketsocks View Post
    well, he did say he was a liar, hehehe

    Congrats Bill, look forward to not reading it, then lying about doing so.
    Yar, a liar I may be, but not a Richard Cranium. Apologies about the code, apparently "for a limited time" was limited to the day I crafted the post.

    Quote Originally Posted by rocketsocks View Post
    Cool, just found a used copy on amazon for .50 cents...score! and free prim shipping.
    Musta been Kayak Karl's copy to have been part read and sold already.

  3. #23
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartFire View Post
    Can we buy the book directly form you and get a liar to autograph it?
    Maybe... but not until January or so- Amazon rules and such as well as time for me to get some "stock".
    I'd have to work out payment and such as well, but if there is interest from anyone let me know and I can set it up.
    Though I hope to visit you in the next few months young lady.

  4. #24
    Registered User jbbweeks's Avatar
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    I thought trail people just lied about being writers...

  5. #25
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Wolf View Post
    i know it won't help your pocket .. but I have it on my Kindle Unlimited ... I'll read this month ... no doubt it will be entertaining ..Congrats ..
    Thanks to any who read it, no matter how you do it!
    On that note however- I did allow that option as a bit of a gamble.
    In theory, an author can get paid this way, but it's a bit of a lottery ticket sorta system- the more readers who select this option the better chance for a payday fer yer ol' pal Bill.
    So if you have Kindle Unlimited- the more the merrier!

    And thanks to all who have posted well wishes and bought copies thus far!
    Please stop back when you've had a chance to read and tell us your thoughts- good, bad, or sarcastic comments welcome- it is WB after all.

  6. #26
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Happy Solstice!
    To celebrate the paperback copy of Lying on the trail is 10% off for a limited time.
    Curl up by the fire or in your bag and celebrate the rebirth of the sun.

  7. #27
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Hey- my first magazine article! Complete with some beautiful illimustrations and fancy artwork too!

    Joined the Mighty Mags and all the fine folks at Trail Groove in Issue 20http://www.trailgroove.com/issue20.html.

    If you haven't been to Trail Groove yet, now's a fine time. It's free, no reason not to check it out.

  8. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Happy Solstice!
    To celebrate the paperback copy of Lying on the trail is 10% off for a limited time.
    Curl up by the fire or in your bag and celebrate the rebirth of the sun.
    Thanks JB, lovin' the book thus far, lots of little nuggets of truth through out, really dig your writing style, thanks again, and congrats on a great book.

    Tried to PM ya, your a busy man with a busy mail box.

  9. #29


    We received ours yesterday Bill. Thanks so much, especially for the inscription. Nice job and congratulations again....hugz.

    Also...just read the article. I can see why it was chosen, and the artwork enhanced the message (and vice versa) Congrats on that too.
    Last edited by Teacher & Snacktime; 01-31-2015 at 15:45.
    "Maybe life isn't about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it's about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it."

  10. #30
    Clueless Weekender
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Please stop back when you've had a chance to read and tell us your thoughts- good, bad, or sarcastic comments welcome- it is WB after all.
    You've heard me say in the past, "never let the truth get in the way of a good story."

    You've, in places, taken it to a different level: "never let the facts get in the way of a true story."

    I liked the essay on Time (that you excerpted in Trail Groove as well). It very much reminds me of the Greek way of thinking about time. The Greek language has two words that translate as 'time' in English.

    Χρόνος - chronos - is the time that we measure in seconds, hours, days, years. It is also the time of day on a clock, the duration of a happening,

    Καιρός - kairos - is translated also as 'time', but most New Testaments will translate it as 'season' or 'moment'. When a tree brings forth fruit 'in its season,' or 'now is the time for the coming of the Kingdom.' that's the word that's used. Kairos is God's time. When in prayer or in contemplation - including the walking meditation that you describe - we for a time step outside our time and into Eternity, that is where God's time intersects with ours.

    The Greek liturgy tries to evoke this sense. At the beginning of the Divine Service, the deacon addresses the priest: "Καιρός τοῦ ποιῆσαι τῶ Κυρίῳ": "now is the moment (kairos) for the Lord to act." And the priest replies later with "We stand outside of Time (chronos) in a place not of Earth.... Let us who mystically represent the cherubim, and sing the thrice-holy hymn to the life-creating Trinity, now lay aside all earthly cares, that we may receive the King of all, invisibly escorted by hosts of angels, alleluia, alleluia, alleluia."

    That place outside of Time in a place not of Earth is indeed where you can trade a nod with his boss.

    Oh, and by the way, I enjoyed the wee bit of walking we got to do together. Hope to do it again sometime, in friendlier conditions (externally and internally). It's hard to listen to the boss when the belly is loudly demanding attention.
    I always know where I am. I'm right here.

  11. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Another Kevin View Post
    , Καιρός - kairos - is translated also as 'time', but most New Testaments will translate it as 'season' or 'moment'. When a tree brings forth fruit 'in its season,' or 'now is the time for the coming of the Kingdom.' that's the word that's used. Kairos is God's time. When in prayer or in contemplation - including the walking meditation that you describe - we for a time step outside our time and into Eternity, that is where God's time intersects with ours.
    I thought this. I also recalled my feeling of wholeness, hiking, that when I am whole I am experiencing eternity.

    That, and contemplative meditation. It seems to me a natural environment puts me in meditation, at times contemplative meditation? I hadn't really thought about it before.

    Thanks, Another Kevin. Thanks, Just Bill.

  12. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Hey- my first magazine article! Complete with some beautiful illimustrations and fancy artwork too!

    Joined the Mighty Mags and all the fine folks at Trail Groove in Issue 20http://www.trailgroove.com/issue20.html.

    If you haven't been to Trail Groove yet, now's a fine time. It's free, no reason not to check it out.

    Cool, good article Bill. I dig getting lost in the moment, pure magic when that happens. Also gotta give a big shout out to Adrienne Marshall for the art work, very nice!

  13. #33
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Another Kevin View Post
    You've heard me say in the past, "never let the truth get in the way of a good story."

    You've, in places, taken it to a different level: "never let the facts get in the way of a true story."

    That place outside of Time in a place not of Earth is indeed where you can trade a nod with his boss.

    Oh, and by the way, I enjoyed the wee bit of walking we got to do together. Hope to do it again sometime, in friendlier conditions (externally and internally). It's hard to listen to the boss when the belly is loudly demanding attention.
    Excellent observations as usual fella; though I prefer to keep my time travel on a more terrestrial rather than celestial plane, both are worth a discussion.

    Yar, I had hoped for a bit of fireside debate and rambin amblin conversation with the encyclopedia "Kevinica". Hell, never even got a chance to hear your thoughts on the book actually. Tough to enjoy a fire though when it's zero and with matching stomach bugs. But the trail's still there, likely we'll get a chance to stroll it in pleasant circumstances at some point.

    Teach/Socks- Thankee kindly, glad your copies survived the rigors of the mail.
    I really liked the first and last paintings by Adrienne.

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by Another Kevin View Post

    Καιρός - kairos - is translated also as 'time', but most New Testaments will translate it as 'season' or 'moment'. When a tree brings forth fruit 'in its season,' or 'now is the time for the coming of the Kingdom.' that's the word that's used. Kairos is God's time. When in prayer or in contemplation - including the walking meditation that you describe - we for a time step outside our time and into Eternity, that is where God's time intersects with ours.
    Kevin, as usual, it's all Greek to me
    "Maybe life isn't about avoiding the bruises. Maybe it's about collecting the scars to prove we showed up for it."

  15. #35
    Clueless Weekender
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Excellent observations as usual fella; though I prefer to keep my time travel on a more terrestrial rather than celestial plane, both are worth a discussion.

    Yar, I had hoped for a bit of fireside debate and rambin amblin conversation with the encyclopedia "Kevinica". Hell, never even got a chance to hear your thoughts on the book actually. Tough to enjoy a fire though when it's zero and with matching stomach bugs. But the trail's still there, likely we'll get a chance to stroll it in pleasant circumstances at some point.
    Time travel on the more terrestrial plane - Can't be done. Well, you can think and speak about it that way, but when you visit Eternity, you're going to meet up with the Folks that live there and work for the Fella that owns the place. You don't have to go all highfalutin and Greek about it. But I wanted to point out that the Greeks have had the idea for millennia. (And their prayer is the better for it. It's harder to rush through things on a perfunctory basis when the whole shebang starts out with a reminder that you're in Eternity and Infinity rather than Time and Space.) Offering tobacco to the seven directions, or treading out a sacred circle, or even just settling down and realizing that the world outside the circle of your firelight isn't real, are all ways to approach the same thing.

    I was listening to you and Malto, and marvelling, while I was curled up in that sleeping bag keeping warm. I was running chilly even right by the fire, the first sign that something was going wrong internally. Or maybe the second- with the first being the way I spaced out and left home with the bag of small stuff lying right where I'd packed my pack, rather than IN the pack.

    I just didn't say much, because I don't have much to say about the sort of hiking you guys were talking about - other than, "wow, I'm not nearly in your class." I'm not up to that sort of challenge at my current ability and conditioning - and at my age, it's a long road getting any of it back. If I hiked as much at 28 as I do at 58, I'd have been in great shape then. But now it's a struggle.
    I always know where I am. I'm right here.

  16. #36
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Another Kevin View Post
    "wow, I'm not nearly in your class."
    Well fella, I hope to never hear you say those words again.
    We all slung on some packs, walked away from town, hiked up the hill, and braved the cold.
    We all shared a piece of earth, a fire, and a bit of food.
    By my reckoning that puts us all in the same class.

    Quote Originally Posted by Another Kevin View Post
    are all ways to approach the same thing.
    And yar, illness and the turn of conversation that evening may not have favored your particular areas of expertise and experience.
    One lesson I appreciate from the medicine wheel is that there are many paths to reach the center, none better or worse than another.
    That lesson applies to all the various flavors of campers I encounter as well, even the "clueless ones".

    I also apply that lesson in regards to various philosophical, religious, historical, or cultural knowledge. You got quite a bit of that knowledge and wisdom rolling around in that head of yours I would have liked to shake out and examine a bit by the light of a fire. The more I look, the more I find a common path.

    Facts, truths, theories, lies, and laws can be hard to pin down. As in science, it makes good sense to look for things that can be repeated in many "labs", by many peoples before accepting them. I'm a skeptic at heart. So when an ancient greek, old injun chief, clueless weekender, and long haired cross dressing hiker can come to similar conclusions; well I find that to be a potentially exciting topic of discussion to say the least.

    But I've learned not to push- I have a feeling we're likely to have a bit of that debate at some point.
    Fer now though, perhaps simply meeting in person and saying hello was a plenty fine way to start.

  17. #37


    Truthfully? I was surprised that I enjoyed the book as much as I did. Good job, Bill.

  18. #38
    Registered User Old Hiker's Avatar
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    ...........................After fulfilling the first run of orders I've been left with a few spare copies of my book just lying here with smug looks on their faces. So in the interest of cleaning up, and flat out blatant promotion-

    The easy one-
    First 10 donating members to pop on the book thread-

    Will get a free hard copy sent their way, shipping and all if you live in these here continuous 48 states.
    All you have to do is hop on the thread and post something, you can even call me a name or two if you like. I'll PM the losers for your address.

    Uh, you "a name or two" ?

    Am I one of the chosen disciples?
    Old Hiker
    AT Hike 2012 - 497 Miles of 2184
    AT Thru Hiker - 29 FEB - 03 OCT 2016 2189.1 miles
    Just because my teeth are showing, does NOT mean I'm smiling.
    Hányszor lennél inkább máshol?

  19. #39
    Registered User Just Bill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Hiker View Post
    Uh, you "a name or two" ?

    Am I one of the chosen disciples?
    Good enough for me
    One down...

  20. #40
    Registered User kayak karl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Just Bill View Post
    Good enough for me
    One down...
    Uh, you "a name or two" ?

    Am I one of the chosen disciples?
    I'm so confused, I'm not sure if I lost my horse or found a rope.

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