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  1. #21
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    I signed it!

  2. #22
    Registered User Hoofit's Avatar
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    "Dispose of waste properly".......
    As in , "taking a dump"......easy to misinterpret....
    Any promotion of LNT in our wilderness is worthwhile and I appreciate your efforts and have signed your proposal....
    I only hope that this film doesn't turn the A.T. Into a busy highway with resulting erosion and that there will still be times and places for enjoying the peace and quiet of Mother Nature.

  3. #23
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    Cody Girl - this idea is awesome. I am now a section hiker and usually a little to a great deal behind the main hiker bubble. I am amazed by the number of people using the trail as evidenced by the number of people camping in or near the shelters. I am also amazed by the amount of garbage and trash that I see. it is a bit discouraging. the stats you provided regarding the increase of hiking on the AT after the documentaries were really eye opening.

    Would you accept a signature via the old fashioned way?. I am going to be hiking in the VF/Bridgestone area this weekend. Would love to have you join me. Or meet up for a cup of coffee afterwards.

    again, I appreciate your efforts on this. Let me know on the hike and/or coffee. regards.

    NOBO 2010.

  4. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by 4shot View Post
    Cody Girl - this idea is awesome. I am now a section hiker and usually a little to a great deal behind the main hiker bubble. I am amazed by the number of people using the trail as evidenced by the number of people camping in or near the shelters. I am also amazed by the amount of garbage and trash that I see. it is a bit discouraging. the stats you provided regarding the increase of hiking on the AT after the documentaries were really eye opening.

    Would you accept a signature via the old fashioned way?. I am going to be hiking in the VF/Bridgestone area this weekend. Would love to have you join me. Or meet up for a cup of coffee afterwards.

    again, I appreciate your efforts on this. Let me know on the hike and/or coffee. regards.

    NOBO 2010.
    Stix, it's great to see ya here! Yes, if we can find a way to meet up this weekend I'll take an actual physical signature to attach with the others. Thanks for the encouragement!

  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Hoofit View Post
    "Dispose of waste properly".......
    As in , "taking a dump"......easy to misinterpret....
    Any promotion of LNT in our wilderness is worthwhile and I appreciate your efforts and have signed your proposal....
    I only hope that this film doesn't turn the A.T. Into a busy highway with resulting erosion and that there will still be times and places for enjoying the peace and quiet of Mother Nature.
    Hoofit & Thinspace too, and any others with this concern regarding "dispose of waste properly". Did you know there is an "official" LNT website? Yes, www.lnt.org. This is where the 7 principles that I included in the petition came from. (Official, for whatever that means.) Anyway, if you visit that site you'll see that "Dispose of waste properly" includes pack it in, pack it out, and instructions on what is an adequate cathole. Some people need that info too (OMG - the Smokies when I went through there, gag). So based on that, I'm going to leave that item as it stands, but I really appreciate you pointing out how it is subject to interpretation.

    To all - thanks so much for signing, and please, share on your social media, email, whatever. I'll update the signature count tomorrow morning.

  6. #26
    Furlough's Avatar
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    Cody Girl - I signed. Thank you for your efforts. As a backpacker and Trail Maintainer I am appreciative of any and all efforts that make an attempt at preserving and making the trail a more sustainable resource.

    "Too often I would hear men boast of the miles covered that day, rarely of what they had seen." Louis L’Amour

  7. #27


    One thought:

    What would be much more powerful than a PSA that airs after the movie would be:

    1) A parallel campaign that goes along with the film, or

    2) Comments included IN the movie much like product placement
    Ex: Redford's character shames Katz after chucking multiple items in the woods, or some other scene where the impact of hikers not abiding by LNT principles impacts there hike or experience. (May be too late if filming has wrapped up.)

    Either way, good on you for acting on your beliefs.

  8. #28


    At this moment we're up to 296 signatures on the petition, with many also leaving comments! I love reading the comments, so many people are so committed to the trail! I really love that about the trail community.<3

    Ground Control - thanks for your suggestions, I like them both. The movie will be shown next week at the Sundance Film Festival, so I doubt they would make any changes in the movie now. Another thought I had while in a FB discussion last night is that it would be wrong for me to change the wording of the petition after people have signed it. That would tick me off if I signed a petition and then the one that is submitted is different than what I signed on to. So I'm not planning to change the petition. What I will do is include your idea about a parallel campaign in my cover letter. Another hiker suggested that anything at the theater should air BEFORE the film bc so many don't stay for the credits, and so I'll also be mentioning that in the cover letter. Thanks so much for sharing your ideas! :-)

    Here's the link again - please sign if you have not already and tell all your friends! Thanks!

  9. #29


    Have you seen the movie yet? I was on set and there is a scene where backpackers are in front of a LNT booth learning about the principals. whether it makes it on screen is another story

  10. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by JessetheViking View Post
    Have you seen the movie yet? I was on set and there is a scene where backpackers are in front of a LNT booth learning about the principals. whether it makes it on screen is another story
    That's fantastic news! I sure hope it makes it on screen. No, I have not seen the movie. I don't have any connection to the movie, Robert Redford, ATC (except as a member), or anyone connected with this. This is just a grass roots hiker petition.

  11. #31


    Just want to update you - we're up to 337 signatures this morning! Will let this go for one more day. Thanks to all!

  12. #32


    Pack it in - Pack it out.

    In California there is a beach where dogs can be let off the leash. There is a sign with instructions for dog waste, little bags, plastic gloves and a special trash receptacle.

    Hikers have the Opsak. <evil grin>

    Not only that, in the Arizona desert I had a U.S. Forest Service approved Eco-Safe Boom Box I had purchased for kayaking: a pump-out toilet like that for an RV. The Ranger loved it!


    That Ranger showed me great places for backcountry cabins and the maps for the primitive campsites.

    The BLM office in St.George, Utah even told me where I could walk right up to petroglyphs. Many places are protected, by walls and fences.

    I was respectful of environment, by making local inquiries.

    I got very well-treated.
    Last edited by Connie; 01-18-2015 at 14:51.

  13. #33


    We definitely need more Leave No Trace education on the A.T. It's kind of mind-blowing that thru-hikers can spend six months on Ameria's premier hiking trail and many have virtually no Leave No Trace education.

    Leave No Trace is not necessarily intuitive:

    • Knowing how and where and why to dig the most effective cathole to protect water quality and the spread of disease is not intuitive.
    • Knowing how and where to hang a bear bag is not intuitive.
    • To do both of these things efficiently and well you items gear that is not on most thru-hiker's gear lists.
    • Building fairly large campfires seem to be popular among thru-hikers. Obviously they are just not thinking about the impacts to flora and fauna when the tramp through the woods to collect it and remove it from the ecosystem. Some northbound thru-hikers are still trying to burn things in the campfire they shouldn't when they reach Maine.

    Just about anyone will follow Leave No Trace practices if they are given some thoughtful training with explanations about why the recommended actions are good for the environment and other hikers. Simply seeing a list of actions recommend by the authorities is apparently a turn-off for quite a few hikers.

    ATC needs to do more and we are doing more (we just recently received certification from Leave No Trace Inc. to teach master trainer courses, and we hope to make Leave No Trace education part of the voluntary northbound thru-hiker registration), but we can use al the help we can get. It would be a dream come true to have Redford be involved with promoting Leave No Trace in conjunction with the film.

    I understand Leave No Trace and ATC are both interested in working with Mr. Redford on Leave No Trace promotion but I'm not privy to what specific conversations or asks might have taken place. Whether it's ATC, Leave No Trace, or this petition or a combination of all 3 that might compel Mr. Redford to get involved, it's all good.

    Use of the A.T. *will* increase as a result of the movie. More people can destroy the A.T. if they all follow worst practices. More people can actually help the A.T. if they follow and spread LNT best practices. The A.T. can always use more volunteers, more supporters, more people who love it and defend it, but we don't need more trash, more unburied or poorly buried poop, more bonfires, and more people washing up in streams, more people needing to be rescued because they didn't follow the first principle of Leave No Trace: Plan Ahead and Prepare.

  14. #34
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    Signed it! Thanks.

  15. #35


    Thanks to all who have signed this petition! We're at 371 at this moment. Have you signed this petition? No? Why not? (1) Some are concerned about spamming by change.org. I've tried to follow up on this and change.org doesn't seem to engage in this practice like some other petition sites do. (2) Some think it's disrespectful to Robert Redford. I'm a big fan of both his movie career and his environmental track record - I think of this as a statement of concern, not an attack on him. Wouldn't it be awesome if he was happy to hear from a bunch of stinky hikers??? Could be ya know! (3) Some are concerned about privacy concerns and giving out personal info. When I review the signatures I see name, city, state, country, zip code and any comments you may make. I do not see your email information or anything else about you. If this is you I urge you to check out the privacy policy at change.org.(4) Some may think this might be a conflict with whatever ATC is doing. I contacted ATC for thruhiker data as outlined in the petition and they are aware of this petition. There is neither a connection nor a conflict between ATC and this petition. This is simply a grass roots initiative. (5) Some people think this is just a hikers thing. To that I say a clean and healthy forest is good for everyone, even those who may never step foot on the AT or have no desire to do so. It's a way of being and thinking to treasure what we have here on this earth. Friends, please don't exclude yourself simply because you aren’t an AT hiker. We need your help. Finally, if you have not signed for any of these five reasons, could you share with my why? PM me, or answer in comments. Or just go sign! and share! **CLOSING THIS PETITION TONIGHT** Thanks for your support! Link below.


  16. #36


    Wow! What an amazing response! FOUR HUNDRED FORTY ONE people signed and 168 added comments as well. This will send a strong message from the hiker community that we care about our trails and the future of our wild spaces. I really appreciate those of you who helped to spread the word. Thank you so much to everyone who signed the petition!

  17. #37
    Registered User starbuck1's Avatar
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    Signed it. Unfortunately I was not able to get into a screening at Sundance, I was working during all of the screenings and it never showed at my theater, which made me really sad....so I can't say if that scene made it into the film. But I can't see why Mr Redford would be upset or feel disrespected by this LNT request, it's right up his alley. Broad Green bought the US rights to the film, so hopefully we should be able to see it in a theater sometime this year! It got great reviews, and people really liked it. Really looking forward to seeing it. Thanks for starting this petition!

  18. #38
    Registered User starbuck1's Avatar
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    Oops, nevermind. It didn't accept my signature. Seems that it is closed. I would open it again and see if you can get more signatures?

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