If you're into shelters made from "raw" logs, then you can't miss the Eagle's Nest Shelter in Pa. (between Rt. 183 and Port Clinton at Rt. 61). The logs are 12"-14" diameter hemlock and spruce, and were cut (Scandinavian-Scribe method) and assembled off-site, then FLOWN BY HELICOPTER to the site in the woods! The newly reconstructed Rausch Gap Shelter (completed in 2012), located in State Game Lands #211 on the east side of the Susquehanna River (a 2 day hike, more or less), this one was also constructed off-site, then disassembled and driven to the site, and re-assembled in a day. No view at this one, but in deep woods (the Game Lands tract is about 28,000 acres) - you WILL hear the pilots at Fort Indiantown Gap Military Reservation (on the other side of the mountain) making training flights, though. (In the interest of disclosure, I was in charge of both of these projects...but they are good looking shelters nonetheless!)