I had some similar bad news last year, and was facing serious surgery. Before I was to go into the hospital, I determined that I wanted certain "comfort" things to go with me and be there for me to hold, look at, and think about while I recovered. I gathered some things together and put them in a small basket to take to the hospital, and it helped so much to just know that my "comfort" basket was close by. It's silly, I guess, but it worked. . . I took a tiny bottle of water from Bly Gap, some photos, a guidebook for my next trip, and a river stone from a special kayak trip I'd made. There were other items too, but you get the idea.

You could have someone hold onto your comfort items until you come out of surgery and then get them. Hang in there, and have someone let us know periodically how you are progressing. We are all wishing you Godspeed, and look forward to a trip report when you make your next hike.