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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Boston, MA

    Lightbulb 2 Day Whites Hike w/ Mizpah Night... Thoughts?

    Hi folks,

    Staying up at Mizpah Spring Hut on Saturday night, and looking to build a 2 day hike for Sat-Sun with that built in.

    I'll be hiking with my girlfriend, and the two of us are pretty experienced & fit hikers who can handle the Whites and fairly strenuous hikes (10-15 miles/day at most). We'd like to tag Washington, but I know that's pretty tough given our Sat night at Mizpah. Also would like the hike to be a loop (or lollipop), as we're taking 1 car and don't want to spend the $$$ on the AMC shuttle. Debating whether to start on the Pinkham or Crawford side, or possibly even the Dry River trailhead (and loop up to Monroe then down Crawford path to Mizpah... too long?!).

    Any thoughts on a way we can get two full days out of this, or at least a full day Saturday and half-day Sunday? Hoping to do more than just the last few southern Presi peaks.


  2. #2
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    They told me at mizphah that the dry river trail is a bushwack and the same as Clinton trail I believe. Messed up my trip a little.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    northern whites


    You are somewhat limited with Mizpah on trip options. The Lower Dry River trail was closed for quite awhile and was reopened this year to a minimal wilderness standard (I.E. minimal blazing and maintenance with some very interesting detours around significant washouts. There are still some nice trails in this area but they have been rarely traveled and expect even more poorly maintained.

    The good thing is that the trailheads for Webster Jackson and Mt Clinton trail are close to each other on the road. Thus consider hiking up the Webster branch of Webster Cliffs Trail to Webster Cliff, then over to Jackson and on to Mizpah, then the next day consider a hike to Eisenhower along Crawford path and then come back and take Crawford Path down. Alternatively take Edmonds Path down from Eisenhower to Mt Clinton Road and walk Mt Clinton road back to your car (the forecast is good so I would probably stay up on the ridge. The other alternative is to take the AMC shuttle at 8:30 (make sure you confirm the schedule) down to the south end of the Webster Cliffs trail and add in the entire Webster Cliffs walk on the first day. Great views and lots of close to above treeline hiking. The hike between the Webster and Mitzpah is pretty boring and kind of short for a day so adding in Webster Cliffs is definitely recommended. The downside with this is that if I read the AMC shuttle page correctly the cost is $19member/$23non member each person. Kind of steep for a 15 minute ride. I would drive one hiker down in advance and then have the other take the shuttle.

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