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  1. #1
    ME => GA 19AT3 rickb's Avatar
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    Default Jensen Bissell's Lament

    In today's NY Time's article, Baxter State Park director Jensen Bissell expressed his concern for over crowding on Katahdin, and was quoted to say:

    It’s hard,” Mr. Bissell said, “when 200 people are there at the summit, to say this is a wilderness experience.

    It is hard to disagree with that, and those numbers took me by surprise.

    Are this kinds of numbers at the summit common?

  2. #2


    I used to see hundreds of people around the summit, it did not seem crowded though years ago with such a large area consisting of peaks and various routes up. Same thing with Mt. Washington. Maybe the guy is showing a low tolerance for stress of the job; it goes with the territory and I'm sure there are dozens of people who would love to have his job if he is getting burned out. Isn't the Maine Governor the one with the ultimate say on Katahdin policy with the legislature? He's is sounding like an overpopulation zealot, he should be thrilled so many people are getting more fit and do his best to make that experience more open instead of less so.

  3. #3
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    It's probably a bit of an exaggeration but on a weekend during peak season it probably isn't too far off. But it has very little to do with the AT - it is probably 95+% day hikers just there to summit Katahdin. I know if I was finishing my thru or section on a good weather day on a busy weekend I would start heading up before the sun to avoid the crowds.

  4. #4
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    The highest Mt summits are never going to be wilderness experiences during prime season. I think most people that want solitude know this.

  5. #5
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    I will be there soon. On a nice weekend this time of year, there easily can be 50 plus people from about 11 to 1PM. I have seen 100 plus at one time in the past. Just as soon as one group leaves and another replaced them. The view across the plateau to where the trail drops off the edge is steady line and the knifes edge will be one steady line. The only trails that get little or no use are the northern peaks trall and the Northwest basis trail both typically overnight hikes. There are 75 day use parking passes each day and they are strictly for those wanting to summit. Figure in 4 people a car and that's 300 hikers heading up plus a large number of campers at the two campgrounds and many more from surrounding campsites.

  6. #6

    Default Bissell's Drive-Up Window -- "Katie, get up here. I'm swamped!"

    Must be funding time for Baxter State Park. Remember: Always make the situation look 20x worse than it really is so you can get half the funding you've requested which ends up being 10x more than is needed.

    Bissell's lament remnds me of the comedian who did the bit on the teenager manning drive-up window at McDonalds when two cars pulled up:

    "Katie, get up here. I'm swamped!" This with $9,000 worth of communication electronics on the teenager's head.

    Honestly, let's just close the Grand Canyon. It's just too much hassle.


  7. #7
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    You first statement is a bit off. Baxter State Park gets no funding from the state of Maine, or the Fed. It is totally self funded.

    Everyone has a photographic memory. Not everyone has film.

  8. #8
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    The crowding on Katahdin is not a new thing or a thru thing... and no, Baxter State Park is not looking to drum up money through exaggeration. That is not how that place is funded. I just wish Bissell would step away from the mic already.
    In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. - Abraham Lincoln

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Old Hillwalker View Post
    You first statement is a bit off. Baxter State Park gets no funding from the state of Maine, or the Fed. It is totally self funded.
    Ahh, so it's Bissell's ploy to raise rates and fees for everything without any backlash.

    The day or three prior to me summitting Katahdin on my AT thru-hike, the previous person in Bissell's post (I'm assuming it wasn't Bissell since I can't remember the name) made very smilar wild claims in the local newspaper (front page as I remember) attesting to all the evilness of AT thru-hikers -- you could almost take the same quotes just publshed and put them into that previous guy's mouth, they're that similar. As I remember, that previous guy was asked for specific examples and the guy just stuttered and pishawed that someone would have the nerve to ask him for details to his crazy claims. That guy was a complete dick and just full of Shinola trying to make a name for himself as the defender of Baxter (at the expense of AT thru-hikers). Looks like that same Shinola rubbed off on Bissell almost verbatim.


  10. #10


    Bissell's just trying to gain fame for himself at the expense of AT hikers. Pretty soon he'll have his own Reality TV show "Hikers: I Hate 'Em" if all goes as planned. Then the book "How I Stopped Those Ingrate AT Hikers From Destroying Percival Baxter's Dream." Then the pics with Pam Anderson on NGC (of course).


  11. #11
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    So if Bissell and the person before have the same attitude, maybe that attitude will not change anytime soon. Sounds like it's time for AT hikers to just get used to it and stop whining. You've done without a lot of things in the past 6 months, it's time to do without beer and pot for a day or 2.

  12. #12
    Registered User Mr. Clean's Avatar
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    People seem to keep forgetting that the Park was created for the people of Maine by Governor Baxter with his own money. His request, when he gave it to the State, was that it be kept in a wild State forever. Bissell, or the current Governor, cannot change this. It seems to me to be a difficult challenge as everyone wants to go there. Whatever you may think of Bissell, he simply cannot change the rules set in place by Baxter himself. Setting a limit on daily visitors is one part of trying to manage that Wilderness feeling.
    Greg P.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    People seem to keep forgetting that the Park was created for the people of Maine by Governor Baxter with his own money. His request, when he gave it to the State, was that it be kept in a wild State forever. Bissell, or the current Governor, cannot change this. It seems to me to be a difficult challenge as everyone wants to go there. Whatever you may think of Bissell, he simply cannot change the rules set in place by Baxter himself. Setting a limit on daily visitors is one part of trying to manage that Wilderness feeling.
    It would seem this is something relatively easy to understand outside of the deliberately obtuse and marginally literate.

  14. #14
    ME => GA 19AT3 rickb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr. Clean View Post
    People seem to keep forgetting that the Park was created for the people of Maine by Governor Baxter with his own money. His request, when he gave it to the State, was that it be kept in a wild State forever. Bissell, or the current Governor, cannot change this. It seems to me to be a difficult challenge as everyone wants to go there. Whatever you may think of Bissell, he simply cannot change the rules set in place by Baxter himself. Setting a limit on daily visitors is one part of trying to manage that Wilderness feeling.

    That's a fair point.

    If what Bissell says is correct -- that the Summit sees groups of 200 people right now -- his concern is understandable. Heck, his concern would be understandable even if didn't.

    It is his approach that I have taken issue with-- in particular his approach with Jureck, but not limited to that. Much of that has already been discussed, so no need for me to rehash here.

    Lets keep in mind that Baxter instructed that the Park be used to its fullest extent -- but in a right unspoiled manner.

    It shall be the object of the Baxter State Park Authority to preserve the grandeur and beauty of Maine's highest peak, Mount Katahdin, as well as the 45 other mountains, the numerous lakes, ponds and streams; to subordinate its own wishes to the intent of Governor Baxter; to recognize his wish that, in this era of change, one thing of natural beauty remain constant. [1971, c. 477, §1 (NEW).]
    This intent must be interpreted so as not to separate this park from the people to whom it was given; but rather seek to have it enjoyed and "used to the fullest extent but in the right unspoiled manner." [1971, c. 477, §1(NEW).]

    Would Baxter have had trouble with building a summit house on Baxter Peak as was so common on in his day? Almost Certainly.

    Would he have had trouble with 10% or even 20% of those cllmbing Katahdi doing so as part of a 2000 mile trip -- I don't know. Does anyone?

  15. #15


    I've spent a lot of time in Maine working for organic farms, MOFGA affiliated, seasonal blueberry harvests in coastal Maine near Cherryfield, and hiking the trail and other peaks like border bald mountain near Jackman, Tumbledown mountain, etc., there are some good ones not on the AT. I wonder if the hacking off, alcohol and drug use may be blown out of proportion and frankly I don't know any other ranger who attracts controversy like Bissell, maybe he needs to deal with his own problems instead of projecting on others.

    If I were a Maine resident I would be contacting the state representatives or senators complaining about Bissell. This type of state uniqueness clannishness is unhealthy; New Hampshire and Vermont don't pull this crap but thrive on outdoor activity.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by greenmtnboy View Post
    If I were a Maine resident I would be contacting the state representatives or senators complaining about Bissell. This type of state uniqueness clannishness is unhealthy; New Hampshire and Vermont don't pull this crap but thrive on outdoor activity.
    BSP is not a State managed park, its a land trust. Its a distinction with a serious difference which makes its management different than State owned parks and National Forests different.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by AT Traveler View Post
    BSP is not a State managed park, its a land trust. Its a distinction with a serious difference which makes its management different than State owned parks and National Forests different.
    Sorry, that should have said not a State owned park.

  18. #18
    1,630 miles and counting earlyriser26's Avatar
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    When I climbed it in August of 1975 there s only one other person at the summit. Back then you could hike for a week and not see another person.
    There are so many miles and so many mountains between here and there that it is hardly worth thinking about

  19. #19
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    My parents, who backpacked in the 60's and 70's, react this very same way when I tell them about all the people I see when I go out. It makes them mad and I get a re telling of when they backpacked there was no one for miles and you could drink straight from the streams and lakes,. It's hard to change with the times especially when you've seen what it used to be. After reading the article it sounds like the park director and some of the residents just want to preserve an old vision of the park that they remember and are fond of. But I think that this should be seen in a positive light, people getting outside and seeing the wonders of mother nature will give them a sense of what we have to loose if we are not careful with the environment. After all overcrowding is not just happening in parks, and is something we should get used to.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by earlyriser26 View Post
    When I climbed it in August of 1975 there s only one other person at the summit. Back then you could hike for a week and not see another person.
    Early 1982 for me. On our first trip to Baxter we took the trail that leads past Sandy Stream Pond and up South Turner peak. We had it all to ourselves. In '83 and '84 we shared Katahdin summit with at least few others, and there were at least a couple of dozen folks working their way up and down Knife Edge. The Chimney Pond lean-tos were well occupied. In '90 I shared the summit with a couple of finishing thru hikers whose names I still recall. I had Daicey Pond shelter to myself that night. Over the next week southbound to Monson I met a handful of finishing nobos each day.

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