Thanks all for your advice.

I'm so glad to read that many of you think my daily mileage is too short! I routinely hike a lot further, in fact I run further than that most days! Also my pack usually comes in at the lower 20-25lb area, which helps. It's just difficult when you read so many conflicting stories online of some people only managing a few miles a day and others managing three times as much. I certainly don't want to be one of those guys who thinks it's easy and he'll do thirty miles a day without rest and then ends up quitting after three days! It's that balance of respect for the trail and pushing yourself..

Anyway, I've now made a plan/schedule that will finish in Hot Springs, and a couple of finishing options between there and my original plan of Newfound Gap. I'm still keeping the zero days - whilst this will be my sixth visit to the US, I still enjoy taking a little time in small towns (who am I kidding.. I'll be eating my own weight in burgers). If things change that's fine.. I've been lucky enough to travel in around 35 countries, and if there's one thing I've learned it's that flexibility is very useful. Be flexible, chill out, and usually everything will be just fine!

Glad to hear that I've picked a good section and the views will be good! I can't wait.. Sadly I can't actually book my flight yet as a family member is awaiting hospital news - if everything goes well then I shall be booking my flight next Tuesday, for the 28th October!

No doubt I will be posting many more questions in the coming weeks.. And again, thanks all for your help so far.