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  1. #1
    Registered User 1234's Avatar
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    Default nice dog jumps into shelter pops my air mattress

    Oh, I am so sorry. Well thank you for being sorry, now how do we remedy?
    This cost over $150 and I have 5 nice big holes in it. It appears I will be sleeping on hardness until I get a new one. Well the patch kit got used up and it leaks down after 4 hours.
    Should I ask the person to buy me a new one?
    Or Should I just shoot the dog?
    Should I take her mattress even if she is unwilling to give it up or pay for damages?
    The nice owner, called the nice big dog over to the shelter and the dog obeyed and jumped into the shelter.
    The end of this story is they hiked way faster to get away and did not pay a cent in damages.
    So now I am the bad guy for asking dog owners to keep their dog away from my air mattress. I ended up getting a not so good cheap replacement at an inflated price, wishing I had my original.
    If you bring a dog on the AT please be respectful of others property and if your dog....
    And please do not tell me it is my fault for sleeping in a shelter. you know who.

  2. #2
    Wanna-be hiker trash
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    Dog Forum: This is not a debate forum. Read before posting.


    This forum was created for the purpose of discussing how to responsibly hike the trail with a dog. The purpose of the forum is not to debate the whole topic of dogs on the trail. If your aim is to do so, please go to The general forum or poll forum or something. Otherwise stay away from these threads.

    That said, if you disagree with dogs on the trail, it is probably because of unaware or irresponsible owners. The purpose of this forum was to try to fix that. The hope is dog hikers can pass on to each other the things that make the rare, good trail dogs a good trail dog. If more trail dogs benefit from good owners, then maybe there will be less problems in the long run.

    If a dog owner that plans to bring their dog to the trail comes here and learns all the informal rules; the health, safety, and first aid issues they must consider; the impact a hike can have on a dog, the impact a dog can have on a hike; the equipment and pack weight issues to consider; effects of secondary predation, disease, and other impacts of wildlife on the dog and the dog on the wildlife; and the overall impact of the dog hiker on other hikers and even other dogs - The hope is that a dog owner can participate in the forum and learn all the informal rules and how hard it can really be to hike with a pet responsibly, and then allow them to make a personal, informed decision to either not hike with a pet or to go on the trail armed with the skills, knowledge, and attitude to do it correctly.

    All that said, this forum came about this way because it had to. Every time the topic of how to act responsibly, the thread deteriorated into another battle against dog lovers against the supposed "dog haters". So if you plan to post here, post advice about how to backpack responsibly with the pet as a response to the question or topic. Due to past experiences the threads will be monitored closely for failure to comply. Abusers will loose the ability to read or post on this forum.
    Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

  3. #3
    CDT - 2013, PCT - 2009, AT - 1300 miles done burger's Avatar
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    I don't see the problem here, Sarcasm. The OP is 1) making people aware of the problems of unleashed dogs and 2) asking for advice on how the situation should've been handled.

    Hopefully reading examples of bad dog behavior will encourage future hikers with dogs to follow the rules and be more respectful towards others. That seems completely in the spirit of the forum.

  4. #4
    Wanna-be hiker trash
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    Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining, he's venting and then adding "be responsible" as a disclaimer, just like your posts. Basically the same tactic that light beer commercials use.

    I don't mean to minimize the problems you have had but this is not the place for it. This forum was setup so that people who actually hike with dogs can have constructive discussions about how to hike with dogs. Instead all we get is a constant stream of whining from people who don't hike with dogs and it's directly interfering with the purpose of this forum.
    Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

  5. #5
    Registered User
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sarcasm the elf View Post
    Don't piss down my leg and tell me it's raining, he's venting and then adding "be responsible" as a disclaimer, just like your posts. Basically the same tactic that light beer commercials use.

    I don't mean to minimize the problems you have had but this is not the place for it. This forum was setup so that people who actually hike with dogs can have constructive discussions about how to hike with dogs. Instead all we get is a constant stream of whining from people who don't hike with dogs and it's directly interfering with the purpose of this forum.
    Well said, +1

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Sarcasm the elf View Post
    This forum was setup so that people who actually hike with dogs can have constructive discussions about how to hike with dogs.
    Perhaps the people who actually hike with dogs can weigh in on if they feel damage done by their dog is their responsibility.

    "[ATers] represent three percent of our use and about twenty percent of our effort," retired Baxter Park Director Jensen Bissell.

  7. #7
    Wanna-be hiker trash
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    Quote Originally Posted by TJ aka Teej View Post
    Perhaps the people who actually hike with dogs can weigh in on if they feel damage done by their dog is their responsibility.
    Really? You want me to sit here and do damage control for the minority of the idiots out there? Of course it's their responsibility. I also own a car, would you like me to weigh in on whether drunk drivers should be held responsible?

    This sub-forum has basically ground to a halt for the last year and a half primarily because nearly ever responsible dog owner on the site has either stopped using this forum or simply left the site all together. It is impossible to have a single practical discussion about hiking with a dog without every third comment coming from someone who doesn't hike with a dog but wants to jump in and either complain or troll. It's pathetic really and damages the reputation of the site as a whole.
    Last edited by Sarcasm the elf; 10-22-2015 at 20:20.
    Colorless green ideas sleep furiously.

  8. #8
    Getting out as much as I can..which is never enough. :) Mags's Avatar
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    Venting done. Move along.
    Paul "Mags" Magnanti
    Twitter: @pmagsco
    Facebook: pmagsblog

    The true harvest of my life is intangible...a little stardust caught,a portion of the rainbow I have clutched -Thoreau

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