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  1. #21
    Registered User Sethern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bemental View Post
    Starting the first of March as well! You plan on staying at the Hiker Hostel by any chance?

    People sleeping in groups expect there to be a snorer, and most likely you won't be the only one.
    Are you doing the approach trail? I am planning to stat early on the first. Hope to see you out there. Keep an eye out for a ULA Circuit with a Littlefoot patch on the back. If for nothing else to know who to hide from in the Smoky Mountain shelters

  2. #22
    Registered User Sethern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DuneElliot View Post
    Trying not to hijack a thread here, but since y'all are talking about earplugs can anyone recommend some that are comfortable. I hate things in my ears and the regular foam ones just don't fit either(I have really tiny ears).
    I like Earplanes. You can find them in Walmart. I use them on every hike to get some sleep when the bugs are getting to loud. Never was a fan of the foam earplugs.

  3. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Sethern View Post
    Are you doing the approach trail? I am planning to stat early on the first. Hope to see you out there. Keep an eye out for a ULA Circuit with a Littlefoot patch on the back. If for nothing else to know who to hide from in the Smoky Mountain shelters
    I hiked from the visitor center on the approach trail to Fontana Dam last year before life got in the way. I'll be starting from Springer this year, but I'll be hiking slow for the first few weeks so I'm sure we'll see each other out there!

  4. #24
    Registered User marisajane's Avatar
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    Personally i'd be more worried if my nerves weren't an issue ahead of something big like this, and of course I'm doubting myself in some way or another like every day now. But i think you nailed it- once you're out there in March, actually doing it rather than thinking about doing it, you'll be solid.

  5. #25
    Registered User mulligan54's Avatar
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    Just review articles written on saving money on a thru hike. There are a lot of good tips. 4500 should be fine. As far as the snoring, what day do you start? Maybe I can avoid sharing a shelter. jk. I cowboyed outside the shelter in the smokys, thats easier said than done if there is snow. Good luck.

  6. #26
    Registered User Phoenix23's Avatar
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    I am starting to feel a similar anxiety, I'm starting 18th March and I am second guessing, over reading and getting all a bit bothered about clothing and gear, then earlier this week I reminded myself I do have a fair bit of hiking experience and I need to listen to myself more, trust my gut and stick to my decisions, I feel like everytime I buy something I read more online and I find some better option or I over complicate making choices, I worry I have too much or that I have too little, I figure its only a few days to Neels Gap, if I have to buy more or realise I have too much, its not the end of the world if I have to post something on or buy something new!

    I wouldn't worry about snoring, its very thoughtful that you do, I certainly expect snorers, I'm sure many do, with so many people sleeping in a close proximity I'm sure there will be many snorers!

  7. #27
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    I'm wondering does the amount of snoring reduce as hikers reduce wt. and get in better shape?

  8. #28
    Registered User AlyontheAT2016's Avatar
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    I've been having similar thoughts over these last few weeks (and I'm sure they will escalate as my start date gets closer). Second-guessing gear choices, wondering if I have too much clothing (or not enough if it gets cold--except I'm starting April 24 so you never know what the weather will be like--weather, that's also something to worry about), basically just worrying about things that will probably work themselves out later--namely, everything. I think that's normal. I've never done a long distance trip quite like this before. Worrying is normal. I think there's something wrong with someone who thinks they have it all figured out and isn't questioning their choice to live a lifestyle they've never lived before for 6 months. Does that make sense?

    And I will be bringing earplugs because I'm a light sleeper

  9. #29
    Registered User Sethern's Avatar
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    It is good to see that I am not the only one questioning things. And I think you are all on to something. We are about to throw ourselves out of our comfort zones for 5-6 months. Now is the perfect time to start questioning things. I had a lucky brake at the casino and added another $500 to my total saved for the trail. Also went to visit my parents who have offered to help me out if I need it. I am finding out I have great support back home. I think that's the most important item on anyones gear list.

  10. #30
    GAME 2015 Binjali's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squeezebox View Post
    I'm wondering does the amount of snoring reduce as hikers reduce wt. and get in better shape?
    Yes, snoring does reduce as hikers lose weight and get in shape, mine did. But, you will still hear snoring all the way through, usually due to plugged noses from allergies. Foam earplugs are cheap and effective. Claritin/Allegra/Zyrtec (get the D versions for the decongestant additive) helps with the allergies, although you'll have to register at the pharmacy for them.

  11. #31
    Registered User Grampie's Avatar
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    Don,t sweat about $ pack weight and snoring. Most folks will be in the same boat as you. I would always snore after am hard day. If I was going to stay at a shelter I would tell folks that I snore. Be a bit conservative with the $ . no cash ends many thru hikes.

  12. #32
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    Thanks for the post. I feel better already. I've been having these same feeling of dread, and what have I gotten myself into. I think it's normal. Probably more worrisome if there was not trepidation. As the saying goes, everything is okay until you start thinking about it!

  13. #33
    GA-ME 2011
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sethern View Post
    The nerves are really starting to get to me. I am less than a month from the start of my thru-hike and it seams like I am second guessing every choice I have made. Did I save enough cash? This is a big one. I have a little over $4,500 saved and all year told myself that would be fine. Now I keep thinking. "sure would be nice to have 5-6,000. My gear is another big one. I did my best to keep it light. I am not going out there with a 50lb pack. But with food and water my pack gets up to 30lbs. I was fine with this until now. Last month before I take off and I look at each item I am taking and almost instantly start looking for a lighter item. And it never fails that I find one that I did not see before. Am I taking enough. lol I am telling you if I don't get out of here soon I will end up taking the kitchen sink.

    Trail etiquette is a big one for me. I snore. I am not going to lie some times I sound like a pig eating another pig alive. I plan to stay out of shelters and sleep in my tent to let other get sleep. But what about the smoky mountains? You must sleep in a shelter if there is room. I don't want to make friends out there just to have them hate me after the smokies because they could not get any sleep. Or hostels? I want to stay in hostels. I want to be a part of that. I can't wait to get to Neel gap and hang out with people.

    I wish it was March 1 now so I could just get out there and get over the nerves. Sorry for the rant. I just needed to get it out. Anyone else second guessing now that your trip is getting closer and closer? Seem to start for me the second I could see my start date on the calendar.
    If you don't fall in with the party clouds in town you'll be fine with the money.
    For a hiker buying new gear never ends. I saw people who finished thru hikes in jeans carrying 1970's external packs. Don' sweat the gear, that's not what determines success. It's mostly a mental game so keep your head straight, stay focused and most importantly have fun.

    You snore, well look at my signature line and figure out how I got that trail name! I always tried to sleep in my tent away from others. Also try some Breath-Right strips, they work for some people.
    "Chainsaw" GA-ME 2011

  14. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by squeezebox View Post
    I'm wondering does the amount of snoring reduce as hikers reduce wt. and get in better shape?
    I am sure weight loss helps many people.
    I was diagnosed with sleep apnea when I was 26 years old, 6'-0" tall, weighed around 155 lbs. and was racing mountain bikes at an elite level.
    Many people snore even skinny ones

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by SkeeterPee View Post
    if you're really concerned about the snoring, take a baggy of cheap foam ear plugs to handout. Perhaps you will earn a name such as Seth-snore-us.
    Here's an example of a trail name as a result from snoring-It's around the 2:00 mark on the video.

  16. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryguest View Post
    Here's an example of a trail name as a result from snoring-It's around the 2:00 mark on the video.

    Good 'ole Snorelax.

  17. #37
    Registered User Sethern's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mysteryguest View Post
    Here's an example of a trail name as a result from snoring-It's around the 2:00 mark on the video.

    Lol I am so glad I already have a trail name. Knowing me I would end up with something like (Trips on Poo) or (Sleep killer). Now that my nerves have calmed down I really am not stressing the snoring too much. I hope I don't bother people too much but there is not much I can do in the Smokies. After that I will stick to my tent to at least keep my snoring from keeping people up. In hostels I will just worn people that I do snore. Once it gets more into Spring and Summer I plan to stay in my tent more to save money so that will save peoples ears as well.

    Oh rofl for the people wanting to know how to hide from me so they don't need to hear my snoring just look for a backpack with a Liottlefoot patch on the back. If you see that in the a shelter move on to the next if snoring really bothers you . But for real I am back to being really excited to start my hike. And I can't wait to get started. This is going to be a great year.

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