Hello Everyone!

I am a in the midst of planning my own thru-hike, though it will not take place for several years, but I am also a writer and storyteller. And I have this dream of writing a book about the Appalachian Trail. What I am dreaming of would be to hike up Katahdin every day during various weeks when most people would be finishing their thru-hike. I would spend a while atop the mountain and snap photographs of people as they finish their thru-hikes and then, hopefully, talk to them and get some good stories about how they feel and something that they have to say about their thru-hike or any good stories from along the way. I am hoping to compile all this together and make a book of Thru-hiker stories and such with awesome photographs of hikers and their final moments. But, I'm reaching out to hear your thoughts on the matter, if you think this is possible and if you all think that people would be into the idea and want to talk to me/be a part of this project?
