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Thread: BMT Thru-Hike

  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by AO2134 View Post
    IF you are doing the re-route, there is a hostel near Fontana Dam, just before you enter the smokies. It may be an ideal place for you to resupply before you do the last 90-100 miles.

    I think it is called the Hike Inn. It is 5-6 miles south of Fontana Dam. 828-479-3677 I am getting this info from the AT guide.

    Also look into Fontana Lodge/ Fontana Village 800-849-2258 ot 828-498-2211.

    These options are about 190 mile mark.

    Also, look here: http://bmtguide.com/errata.pdf
    To be 100% honest, I've been a little confused on the re-route. I've got Sgt Rocks 2014-2015 guide and I'm not 100% how the re-route affects this version? Is the re-route harder to navigate or should I stick to the established trail? I don't particularly mind walking down US 129 if it means not getting lost in the woods, but I'm not sure how this would also affect my resupply. Any information on this would be much appreciated as I'm not to knowledgeable about the area in Tennessee more than I've read through the guidebook

  2. #22
    Registered User AO2134's Avatar
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    The re-route starts basically at Cold Spring Gap. Whether on the new or old route, there are no blazes on this section so they are both equally confusing. Maps are essential. The re-route was pretty easy to do. I never did the old version so I can't comment.

    I created a video guide of the entire trail. The section involving the re-route could be found on these two videos.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcKwVItz0xo and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-NRjo0npSFQ

    It has videos of most if not all of the intersections.

    Because of no blazes in this area, whether the old or new, maps are essential.

    I hope this helps.
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  3. #23
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    As to affecting your resupply, the old route takes you to Deals Gap and Twenty Mile Ranger station, which is pretty far from the resupply points I listed above.

    If you are worried about the re-route being any more or less confusing (and that is your only worry), I wouldn't do the old route. Of course, there are other reasons you may want to do the old route. They have new trail signs making the re-route much easier to navigate, especially with a map.

    If you wanted to take the old route but re-supply at The Hike In, you would need to hike south on the AT for 3-5 miles when you come to the intersection of Twenty Mile Trail, AT, and Lost Cove Trail. Hike south to Fontana Dam Visitor Center and get picked up there and taken to the two resupply points I listed above.

    I am not sure of any resupply points at Deals Gap or 20 mile Ranger Station. There may be.

    I am a purist and I was all about the "old way," but then Sgt Rock and others informed me that the official BMT is the new re-route. That the old route is a recognized alternative trail for the BMT, but no longer the official BMT. So that made that decision easy for me.
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by AO2134 View Post
    As to affecting your resupply, the old route takes you to Deals Gap and Twenty Mile Ranger station, which is pretty far from the resupply points I listed above.

    If you are worried about the re-route being any more or less confusing (and that is your only worry), I wouldn't do the old route. Of course, there are other reasons you may want to do the old route. They have new trail signs making the re-route much easier to navigate, especially with a map.

    If you wanted to take the old route but re-supply at The Hike In, you would need to hike south on the AT for 3-5 miles when you come to the intersection of Twenty Mile Trail, AT, and Lost Cove Trail. Hike south to Fontana Dam Visitor Center and get picked up there and taken to the two resupply points I listed above.

    I am not sure of any resupply points at Deals Gap or 20 mile Ranger Station. There may be.

    I am a purist and I was all about the "old way," but then Sgt Rock and others informed me that the official BMT is the new re-route. That the old route is a recognized alternative trail for the BMT, but no longer the official BMT. So that made that decision easy for me.

    Thank you so much! Once I grabbed my guidebook and started matching it up with the errata page on Sgt Rock's site it made the trail a lot more clear for me. I think I'm gonna go with the re-route and resupply at Fontana before I head into the Smokies. I've done the portion of the AT from NOC to the smokies and there's no way I wanna handle that climb out of Fontana Dam again until my AT thru hike.

  5. #25
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    am not sure of any resupply points at Deals Gap or 20 mile Ranger Station. There may be.

    the hotel at deals gap may have a candy machine but i would not count on doing a resupply there at all......

    however, you could hitch into robbinsville from there.........

    or you could grab lunch at the BBQ place that is across the street from the hotel.........

    ive never eaten there so i cannot attest to it at all......

    but, basically the closest resupply to deals gap is either at fontana or robbinsville.....

  6. #26
    Registered User AO2134's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jreader213 View Post
    Thank you so much! Once I grabbed my guidebook and started matching it up with the errata page on Sgt Rock's site it made the trail a lot more clear for me. I think I'm gonna go with the re-route and resupply at Fontana before I head into the Smokies. I've done the portion of the AT from NOC to the smokies and there's no way I wanna handle that climb out of Fontana Dam again until my AT thru hike.
    Awesome. Keep us posted when you get back. It is an awesome trail. I absolutely loved it.
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  7. #27
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    So while looking through the BMT Guidebook, I realized one fatal flaw in my entire plan: where exactly I'm going to be picked up. My roommate who has hiked the AT from Springer to Davenport told me that the BMT comes out at essentially the same area around Davenport. The back of Sgt Rock's Guidebook suggests taking the Chestnut Branch Trail to the Davenport Gap AT shelter as a way to get back to the AT, but since I'm not continuing my hike, I was wondering if it's possible to be picked up at the Chestnut Branch Trailhead? Is service possible in this area / possibly camping for a day while I await a ride? Or would it be easier on both me and my ride for me to hike the 3 miles to the Davenport Shelter?

    I'm not dead set on either option, I just want to ensure a swift and easy pick up once I'm off the trail.

  8. #28
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    So I am not sure I understand your question, but the trail ends at Baxter Creek Trailhead. You would take a dirt road up towards the Big Creek Ranger Station (where there is long term parking). Just before there is the Chestnut Ridge Trail. At any of these three locations you could wait to get picked up.

    If you can't get picked up that day, then maybe you will have to to hike to the nearest campsite. You will have service at the top of Mt Sterling in all likelihood which is about 8 miles from the the northern terminus. Make your call there just in case and then figure what your plan is for the pickup.

    I just created a quick map on google maps that has all the locations just so you can visualize it: https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?m..._I&usp=sharing
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  9. #29
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    I left my car in the little backpacker lot by the Big Creek ranger station near Davenport gap.
    Note also that the friendly staff at Tapoco Lodge told me they have held resupply boxes for BMT hikers (great breakfast there too) but I don't know if that's only for those staying there.
    One other thought: be very careful at the multiple intersections on the new trail between Tapoco and Fontana- there are old woods roads going to the right and left but look carefully for the blazes to the much narrower (but well-made) trail.

  10. #30
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    jreader213 -- I'm also beginning a BMT thru-hike on April 9. I was going to begin on April 14, but I just did an 80-mile shakedown hike on the Sheltowee Trace and I decided I should slow down my pace somewhat, so I'm starting sooner in order to end about when I had planned. From your posts I think you'll be hiking more quickly than I am -- I'm giving myself about a month with two zeroes at Fontana Lake Village Resort, where my family is going to resupply me, and a chance for a few other zeroes along the way if I need them. After Fontana, I'm going to have my GSMNP campsites planned out before I start so that I can get my permits thirty days or so in advance. That means not much flexibility for my hike in GSMNP.

    Resupply -- there is a post office at Fontana which might be a good place for you before hitting GSMNP. It's also easy to resupply a little further down the trail in Cherokee or Bryson City. I'm resupplying along the way at Aska Lodge, Reliance Fly and Tackle, and at Fontana. The Toccoa Riverside Restaurant also said they'd hold a package, but I'm not going to need to do that anymore. Also, when I'm in Fontana, where my family is resupplying me, I'm going to drive with my wife to Smokemont Campsite in the GSMNP and put some food in the bear storage box behind the camping office. I just called them today and they gave me the thumbs up to do this. Of course, the food won't be secured and might be stolen, in which case I'll go into Cherokee. I don't want to carry enough food to get all the way through the GSMNP, although this is certainly also an option. I'm taking 7 days to make it through, which wouldn't be too much food to carry, but I'm going with the lazy option of a further resupply at Smokemont since it will be easy.

    If you have Sgt. Rock's guide, which I recommend 100%, be sure to get the errata pages on the BMT website. There is a new official route in the Slickrock/Joyce Kilmer Wilderness, plus some other important changes. You can download these pages even if you didn't buy the book. Also, I don't think A02134 mentioned that he's filmed highlights of the whole trail in sections on YouTube. His videos might be helpful to you, especially because I think he notes navigational difficulties.

    AO2134 mentioned bears in the Cohutta Wilderness. I'm not an expert on bear activity in April, but I was in the adjacent Big Frog Wilderness (the TN side of the same area) late last season, and saw four bears in quick succession. I'd been told that bears in Big Frog were more skittish than those in the GSMNP, having some hunting pressures on them and therefore being more wary of humans. I don't know whether this is true, but the four bears I saw took off quickly, just like every bear I've ever seen in the GSMNP (six last year). Still, I'll admit along with AO2134 that I was spooked for a moment by the four bears, especially one in a tree directly above the trail, which I didn't see until I was directly beneath it. I camped in two places further down the trail and heard nothing that sounded like bears at night-- although at least part of those two nights, I was probably asleep, lol!

    If you are interested in corresponding, do it here or email me at [email protected]. I would be interested in at least saying hello to you if we end up starting on the same day. I will be definitely hiking at my own pace but it would be nice to say hi if there's some chance we might cross paths along the way. Also, any other questions you have about my itinerary, let me know -- it just so happens that I was getting the kinks worked out today when I saw this thread.

  11. #31
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    jreader213--A little more. I just realized I didn't read the second page of this thread before responding. Dumb. Anyway, when you finish, you also have the option of hiking about 8 miles to the Standing Bear Hostel on the AT. I'm sure they would even pick you up if you stay there overnight. Actually, I think they'll pick you up even if not, as long as you're willing to pay their fee. Talk to Maria there. That's where I'm leaving my car when I start. They're shuttling me from Standing Bear to Springer Mt. Then my car will be waiting for me there when I finish -- if all goes according to plan, of course!

  12. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by NashvilleHiker View Post
    jreader213--A little more. I just realized I didn't read the second page of this thread before responding. Dumb. Anyway, when you finish, you also have the option of hiking about 8 miles to the Standing Bear Hostel on the AT. I'm sure they would even pick you up if you stay there overnight. Actually, I think they'll pick you up even if not, as long as you're willing to pay their fee. Talk to Maria there. That's where I'm leaving my car when I start. They're shuttling me from Standing Bear to Springer Mt. Then my car will be waiting for me there when I finish -- if all goes according to plan, of course!
    Thanks for the information!! I hadn't thought about Standing Bear Hostel, but that may be a good option for my pick up. As for resupply, I'm going to be doing about 3 resupplies throughout the entire trip at Jack's River Country Store, Fontanna, and one other somewhere between those whose name I can't remember (I left Sgt Rock's guidebook at home before coming to Atlanta for my job oops).

    As of this moment, I'm planning on hiking around 15-20 miles per day depending on terrain and, of course, how I'm feeling. I'll definitely send you an email with a link to my facebook and probably a picture just so you can recognize me. Hope to see you out there, and I hope the trail is good to the both of us!!

  13. #33
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    Every time I look at Tipi's pics of his trip reports, I'm amazed at what good condition the trails are in. They are smooth and wide. I'm looking forward to finally getting down South and hiking some of those.

  14. #34
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    Once again, sorry for the bump, but I figured it's best to just keep all my questions here than to keep making new threads.

    Well it looks like my trip is almost all planned out and looking solid! I'm going to hike the Approach Trail to Springer on Saturday and then official start the BMT the next morning. I am hoping to finish by April 29th. My last question, for now, before I head out, is whether or not I should go ahead and apply for my permit to hike in the smokies, or if I should wait and do it at Fontana? I've only ever had to get an AT permit, but never a backcountry permit. Any suggestions or thoughts here? I don't really wanna lock myself into a set schedule with the shelters yet since I'm not 100% sure when I'll be walking into Fontana.

  15. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by jreader213 View Post
    Once again, sorry for the bump, but I figured it's best to just keep all my questions here than to keep making new threads.

    Well it looks like my trip is almost all planned out and looking solid! I'm going to hike the Approach Trail to Springer on Saturday and then official start the BMT the next morning. I am hoping to finish by April 29th. My last question, for now, before I head out, is whether or not I should go ahead and apply for my permit to hike in the smokies, or if I should wait and do it at Fontana? I've only ever had to get an AT permit, but never a backcountry permit. Any suggestions or thoughts here? I don't really wanna lock myself into a set schedule with the shelters yet since I'm not 100% sure when I'll be walking into Fontana.
    Most BMT campsites won't have a lot of competition, ESPECIALLY if it is during the week. The only place I would worry about is 38 Mt. Sterling. It is very popular. Possibly Campsite 52 (newton bald campsite) and Laurel Gap Shelter. Otherwise, I think you will be fine getting the permits when you arrive. Also Campsite 90 is very popular, but since you seem to be leaving Fontana that day, it would even be a candidate for you. (i.e., you will probably want go to more than 5-6 miles from Fontana.
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  16. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by AO2134 View Post
    Most BMT campsites won't have a lot of competition, ESPECIALLY if it is during the week. The only place I would worry about is 38 Mt. Sterling. It is very popular. Possibly Campsite 52 (newton bald campsite) and Laurel Gap Shelter. Otherwise, I think you will be fine getting the permits when you arrive. Also Campsite 90 is very popular, but since you seem to be leaving Fontana that day, it would even be a candidate for you. (i.e., you will probably want go to more than 5-6 miles from Fontana.
    Thanks for the input!

    On another side note, I've been trying to get in contact with the owners of Jack's River Country Store to arrange a mail drop, but the phone number I have says it is disconnected. Would anyone happen to know the owners or have any information on the store? I've got mail drops arranged with Green Cove Motel and Fontana, but google turns up very little about Jack's

  17. #37


    I drove by the store on Friday. It appears to be closed.

  18. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by jreader213 View Post
    Thanks for all the help guys! I especially appreciate the map suggestions. If anyone comes up with any other ideas definitely feel free to chime in. I'm still debating a start time, but it's looking as if I'll be out there between April 8 through the 28.
    did that last year and it rained for ever. Rocks guide is a big help and any other maps you can get. The trail can get very confusing and sometimes the maintenance in some sections is sketchy. It's not like hiking the AT at all.
    If you find yourself in a fair fight; your tactics suck.

  19. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cedar Tree View Post
    I drove by the store on Friday. It appears to be closed.
    Thanks for the information! Looks like I'll be swapping my resupplies up a little.

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