The below is copied from a FB (AT Section Hikers) post earlier today. He asked someone to pass it along.

Just got back from "almost completing" MA AT. Only a bit over 5 miles to finish. Originally our group was going to be 6, but we lost 2 to medical issues before we started. I had a hard fall and landed on my GPS device, but x-rays showed bruising so I was able to hike on. One of our remaining 4 developed a knee issue so he didn't hike our last 2 days and another slipped while climbing into his upper bunk in our Yurt in Oct Mt SF and injured his foot and back and he didn't hike the last 2 days either. My cousin joined us for our last 2 days and our climb up Mt Greylock from North Adams (SoBo) was hard but not difficult. We did get a bit of rain so it kept us cooler. Met a number of Thru Hikers from Springer and some Flip Floppers from Harpers Ferry! Also met a Thru Hiker whom I first met in the Smokies in May 2014 who had to leave the trail last October for health issues "Boogie Pilgrim"!
Hope he makes it this year.

Note: On Mon June 20th Emilio found a 'heart shaped" charm with the German city of KOHL on it! We heard a hiker from Germany had hiked through this area!
If any of you are on White Blaze, and re-post this I will gladly mail it back to him!

Taking next week off to rest and will start prepping for NH in the later part of July!
GrandPa Walking - hit my 1200th AT mile during this hike!

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