I just finished my 2016 thru hike. It was an awesome experience. All of the people on the trail were friendly and I did not encounter or hear of any issues involving people, just animals. Every thru hiker I encounter did a great job practicing Leave No Trace, which impressed me. So I hate to bring up a negative subject but it is just killing me not to mention it...

I was shocked by the large percentage of young thru hikers (20-26yr old’s) that were slack packing and/or skipping sections. I understand according to the ATC you can slack pack and still be considered a thru hiker… but I highly doubt the ATC ever imagined that young hikers in their prime would abuse this service. I would also ask hikers that were 30-59yrs old and the vast majority would laugh at the thought of slack packing and all noticed the same observation with the young hikers. I will say many of the hostel owners along the trail are shoving the idea of slack packing down everyone’s throat and for some reason the young hikers couldn’t resist. If there was something physically wrong with a hiker or they were 60+ yrs old I could care less if you slack pack, I give you lots of credit just for being out there. It is just SAD and PATHETIC to watch these young “thru hikers” take advantage of slack packing every opportunity they could. I just find it very odd the difference of opinion between the young and older generations on slack packing… are young hikers nowadays just lazy???

I would also see a large percentage of young hikers that would intentionally skip sections, maybe a mile or 2 at a time when leaving town or returning from a hitch and still call themselves thru hikers by improperly using the HYOH... that’s just sad!!!

So for all the current and previous thru hikers who carried their own gear up and down the mountains, I want you to know that a large percentage of the record number of thru hikers that complete the AT this year are cheaters and lazy young slack packers.

I will end my rant with the most overly used saying that the young hikers improperly used to justify their excessive slack packing and section skipping, Hike Your Own Hike!