The Bearcreek Mapbooks for the upcoming season are currently being revised and I suggest that you hold off on ordering anything printed for a little while.

The NM and CO books are going to have a few fairly minor trail location changes, but a lot of new waypoints for water data. The Trail Unites Us dot com website developed a really good water report from hikers last year and are including that new information in the waypoint data and on the printed maps. A new waypoint designation of WR (Water Report) has been added for these new previously unlisted points. The waypoint list will also include some sources that were dry when last visited as well as the good ones, so be sure and look at the waypoint remarks to get the latest status. A lot of water sources in NM are controlled by agricultural users, so the status is prone to change often. The waypoints will show the last reported status. These new locations will also turn up in the coming revision of the Guthook apps when they are done later in the winter. As always, updates to Guthook are free so current users will get the updates without additional charges.
Thanks to Lisa Peru Karst for help in getting the data in a form I could use.