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  1. #1

    Default Partner for Section hiking VA in March

    So I am twenty-something female going to do a solo section hike starting in March 2017 (tentative March 12-April 8) and I can't decide if I want to hike from Springer Mtn to Davenport Gap, TN or maybe start up near Rockfish Gap, VA and hike to PA-MD border. I am afraid the south will be too crowded (and cold) but starting in Virginia I'm afraid there will be no one around (and it will probably still be pretty cold). Any thoughts or interest in a hiking partner?

    I'm so excited to start!

  2. #2


    I don't know how firm your dates are, but I'm doing an AT section hike in Shenandoah National Park in April. I had to put in my days-off request for the year in January, so my dates are set. I'll be hiking April 15 - 24 (+/- depending on how many days it takes me). I'm planning on starting at Jarman Gap (SNP Southern Boundary) and heading north. If you can move your dates, it'd be great to have some company. I don't mind hiking solo, but camaraderie at the shelters at night is always nice.

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