I just re-read A Walk in the Woods for the first time in maybe fifteen years, and it's still great.

I remember back in 2001 and 2002 it was in vogue to pick on Bryson and his popular book. Someone had even made T-shirts stating "Bill Bryson is a Candy-Ass." Does this sort of thing still go on?

Bryson has a way of wrapping up so many aspects of the Trail in a funny line or two. People go on and on about things in their plodding trail journals that he wraps in a neat little package.

I think a lot of it was mostly jealously - he wrote THE book about the Appalachian Trail and didn't even hike the whole thing.

I still haven't seen the movie.

13 Bill Bryson Quotes that Capture the Appalachian Trail Better than Your Crappy Journal

Do people still scoff at him or what?