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  1. #1
    Registered User HighLiner's Avatar
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    Default JMT Hike Including Half Dome Climb

    So not surprisingly I was just denied a permit to climb Half Dome via the lottery on either September 6th, 7th, or 8th. So what are the chances of finding a hiker with open spots on an approved permit I could piggyback on as I will be traveling North on the JMT and reaching Half Dome around these dates? Any other options? (At least I secured a permit to hike the northern portion of the JMT!)
    2000 Miler

  2. #2


    You aren't pickybacking with anyone unless they have a cancelation of someone who was going with them. Yosemite ask you specifically for the numbers of people climbing half dome when you applied for your permit. Because of all the snow this year, more people were pushing for later dates then normal this year. I was surprised that my permit didn't go through til Sept. 21st but had no problem getting a Half Dome permit with it. Well, I'm doing a 2 week hike and often hike in the Sierra that late, so it doesn't bother me. In fact, I should catch the fall colors (what few Aspens there are in the valleys) perfectly.

    Show up the day before your hike starts, when they allow you to first pick up your permit, and ask if they can add a half dome permit. People do cancel since they reserved so far in advance and things change. They also hold back a certain number for walk ins.

  3. #3


    [Duplicate Post] Why editing my first post created a 2nd post is beyond my understanding.

  4. #4


    I'd expect low odds of piggy backing on another's HD permit. As Miner said it's specifically asked by the those issuing the HD permits how many on the permit are sumitting to combat exactly what you're considering. It's also lower odds because I'm assuming you'd want to summit HD as you are hiking the JMT northbound. The VAST majority of HD summiters will be arriving at the HD TH via other trails mainly the JMT SOBO. This leaves less chat it up time to accomplish the piggyback.

    Forget HD if you've already experienced it for those dates which coincide with weeklong Labor Day Holiday Y NP visitation. Veer off the JMT to Clouds Rest to take that view in as a worthy no permit needed alternate. It connects back to the JMT near HD AFTER you do CR coming from the south. In short, hit up CR first. Then try the pigglywiggly back. If you don't get the piggy back you had CR. IMO CR is a better vastly less citron crowded experience although HD is perhaps "the" most iconic of all Y NP experiences.

  5. #5


    I got denied for two weekdays as well. sep 17/18
    Thought math was on my side, but not a huge deal!

  6. #6
    Winter 35R & Catskill 3500 Club Starvin Marvin's Avatar
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    Which trailhead are you starting your NOBO from?

    The wife and I are going NOBO, starting from Cottonwood Lakes at the end of Aug and it's my understanding that Halfdome permits are included with this option.
    __________________________________________________ __________________

    Walk it off.

  7. #7
    GSMNP 900 Miler
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    I had a Half-Dome permit... but couldn't realistically find a way to utilize it.

    My pack was too heavy to climb Half Dome with it, and I didn't want to risk anything finding/damaging my pack if I left it 'hidden' some where. Beside, it was about all I could manage to accomplish the 1st day to climb out of the valley with a heavy pack and get past LYV on the 1st day. Adding the time for a side trip to Half Dome just wasn't there... and that's while hiking during the longer summer days.

    While I hate that I missed climbing Half Dome while I was in YNP, I never regretted to decision to skip it to concentrate on having a successful JMT thru hike.

  8. #8
    Registered User JPritch's Avatar
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    What are the logistics of trying to get in Half Dome and Clouds Rest with a Happy Isles->LYV permit? How many extra miles am I looking at?

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by HighLiner View Post
    So not surprisingly I was just denied a permit to climb Half Dome via the lottery on either September 6th, 7th, or 8th. So what are the chances of finding a hiker with open spots on an approved permit I could piggyback on as I will be traveling North on the JMT and reaching Half Dome around these dates? Any other options? (At least I secured a permit to hike the northern portion of the JMT!)
    Yeah, shouldn't be surprising because that's during the week of Labor Day a prime tourist period.

    The odds are low piggybacking on another's permit as you're attempting. You're arriving at HD from the south on the JMT. Most will be summiting HD coming from the north(YV) on the JMT giving you less chat it up time. As Miner said, "You aren't picky backing with anyone unless they have a cancelation of someone who was going with them. Yosemite ask you specifically for the numbers of people climbing half dome when you applied for your permit." This is to avoid doing what you're attempting. The NPS wants to have accurate HD summit numbers and usage.

    "Because of all the snow this year, more people were pushing for later dates then normal this year."

    Off topic but that's ridiculous for people to do this, if they are doing this, since HD will be clear enough in June and July with the cables going up last wk of May. The cables don't go up unless HD is good to summit.

    "Show up the day before your hike starts, when they allow you to first pick up your permit, and ask if they can add a half dome permit. People do cancel since they reserved so far in advance and things change. They also hold back a certain number for walk ins." OR, when going by TM stop in, which I'd advise anyway to lower food haul and check out the area, asking to add in the HD summit option.

  10. #10


    I also have a HI->LYV permit and am trying to look at this and find a way to get both HD and CR in on my JMT hike in September; I've got a HD pass and I'd really like to see CR too. Like you, I'm coming from the east coast, so want to maximize my experience - if I need to add a day or two, I can. It looks like the major factor for me, coming from an elevation of about 300 ft, will be the altitude gain rather than the miles - so looking at building in some acclimatization in the early days of my hike:

    Day One: Hike from HI to just beyond the HD trail junction. That's about 6.3 miles and an elevation gain of 3,100 (4,000 to 7,100). Although the permit says night one's camp needs to be "beyond Moraine Dome" I called the ranger station and he said that I only need to be past the HD trail. I'd like to bag HD this day as well, but I hear stories about pushing to much early in a JMT.

    Day Two: Backtrack 1/2 mile down the trail and climb HD. The HD trail is only 2 miles long, but gains about 1,800 feet (7,000 to 8,800). So this side trip adds about 5 miles and 2,000 ft+ elevation gain / loss. I'm planning on slackpacking HD (will have packed a S2S daypack to carry essentials on these side excursions - will leave most gear in tent), then after returning to campsite break camp and move up the JMT about a mile or so to just past the CR trail junction. One benefit of waiting until Day two for HD is that I can beat the day-hiking crowds coming up from Yosemite - hopefully get up and down the cables before the throngs arrive. The climb high / sleep low should help with acclimatization.

    Day three: Hike out to CR; this is about 3.5 / 4 miles each way, with an elevation gain / loss of 2,700 (7,200 to 9,900). So this side trip adds about 8 miles, but again can be done as a slackpack. I'll return to camp and move about 3-4 more miles up the JMT. Again the climb high / sleep low should help.

    Day four: At the beginning of day four I've only done about 10 miles of JMT, but I've hiked about 24 total miles and after two days of up / down should be fairly well acclimatized. Should be able to do the 12 miles to Toulumne (over Cathederal Pass at 9,700 and downhill rest of way.) From there I should be go to go for "typical" JMT mileage for rest of trip.

    This is my plan any way - we'll see how it goes! What day does your permit start? I'm starting September 7th.

  11. #11


    I should've noted my previous post was in response to JPritch in post #8.

    To the OP, my understanding is also that the Cottonwood passes include the right to hike HD. I've got a couple of Cottonwood passes in August that I reserved early in case the JMT SOBO didn't come through. My plan is now to cancel those permits so someone else can use them - I believe they are non-transferable, unfortunately (unless the other name is listed as co-leader on original permit) but if anyone knows otherwise I am glad to hand them over rather than cancelling -

  12. #12
    Registered User colorado_rob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HighLiner View Post
    So not surprisingly I was just denied a permit to climb Half Dome via the lottery on either September 6th, 7th, or 8th. So what are the chances of finding a hiker with open spots on an approved permit I could piggyback on as I will be traveling North on the JMT and reaching Half Dome around these dates? Any other options? (At least I secured a permit to hike the northern portion of the JMT!)
    Sorry you have this hassle, HL, I hope it does all work out for you somehow to climb HD, at least. Not trying to make you feel bad, but it is an amazing experience.

    If somehow you do snag a permit, here was how we climbed HD going NOBO on the JMT back in 2012.... We camped about 2 miles from (south of) the HD trail cutoff; the campground right at the cutoff is a zoo, and probnably full every night. Anyway, the place we camped is described as "a little knob with room for 3", what ever "3" means. It is off the trail and might be hard to find, here are the GPS coordinates:
    11S 0281283E 4181121N
    So, very early, like 4-4:30 am the next morning we packed up and left camp, arriving at the base of the cables route, about 4 miles, maybe 2.5 hours later (big ascent to base of cables), so 6:30-ish AM, basically well ahead of any crowds, even those camping right at the junction. After climbing the cables, we almost owned the summit for a good half hour or more (there were maybe 3-4 other people up there).
    Basically what I'm saying, do the approach trail in the dark, squirrelly early!
    We did hang our backpacks on a tree, off the trail a bit, fairly high but obviously before you break out of the trees. I think we took a couple bars in our pockets, a jacket tied around our waists (or probably on our bodies for a while yet), and a hand-held water bottle, which went in out pockets when on the cables. There is a box-O-gloves at the base of the cables, you definitely want to wear a pair of those going up/down the cables.
    Coming down, we ran into the hoards, including quite a line on the actual cables. There is usually plenty of room to pass inside the cables. We did run into one lady freaking out and would not let go of both cables, so we had to step to the outside of the cables to pass her. The attached pic is looking up the cables at my wife (in pink) just after we passed this large lady.
    Of course, once down and off the HD side trail (I think it's 2 miles each way), it's a beautiful 8 mile, mostly downhill stroll to Happy Isles trailhead, 14 total miles for the day.
    Anyway, fantastic experience, I sure hope you can make it work.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  13. #13


    There are several large trees within sight of the HD cables. I've always safely hung my backpack there so not to have to haul it up and down HD. Definitely secure your pack and food by properly bear bagging in this area. It's not just bears you might be concerned about in this area either.

    Get a very early 4-5 a.m start from either the LYV or if camping legally past the HD/JMT junction as CR said if you want to avoid a cue on HD. Sunrise is spectacular atop HD. Camping near the junction requires paying attention to water needs and securing camp from animals. Before attempting a side HD summit on a JMT hike ascertain if the small spring on the side HD trail somewhat near the cables is flowing as this can be a useful water source in this area. TREAT this water.

  14. #14
    Registered User HighLiner's Avatar
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    Thanks all for the comments and advice. FYI, I'm starting from Devils Postpile as I am having to take two seasons to hike the JMT, again because of permit constraints. As I'm from NC I can't spend all that money flying that far and only hope to get a permit. All's good either way as the 175 miles I hiked last September were incredible! If I can't do HD Clouds Rest will be my plan! Again, thanks.
    2000 Miler

  15. #15
    Registered User JPritch's Avatar
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    Great info there HighlandsHiker! I appreciate it. I like your slow and steady approach early....something I've come to appreciate when I started section hiking the AT recently and going out too fast. As of now, I'm thinking of doing HD Day 1, Clouds Rest Day 2, then proceeding on the trail. I'm starting out 8/31. If you don't mind, I may touch base with you again so we can share notes on our planning and maybe I'll pick up something I hadn't thought of.

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by JPritch View Post
    What are the logistics of trying to get in Half Dome and Clouds Rest with a Happy Isles->LYV permit? How many extra miles am I looking at?
    A HI TH to LYV is a day hike...RT is still a day hike...many do the 16,5 mile RT via the HI TH on the JMT to HD summit or 14,2 mile RT via the HI TH on the Mist Tr to the top of HD as day hikes starting early in the making it a full day. It is a 4800 ft gain from YV/HI TH to the summit of HD. Taking in CR and HD in one day starting and ending at the HI TH would be only for the strongest hikers. I did it once, without a fast paced approach but more like an endurance event, starting at 7 a.m. not finishing until after dark in late Sept, and was spent. It's a 6k ft gain 11 mile one way from the HI TH to CR alone. So, 22 miles plus another 4 miles for HD plus the additional gain from the HD/JMT junction to the HD summit. I'll ball park the elev change at around 15k-16 ft for the day.

    I'll suggest if you are wanting HD and CR experiences doing a non JMT thru-hike starting at Tenaya Lake via the Forsyth Tr breaking it up into two days. It's easier that way. Although the distance is longer taking two full days, maybe 2,5 days, going from TM to HI TH alternating off the JMT to go by CR and then returning to the JMT .5 miles from the HD/JMT junction is the best, easiest, and most scenic of all these approaches if wanting HD and CR experiences but getting so much more in 2-2,5 days. This is easy enough getting around using YARTS leaving a vehicle either at TM or YV.

    LYV CS is largely a stop over ZOO(very family oriented area for those with children) for those doing HD breaking it up into 2 days.

    One word that I must make since witnessing several injuries. If descending the Mist Tr as you end your hike it's often approached in haste rushing back to YV. Take your time descending on the often wet stone steps. Be careful of the pushy testosterone younger males and sometimes gung ho females in tow.

    Quote Originally Posted by JPritch View Post
    Great info there HighlandsHiker! I appreciate it. I like your slow and steady approach early....something I've come to appreciate when I started section hiking the AT recently and going out too fast. As of now, I'm thinking of doing HD Day 1, Clouds Rest Day 2, then proceeding on the trail. I'm starting out 8/31. If you don't mind, I may touch base with you again so we can share notes on our planning and maybe I'll pick up something I hadn't thought of.
    Are you thru-hiking the JMT SOBO because that's the impression?

  17. #17
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    Good luck brother! My friends and I climbed half dome 2 years ago and it's awesome! We woke up at 4am to start the hike and didn't make it down back to our camp until dark. We're slow

  18. #18


    Fellow hiker, as Dogwood once suggested to me, if you can. Do not miss going to Cloud Rest. An unforgetable place. Not just to pause but to hem and haw. Above all pawse!!!!

  19. #19


    This is the way one can experience HD without the permit issues. Linda and party were in the know on this trip. Love her site. She's a so full of life vibrant gardener and embracer of LIFE. She gave me the idea for raising backyard chickens, eating some plants I wasn't aware I could, and making a vertical hanging magnetic spice rack.


    Many don't realize Clouds Rest is a little more than 1000 ft higher in elevation than HD. From where Linda camped at CR is IMO the best view down YV. Although the shortish traversing of ridge line is less distance than the 400 ft gain up the cables it's IMO Y NP iconic. Note the lack of crowds. Good pics by Linda and her party.

  20. #20
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    If you have some modest technical climbing skills, Mt. Starr King is even better. You'll have it all to yourself, and it's a great dayhike from Mono Meadows.

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