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  1. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by BuckeyeBill View Post
    thank you I forgot, I'd have used this one or maybe this one but definitely not this one

  2. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Tipi Walter View Post
    "Tardiot" is an excellent variation and combination of two words associated with Trail Idiots. Einstein I think would've changed his quote if he saw some of the crap I've seen in the last many years---

    As in "Insanity is leaving ungodly crap along trails and in various campsites; and doing this over and over again and expecting the same filthy results."

    Attachment 39084
    A random chair left in the middle of nowhere on the Panther Creek trail in TN.
    Attachment 39085
    A firepit hell-wad on Slickrock Creek in the Kilmer/Slickrock wilderness.
    Attachment 39086
    This would've really got old Albert's attention---A fecal load with tp left in a campsite on the South Fork Creek trail in Citico wilderness.
    Attachment 39087
    A pile of cans in a firepit on the Stratton Ridge trail and miles from any road.
    Attachment 39088
    Camp crap left by idiots on Snowbird Creek in NC---and miles from any road.
    Attachment 39089
    Typical NC firepit on Snowbird Creek.
    Attachment 39090
    Redneck effluvia left at a campsite in Cold Spring Gap on the Benton MacKaye trail.
    Attachment 39091
    Very weird---a roll of toilet paper perched on a stick and left in the middle of Crowder Camp on Fodderstack Ridge in TN.

    I often use the term "rolling couch potato" for nature tourists---windshield tourists---who never leave their cars and walk. I'm worried most especially about offending potatoes and other vegetables.

    You're right.
    you're an equal opportunity poster when it come to mo-rons.

  3. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Hosh View Post
    Well maybe some of your "rolling couch potatoes" have physical restrictions and viewing nature is only available to them from a vehicle. Maybe they would otherwise be stuck inside and being outside provides for their physical and mental well being.

    You always project so much negativity towards anyone who may act or think differently than you. Some how YOU have found the WAY to enjoying the outdoors. The rest of us mere mortals must listen and learn from the master.

    Sad really, but it does provide rationalization for why you stay away from everyone for 2/3rd's of a month. Not sure you're missed.
    You're right, I'm positively Negative when it comes to idiots leaving garbage in the woods but I think I figured out why they do so---Their diapers are full and they need to hike out fast to let Mommy change them.

    MY way is to have and leave clean campsites---obviously for Hosh he disagrees and is a-okay with the pictured messes.

    Hosh says---it does provide rationalization for why you stay away from everyone for 2/3rd's of a month.

    But he must've not seen my most recent 19 day trip in March---when I saw a total of 64 backpackers. Not exactly staying away from everyone---(here's a crew I hiked with for a while on the Nutbuster trail in NC)---

  4. #44


    Quote Originally Posted by Tipi Walter View Post

    If you get your way all writers will be writing pablum suitable for the text in coloring books for toddlers. Becoming inoffensive results in the loss of our last great American freedoms---Ridicule and Opinion.
    Final comment..... Get my way? Huh? You can call people idiots, lunatics, douchebags, a-holes, whatever gets the blood pressure up or down. Go for it. I'm all for calling people out if they deserve it. Hence the call out on you. Y'know, sometimes it's okay to adjust the thinking a bit instead of always doubling down.

  5. #45
    Registered User BuckeyeBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hosh View Post
    Well maybe some of your "rolling couch potatoes" have physical restrictions and viewing nature is only available to them from a vehicle. Maybe they would otherwise be stuck inside and being outside provides for their physical and mental well being.

    You always project so much negativity towards anyone who may act or think differently than you. Some how YOU have found the WAY to enjoying the outdoors. The rest of us mere mortals must listen and learn from the master.

    Sad really, but it does provide rationalization for why you stay away from everyone for 2/3rd's of a month. Not sure you're missed.
    Top of the morning to ya Hosh,

    I don't believe I have ever seen Tipi being negative towards anyone who has followed the principles of LNT. Also if you don't call people out on stuff like this, how are they ever going to learn. Then let's touch on your "rolling couch potatoes" comment. I don't believe Tipi was speaking to people that suffer from Physical or Mental disabilities. He was talking to the Joe and Jane Does that see a commercial on the boob tube about hiking or backpacking and deciding "Gee honey that looks like fun. Lets go do that. So they go to Wally World's camping area and load up on equipment. No research on the type and specs of what they are buying. The employee working in that area doesn't know Jack about the equipment, but wants them to leave so they can text their friends. The next thing you know Joe and Jane are walking in the woods severely overloaded. They fine a spot, without any concern about LNT principles. Jane opens her pack and pulls out a large cast iron skillet, a large can of Crisco and starts dinner. Joe has been out gathering fire wood and comes in dragging a thigh thick log that he found. He pulls out a can of charcoal lighter fluid and squirts about half the can on his pile of wood that is on virgin ground with no fire ring. The next thing you see is Joe nearly setting himself on fire when he tries to use his Bic to light him small bonfire. Jane instead of waiting for hot coals, immediately sets the skillet on a burning log and when she is not looking, the Crisco has caught fire along with their evening meal, So instead of putting out her grease fire, she just dumps the contents of skillet into the fire. Her second try is a little bit better, but she so scared of another fire, she really doesn't fully cook the meal and the beef is still bleeding in the middle. Joe, in the mean time has successfully set up the tent after an period of cursing and other choice woods for the manufacturer. They finish eating their meal, Jane throws all of the trash from dinner into the fire on the still uncooked food she wasted earlier. Joe sets up the new folding chairs and pulls a couple of beers out of the Styrofoam Cooler they bought and hands one to Jane. They sit have a few cigarettes and few more beers, throwing the cans and butts into the fire. Jane tells Joe that she is going to a small stream about 20 feet away and wash their dishes. Jane grabs a large bottle of dish soap and starts washing the dishes directly in the stream. She finishes and returns to the campfire. Jane says she needs to "go" and asks Joe where she should she go? Joe feeling good after drinking about 8 beers says go find a tree. Since they forgot to buy toilet paper, Jane grabs a handful of thick paper napkins. She squats next to a tree and does her business and uses 10 napkins to clean up with, leaving excrement and napkins on the surface of the ground. She returns to see Joe throwing beer can number 10 into the fire. Joe then stands up a little unsteady and loudly ask Jane where the napkins are at, grabs a handful and does his business. He returns and opens beer 11. They finally decide to go to sleep and in the morning the fire, that was not properly extinguished gets stoked back to life with the rest of the lighter fluid. Yep another bonfire. they cook and eat breakfast, throwing uneaten food into, you guessed it, the fire. Joe looks in the cooler and finds the last beer and downs it in a single pull. Throwing the can, again, into the fire. They begin to pack up and Joe tells Jane that he doesn't want to haul the chairs, the cooler and a few other items out on the way back home. So they leave them and walk away. Now let us look at their camp site. We notice the chairs first then to smoldering remains of the fire, filled with burned food, beer cans and whats left of the Styrofoam cooler. The fire was not put out and dispersed as outlined in the LNT principles. Instead of setting their tent on a previously used spot, they sleep right over a nice virgin green area. As we continue to walk around we smell then find four areas with human scat and toilet paper that looks as if the mice and other animals had drug part of it away. Going over to the stream we find where Jane had washed the dishes, as there is food remnants on the bank and what looks like some spilled soap on a rock on the bank. Before you say anything like "Oh that couldn't have happened", I have seen everything I just wrote over a period of several decades of Backpacking, Hiking and Camping. I would bet several other members could tell similar tales. It is not just the younger noobs its anyone that can't take the time to do things the right and proper way. It's not our way, it is standards and principles put together by a group of like minded individuals that don't want trash where they camp and hike. I am sorry but people that can't follow LNT principles ARE TARDIOTS. They aren't complicated, just 7 simple principles.

    Finally, you are saying people must bow down and learn from the master. Well Grasshopper, I would be happy to just know what Tipi has forgotten. We also go out and commune with nature as much as we do to get away from thin skinned, new cell phone every other month, no work ethic Tardiots. The only problem is they all have seen "A Walk in the Woods" and they follow us.

  6. #46


    I haven't hiked in years and am prolly one of the biggest couch potatoes of all...not only am I not offended buy such terms, but I look forward to when Tipi Walter comes back from his trips, I find it refreshing and motivating, futile as my situation is.

  7. #47


    ...in fact I'm just stupid, stubborn and hopeful enough to think I might follow in his footsteps up the "nut buster" one day and share some sup...one day!

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuckeyeBill View Post
    Top of the morning to ya Hosh,

    I don't believe I have ever seen Tipi being negative towards anyone who has followed the principles of LNT. Also if you don't call people out on stuff like this, how are they ever going to learn. Then let's touch on your "rolling couch potatoes" comment. I don't believe Tipi was speaking to people that suffer from Physical or Mental disabilities. He was talking to the Joe and Jane Does that see a commercial on the boob tube about hiking or backpacking and deciding "Gee honey that looks like fun. Lets go do that. So they go to Wally World's camping area and load up on equipment. No research on the type and specs of what they are buying. The employee working in that area doesn't know Jack about the equipment, but wants them to leave so they can text their friends. The next thing you know Joe and Jane are walking in the woods severely overloaded. They fine a spot, without any concern about LNT principles. Jane opens her pack and pulls out a large cast iron skillet, a large can of Crisco and starts dinner. Joe has been out gathering fire wood and comes in dragging a thigh thick log that he found. He pulls out a can of charcoal lighter fluid and squirts about half the can on his pile of wood that is on virgin ground with no fire ring. The next thing you see is Joe nearly setting himself on fire when he tries to use his Bic to light him small bonfire. Jane instead of waiting for hot coals, immediately sets the skillet on a burning log and when she is not looking, the Crisco has caught fire along with their evening meal, So instead of putting out her grease fire, she just dumps the contents of skillet into the fire. Her second try is a little bit better, but she so scared of another fire, she really doesn't fully cook the meal and the beef is still bleeding in the middle. Joe, in the mean time has successfully set up the tent after an period of cursing and other choice woods for the manufacturer. They finish eating their meal, Jane throws all of the trash from dinner into the fire on the still uncooked food she wasted earlier. Joe sets up the new folding chairs and pulls a couple of beers out of the Styrofoam Cooler they bought and hands one to Jane. They sit have a few cigarettes and few more beers, throwing the cans and butts into the fire. Jane tells Joe that she is going to a small stream about 20 feet away and wash their dishes. Jane grabs a large bottle of dish soap and starts washing the dishes directly in the stream. She finishes and returns to the campfire. Jane says she needs to "go" and asks Joe where she should she go? Joe feeling good after drinking about 8 beers says go find a tree. Since they forgot to buy toilet paper, Jane grabs a handful of thick paper napkins. She squats next to a tree and does her business and uses 10 napkins to clean up with, leaving excrement and napkins on the surface of the ground. She returns to see Joe throwing beer can number 10 into the fire. Joe then stands up a little unsteady and loudly ask Jane where the napkins are at, grabs a handful and does his business. He returns and opens beer 11. They finally decide to go to sleep and in the morning the fire, that was not properly extinguished gets stoked back to life with the rest of the lighter fluid. Yep another bonfire. they cook and eat breakfast, throwing uneaten food into, you guessed it, the fire. Joe looks in the cooler and finds the last beer and downs it in a single pull. Throwing the can, again, into the fire. They begin to pack up and Joe tells Jane that he doesn't want to haul the chairs, the cooler and a few other items out on the way back home. So they leave them and walk away. Now let us look at their camp site. We notice the chairs first then to smoldering remains of the fire, filled with burned food, beer cans and whats left of the Styrofoam cooler. The fire was not put out and dispersed as outlined in the LNT principles. Instead of setting their tent on a previously used spot, they sleep right over a nice virgin green area. As we continue to walk around we smell then find four areas with human scat and toilet paper that looks as if the mice and other animals had drug part of it away. Going over to the stream we find where Jane had washed the dishes, as there is food remnants on the bank and what looks like some spilled soap on a rock on the bank. Before you say anything like "Oh that couldn't have happened", I have seen everything I just wrote over a period of several decades of Backpacking, Hiking and Camping. I would bet several other members could tell similar tales. It is not just the younger noobs its anyone that can't take the time to do things the right and proper way. It's not our way, it is standards and principles put together by a group of like minded individuals that don't want trash where they camp and hike. I am sorry but people that can't follow LNT principles ARE TARDIOTS. They aren't complicated, just 7 simple principles.

    Finally, you are saying people must bow down and learn from the master. Well Grasshopper, I would be happy to just know what Tipi has forgotten. We also go out and commune with nature as much as we do to get away from thin skinned, new cell phone every other month, no work ethic Tardiots. The only problem is they all have seen "A Walk in the Woods" and they follow us.
    Bravo. That saved me a whole lot of typing.

  9. #49
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    Were the hangers (or the OP for that matter) camping? Not clear from the post but relevant as camping is not allowed at McAfee Knob. While it's true that interpreting LNT principles is sometimes subjective, if you are violating the law, then there are now excuses.

  10. #50
    Registered User cj2874's Avatar
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    Not related to LNT but isn't camping prohibited on top of McAfee Knob.

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by cj2874 View Post
    Not related to LNT but isn't camping prohibited on top of McAfee Knob.
    I think it is related to LNT. In fact the very first bullet point of the very principle on the LNT web site is:

    "Know the regulations and special concerns for the area you'll visit"

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by johnspenn View Post
    What Tipi said FTW!!
    Yes. Well spoken.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  13. #53
    Registered User BuckeyeBill's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Odd Man Out View Post
    Were the hangers (or the OP for that matter) camping? Not clear from the post but relevant as camping is not allowed at McAfee Knob. While it's true that interpreting LNT principles is sometimes subjective, if you are violating the law, then there are now excuses.
    I just went to the LNT website and reread them. I failed to see where any of the principles are subjective in their meaning. They are very clear and state proven ways to enjoy the wilderness but not trash it up or destroy virgin areas. I guess I have just been doing for so long now that it is just second nature to me.

  14. #54


    All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocketsocks View Post
    All I really need to know I learned in kindergarten.
    I am sure you know more than counting to ten, your ABC's, how to tie your shoes and your basic colors.

  16. #56


    Quote Originally Posted by BuckeyeBill View Post
    I am sure you know more than counting to ten, your ABC's, how to tie your shoes and your basic colors.
    ...and don't be a litter bug, do unto others then split, oops that was a t-shirt, I mean as you would have them do unto you, two wrongs don't make a right, never camp right on trail, wash yur hands.

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by rocketsocks View Post
    ...and don't be a litter bug, do unto others then split, oops that was a t-shirt, I mean as you would have them do unto you, two wrongs don't make a right, never camp right on trail, wash yur hands.
    You left out the most important one:
    Never piss into the wind.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  18. #58
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    Don't piss on my boots and tell me it's raining.

  19. #59


    Quote Originally Posted by BuckeyeBill View Post
    Top of the morning to ya Hosh,

    Also if you don't call people out on stuff like this, how are they ever going to learn.
    Your post reminds me of several examples---yet more examples---of clueless idiots (with full diapers)---

    TRIP 152 172-XL.jpg
    Think women are immune from idiocy? Think again. Found this in the Bald River Gorge wilderness on the BR trail.

    TRIP 145 402-XL.jpg
    Possibly one of the worst examples of full fledged Motardation---some backpackers went into the Citico wilderness and set up camp on South Fork creek and for the entire weekend dumped all their turd loads (about 6 piles) right on the ground near camp and right next to SF Creek. There's no explaining such mindlessness.

  20. #60
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    If they choose to hang in such a way that the tree may topple and send them over the cliff, sounds like a self correcting problem to me.

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