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  1. #21



    This thread is hilarious. It just goes to show: people are different. Sounds like a lot of folks here suffer from sweaty feet, and don't generally take well to the heat... I'm not one of them.

    I mean, yeah, my feet sweat a little bit, but never to the point of being uncomfortable or causing blisters like many of the above posters mentioned.

    I wear my Gortex lined, leather outer Danner's all the time. I never have problems. My original question was concerning whether or not there would be lots of puddles and heavy rains so that my feet would be constantly soaked. I don't like wet feet. Danner's are basically 100% waterproof. I've had mine for 4 years and have never felt water penetrate them, even while standing in creeks.

    I'm the type of person who doesn't really suffer in the heat, like many others I come across. The hottest days don't really phase me. But when it comes to the cold, I'm like a baby. I can't handle it. I have to add 30degrees to the EN rating of every sleeping bag I use because they just can't keep me warm. So for me, I'll be bring a 0 degree bag with me next month because I expect temperatures to be in the 30's and 40's.

  2. #22

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    Quote Originally Posted by Deacon View Post
    I've been struggling for a long time trying to avoid the discomfort of wet feet.
    Only times my wet feet are uncomfortable, is when toes are numb due to being cold and wet, or also have sand in shoe frim creek crossing

  3. #23
    Registered User scope's Avatar
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    Your feet sound like mine. It would have to be real hot for my feet to get sweaty. Again, sounds like the Danners are the way to go at first, then switch to the Moab's later on.

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  4. #24
    Registered User -Rush-'s Avatar
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    I highly suggest Gortex boots for the Smokies. It's a massive mud hole right now and getting worse. Dodging puddles and mud hopping rocks sucks, you're feet will get soaked, so might as well walk right through it and not erode the trail. Also, bring some camp shoes. At the end of a long day you're not going to want deal with mud covered shoes and your soggy feet will thank you.
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  5. #25
    Registered User Old Hiker's Avatar
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    I always wore water-proof Timberlands with Darn Tough wool socks. Only a few times in NY, NY were my feet wet from internal sweat, NOT from external moisture. The only times water would infiltrate is when the toe bumpers were pulled back from the leather. 2 part epoxy fixed that problem.

    The Darn Tough socks would dry overnight pretty well, usually.
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  6. #26


    The longest hikes I've been on have been around 60 miles. I prefer Gore-Tex boot and rainwear. I wear merino wool socks year round and my feet are always comfortable. I remember on those long hikes the people without the Gore-Tex wish they had it and I way glad I did. On that trip it rained at least once a day and there were spells where it rained all day. In addition with the raingear those that had waterproof/breathable stayed dry while those that didn't were soaked with sweat. I also prefer having full size hiking boots I like having ankle support.

  7. #27


    You people just can't make up your minds!


    Thank you for complicating things even more for me.

  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chasebrooklyn View Post
    You people just can't make up your minds!


    Thank you for complicating things even more for me.
    Actually, it's been pretty consistent against WP. I would also look at the experience levels of who is making those comments. I suspect that many of original started out thinking WP was a good idea only to see the light. I know I went that exact route. Want to try it, try it. You can also change, most people go through multiple pairs of shoes on a thru hike.
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  9. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chasebrooklyn View Post
    You people just can't make up your minds!


    Thank you for complicating things even more for me.
    It isn't complicated. It is as simple as doing some quick overnighters and trying one type of footwear on one trip and another on the next trip. I have found Harriman State Park an excellent testing venue, and it is pretty handy since you live in NYC. If you have a car—or even if you don't—you could take both types and test them on the same trip. Just make sure you've got a sufficiently crappy weather forecast.

    Recently on the Black Forest Trail in PA we got some really nasty weather—rain, then freezing sleet and snow, with numerous stream crossings—and I did fine with Brooks Cascadias. My feet were wet practically all the time for a couple of days (dry socks to camp, however!) and when the sun finally came out the Cascadias were dry in no time flat. GTX leather boots would have taken MUCH longer to dry.

    And if you think boots are going to help you with multiple stream crossings, think again.... streams are waaayy deeper than your boot tops, and you've got something like 25 crossings and after about the 4th or 5th one you'll see the futility of changing into Crocs or going barefoot!

  10. #30
    Registered User ldsailor's Avatar
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    I did a NOBO 532 mile section hike last year wearing Columbia Newton Ridge boots. They're waterproof and weigh about 17 oz each. They were great. The only time the inside got wet was during a daylong rain. I put my rain jacket on but inexplicably decided not to put on the pants. Dumb. The rain went right into the boot opening. It took overnight at Mountain Harbour Hostel for the shoes to dry - with a fan blowing on them! There was a whole line of boots and shoes in front of the fan as a matter of fact - not just mine.

    I'm going back May 4 to continue another section from Marion, VA, and the Columbia boots will be with me. I can say if I run into more problems drying my wet boots, they will be replaced.
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